How the Republicans Could -- But Won't -- Beat Hillary Clinton in 2016


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Hillary Clinton's increasingly likely candidacy for president in 2016 must be extremely frustrating for Republican strategists. Clinton is a strong candidate, but she is not invincible. If Clinton runs, she will face nominal opposition within her own party, but obviously a Republican will run against her. The most recent polls show her defeating any Republican challenger by between 7 to 9 points.

What makes Clinton's candidacy frustrating for Republicans is that while the formulas for beating her are relatively straightforward, the party is unable to implement them. Much of Clinton's strength comes from her support among white women, a constituency that Mitt Romney carried in 2012. Clinton does not, and probably will not, win a majority of these voters in 2016, but if she comes close, her victory will be all but certain.

The most obvious way to neutralize this advantage is for the Republicans to nominate a woman for president. Nominating a woman for president is something very different from finding a previously obscure female politician, putting her on the ticket at the last minute and hoping for the best. This is what John McCain did in 2008 and what the Republican nominee, whoever he is, will likely do in 2016. This strategy will not work against a Democratic ticket that will be led by a woman, particularly a woman with the experience and appeal of Hillary Clinton.

MORE: How the Republicans Could -- But Won't -- Beat Hillary Clinton in 2016*|*Lincoln Mitchell

It's still early, but it appears that no Republican candidate could beat Hillary. However, she may not even run. It would be nice to have Bill back in the White House.

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