How the party of FDR lost the south and how stupid they became

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Interesting......and kind of funny .

This is obviously a complex question with a complex answer, there’s one really big reason why.

It’s because with the exception of a few people like Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, and Al Franken, Democrats don’t run as Democrats any more.

Ever since the “centrist” (aka corporatist) "New Democrats" staged their coup back in the late 1980s and recruited Governor Bill Clinton, most Democrats have run for office and governed as Republicans-lite.

Instead of pushing progressive values and populist economics, they call for welfare “reform,” talk about how cutting Social Security might be a good idea, and support awful trade deals like NAFTA and the TPP.

Oh, and if that wasn’t bad enough, they also take in millions of dollars in donations from the fat cats on Wall Street, big Pharma, and the so-called "Defense" industry.

The take-way here?

Easy: It’s time for Democrats to embrace and run on their party’s core values, the kind of values represented by people like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Bernie Sanders, who up until recently didn't even call himself a Democrat!

That’s the only way Democrats can hope to win elections in red states again.

It really is that simple, because, as Harry Truman once said, “Given a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who acts like a Republican; the voters will pick the Republican every time!”

It's time for the Democratic Party to stop promoting Democrats who act like Republicans, and return to the progressive roots and values laid out and championed by truly progressive presidents like FDR -

See more at: How Stupid Has the Democratic Party Become?

Democrats fucked up not coming out big time for the unions, workers rights and pushing just as hard for infrastructure, science, r&d and education as you assholes were for gutting them.

35 years of reaganism has fucked this country badly.
Pfft. The DP let the South go back in 1964 when it got behind the Civil Rights Act, to the chagrin of its hyperconservative Southern wing that had been bolting and going rogue for over a century. As LBJ put it, "we (Democrats) have lost the South for a generation", a time he underestimated. Prior to that the DP owned the South, mostly because associating with the Party of Lincoln was deemed unthinkable.

Having let the bipolar relationship go, Stom Thurmond did what had been unthinkable in the South for 99 years and became a Republican, whereupon the RP seized the opportunity and courted that hyperconservative wing for its own. They called it the "Southern Strategy", and essentially the South stayed a one-party state with a new red color replacing the blue.

About the only difference from their POV was they were now in a party closer to their hyperconservative positions, and they had no further reason to bolt and go rogue as they did with the DP (significantly 1972, 1968, 1948 and back to 1860).

It really isn't any more complex than that.
Interesting......and kind of funny .

This is obviously a complex question with a complex answer, there’s one really big reason why.

It’s because with the exception of a few people like Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, and Al Franken, Democrats don’t run as Democrats any more.

Ever since the “centrist” (aka corporatist) "New Democrats" staged their coup back in the late 1980s and recruited Governor Bill Clinton, most Democrats have run for office and governed as Republicans-lite.

Instead of pushing progressive values and populist economics, they call for welfare “reform,” talk about how cutting Social Security might be a good idea, and support awful trade deals like NAFTA and the TPP.

Oh, and if that wasn’t bad enough, they also take in millions of dollars in donations from the fat cats on Wall Street, big Pharma, and the so-called "Defense" industry.

The take-way here?

Easy: It’s time for Democrats to embrace and run on their party’s core values, the kind of values represented by people like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Bernie Sanders, who up until recently didn't even call himself a Democrat!

That’s the only way Democrats can hope to win elections in red states again.

It really is that simple, because, as Harry Truman once said, “Given a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who acts like a Republican; the voters will pick the Republican every time!”

It's time for the Democratic Party to stop promoting Democrats who act like Republicans, and return to the progressive roots and values laid out and championed by truly progressive presidents like FDR -

See more at: How Stupid Has the Democratic Party Become?

The Democrats lost the South because the non-Southern wing of the Democratic Party decided to no longer turn a blind eye towards segregation.

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