How To Achieve Real Campaign Finance Reform

Returning power back to the states would make it much harder to completely capture that power.

Right now, it's one stop shopping. Much easier.

But even better would be to ban that power to begin with. For example, the power to put deductions, exemptions, and credits in the tax code.

That is not a power that cannot go to the states. That is a power which needs to be banned.

It is by far the most abused power and causes us all to pay much higher tax rates, and is the biggest contributor to the federal debt.
The state legislatures are just as corrupt, unfortunately and with gerrymandering there is nothing the citizens can do about it.

Didnt you see the republican legislatures handling of the so called Stolen Election and so called audits and the donations taken by them. The corrupted state govts are now in cahoots with the national parties and national donors and executive branch under trump....

Big ass donors are contributing big time to State federal candidates in critical swing states, and governorships and secretary of states and state won't stop, it will get worse....

I think your instinct on getting rid of all the tax break/ expenditures would be more effective....the love of money, is the root of all evil, so the Bible says...... We HAVE TO get rid of the big money... somehow.... Put a $2000 cap on donations to a candidate, and get rid of all the PACs...and simplify taxes.
I know exactly how the EU works.

A member of the German Bundesrat has almost no say on the rules and regulations regarding the commerce of beer between the member states of the EU.

A member of the US Senate actually writes the rules and regulations regarding the commerce of beer between the American states.

The biggest reason Britain left the EU was economic. The central government in Brussels was not delivering the promised prosperity.

Batting one thousand.


The EU has an executive of The European Council and the European Commission.

The European Council is made up of the heads of state of the EU countries, the president of the European Council (Charles Michel) and the President of the European Commission (Ursula von der Leyen)

The European Commission is made up of EU Commissioners who are nominated by their country. Each country gets one. The President of the European Commission is proposed by the European Council, ie, the heads of state of each country.

So, the whole executive is controlled by the heads of state of the EU countries.

With the legislature you have the Council of the European Union, which is made up of people appointed by the country they're from. Each country has one.

So, we're three bodies in to the EU and all we've got are people who have are the national government, or people appointed by the national government to do what they're told to do.

Then you have the European Parliament, which is made up of democratically elected people, and not directly controlled by the national government.

However the European Parliament is literally pointless. Neither the Council of the European Union, nor the European Parliament can initiate legislation. Go figure. Only the European Commission can do this, and the Council and Parliament can amend and reject legislation, but they can't just decide to do whatever they want.
The power of the EU is with the heads of states. Under Merkel, Germany controlled the EU, France also has a lot of power. Simple as.
The Bundestag members can't tell Merkel what to do, but Merkel was the leader of the main party in the Bundestag, so her party could, essentially, control what she did. Her allies in government (Because they always have a alliance of at least two parties) can also control what she does.

So, if the EU is proposing a law aimed at beer, it comes with the Chancellor of Germany's approval. Simple as.

Nope. It is a member. It is no more "THE EU" than New York is the US.

":lol:" when you have no freaking clue what you're talking about. Go discuss politics with other people with no clue then, if that'll make you more entertained. I don't need to fuck around people "lol" people.
That would be yet another failed treatment of the symptoms instead of the disease.

"Bob, the chairman of the committee who has oversight of our business is from Ohio. We need to establish an office there or move our HQ there."

Are they going to establish 435 offices?

Are they going to establish 435 offices?

All the special interests care about are the chairmen of the committees which affect them.

They don't care about the powerless small fish. They are not going to establish 435 offices because they don't need to.
All the special interests care about are the chairmen of the committees which affect them.

They don't care about the powerless small fish. They are not going to establish 435 offices because they don't need to.

So tell the class, how many committees/subcommittees/special committees are there?

So tell the class, how many committees/subcommittees/special committees are there?

Let's say I manufacture refrigerators, and one of my employees comes up with the brilliant idea that we should bribe Congress to put a deduction in the tax code for anyone who buys my refrigerators.

This would be direct communistic interference in the refrigerator market by the government, but it would increase my sales, and therefore my profits.

Am I going to give a flying fuck how many committees/subcommittees/special committees there are in Congress?

Nope. All I care about is getting to the guy who sits at the top of the House Ways and Means Committee. Because that's where the tax code is written.

The IRS offers several ways for taxpayers to cut their tax bills through investing in certain energy-efficient appliances and home improvements. This can include upgrades like energy-efficient water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, windows, doors and similar investments, but also clean vehicles and related equipment.

TA-DAAAAA! Government interference in the appliance and home improvement market!

That shit has GOT to go.
Good morning, Congressman. I have an appliance manufacturing and/or retail outlet in your district.

I have the legally allowable amount of direct campaign cash for you if you could see your way clear to putting a tax deduction in the tax code for me.

Hell, I could even be inclined to form a PAC to raise infinite amounts of cash to help you get re-elected for the rest of your life.
I think the best solution would be to prohibit all political donations, And give each candidate running Equal access to public funds. If you're running for president you get a certain amount of money and that's all the money you get and each candidate gets an equal amount. You can use your own money in addition to this but you cannot accept any money from any other party and every candidate has to hand over their financial documents to ensure that they are not secretly getting funded.

The IRS offers several ways for taxpayers to cut their tax bills through investing in certain energy-efficient appliances and home improvements. This can include upgrades like energy-efficient water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, windows, doors and similar investments, but also clean vehicles and related equipment.

TA-DAAAAA! Government interference in the appliance and home improvement market!

That shit has GOT to go.
Unfortunately, it is the PRIMARY way congress uses its power to enrich itself. Getting rid of that power should be number one on the shit we gota do but it is unlikely to ever happen. Particularly when the vast majority of people are utterly blind to how corrupt this process really is.
The state legislatures are just as corrupt, unfortunately and with gerrymandering there is nothing the citizens can do about it.

Didnt you see the republican legislatures handling of the so called Stolen Election and so called audits and the donations taken by them. The corrupted state govts are now in cahoots with the national parties and national donors and executive branch under trump....

Big ass donors are contributing big time to State federal candidates in critical swing states, and governorships and secretary of states and state won't stop, it will get worse....

I think your instinct on getting rid of all the tax break/ expenditures would be more effective....the love of money, is the root of all evil, so the Bible says...... We HAVE TO get rid of the big money... somehow.... Put a $2000 cap on donations to a candidate, and get rid of all the PACs...and simplify taxes.
A lot of the power the federal government has is power it gave to itself. It did not usurp state power when it created federal tax deductions, exemptions, and credits. It just gave itself that power.

But I can you give you a specific example of the usurpation of state power in a moment. The usurpation of state power is called "federal pre-emption" because "usurpation" is way too fucking obvious.

Many, if not most, right wingers assume this usurpation of state power has been perpetrated by the Left.

Nope. Both sides do it all...the...time.

What sickens me about the media is that they are supposed to bring us the truth. They are supposed to be "the watchdog of democracy". They are the last barricade against a descent into chaos and they have completely abdicated that role because there is no money it.

The news divisions of the networks were always a money loser, but the networks provided the news at a loss because democracy depends on it.

Now we have 24 hour a day non-stop propaganda bullshit from both ends of the spectrum, and the result has been total chaos and mayhem.


I am going to show you an example of a right wing federal pre-emption that was put into a gigantic piece of legislation. This pre-emption ended up causing colossal damage to our economy.

First, I have to provide some backstory.

In the mid 90s, there was a whole new crop of financial derivatives invented. There was nothing prima facie wrong with these derivatives. In fact, they served a very useful and practical purpose in the beginning, which is why they were invented to begin with.

But...these instruments were kind of like a handgun. The handgun itself is not the problem. The problems start when they begin falling into the wrong hands. Then watch out!

Wall Street does not like government interference in their business. So they paid some Republicans to write the Commodities Futures Modernization Act (CFMA). This law was passed the Republican House and the Republican Senate, and then signed into law by Democrat Comet Pizza patron Bill Clinton.

The CFMA was intended to get out ahead of the regulatory curve and provide immunity to all these newfangled "financial weapons of mass destruction" as Warren Buffet was to later call them.

After the crash of 2008, Bill Clinton admitted he had fucked up by signing this law.

The Republicans did NOT admit they fucked up. They blamed the negroes for the crash.

So that's the backstory.

Let me show you the usurpation of state power, euphemistically called federal pre-emption.

Section 117: This Act shall supersede and preempt the application of any State or local law that prohibits or regulates gaming or the operation of bucket shops

I mean, talk about a dead giveaway! This was an open admission these new financial derivatives were equivalent to casinos and bucket shops!

A bucket shop is a ripoff joint. They are illegal EVERYWHERE.

But our wonderful federal officials invalidated all state laws prohibiting bucket shops. They pre-empted state laws which regulate casinos.

Casinos!?!? Bucket shops!?!?! :eek-52:

That should have been a YUGE signal that some really bad shit was about to go down.

And sure enough, a whole bunch of financial handguns fell into the wrong hands.

We need to take away some powers the federal government gave itself. And we need to give back the powers they stole from the states.

And I have not even mentioned the abuse of federal regulations for fun and profit yet.

ETA: Bucket shop (stock market) - Wikipedia
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Unfortunately, it is the PRIMARY way congress uses its power to enrich itself. Getting rid of that power should be number one on the shit we gota do but it is unlikely to ever happen. Particularly when the vast majority of people are utterly blind to how corrupt this process really is.
Exactly. It's a two-pronged problem.

First, incumbents are not going to ban the gravy train which gives them such a massive advantage over any challengers. We are going to have to wrest that power from them.

Second, the American people are ignorant of what is going on. And so long as they remain ignorant, they will not hold our politicians' feet to the fire. They will not take their power back.

And this brings me right back to why I am so fucking pissed off all the time at the propagandists. It is their JOB to educate the citizenry.

Instead, they are deliberately dumbing our country down.


We are purposefully being divided and conquered.

But despite being uniformed, the American people can feel something is off. They can feel someone is stealing from them. Someone is stealing from their wallet, and someone is stealing their country away.

Which is why I get REALLY pissed when some fucking demagogue retard (He IS retarted, folks. He is fucking stupid.) comes along and blames the Mexicans and Muslims.
Let's say I manufacture refrigerators, and one of my employees comes up with the brilliant idea that we should bribe Congress to put a deduction in the tax code for anyone who buys my refrigerators.

This would be direct communistic interference in the refrigerator market by the government, but it would increase my sales, and therefore my profits.

Am I going to give a flying fuck how many committees/subcommittees/special committees there are in Congress?

Nope. All I care about is getting to the guy who sits at the top of the House Ways and Means Committee. Because that's where the tax code is written.

And it takes more than one person to move a bill out of committee and 218 to pass a bill in the house and another 51 in the senate, assuming it gets out of committee in the senate. Any of those go away, and the bill is dead.

And it takes more than one person to move a bill out of committee and 218 to pass a bill in the house and another 51 in the senate, assuming it gets out of committee in the senate. Any of those go away, and the bill is dead.

That's why if you read most bills, you will find they are packed with amendments.

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

Quid pro quo.

The euphemism congresscritters use is a "get".
That's why if you read most bills, you will find they are packed with amendments.

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

Quid pro quo.

The euphemism congresscritters use is a "get".

And all that requires much more than one committee chairman.

A lot of the power the federal government has is power it gave to itself. It did not usurp state power when it created federal tax deductions, exemptions, and credits. It just gave itself that power.

But I can you give you a specific example of the usurpation of state power in a moment. The usurpation of state power is called "federal pre-emption" because "usurpation" is way too fucking obvious.

Many, if not most, right wingers assume this usurpation of state power has been perpetrated by the Left.

Nope. Both sides do it all...the...time.

What sickens me about the media is that they are supposed to bring us the truth. They are supposed to be "the watchdog of democracy". They are the last barricade against a descent into chaos and they have completely abdicated that role because there is no money it.

The news divisions of the networks were always a money loser, but the networks provided the news at a loss because democracy depends on it.

Now we have 24 hour a day non-stop propaganda bullshit from both ends of the spectrum, and the result has been total chaos and mayhem.


I am going to show you an example of a right wing federal pre-emption that was put into a gigantic piece of legislation. This pre-emption ended up causing colossal damage to our economy.

First, I have to provide some backstory.

In the mid 90s, there was a whole new crop of financial derivatives invented. There was nothing prima facie wrong with these derivatives. In fact, they served a very useful and practical purpose in the beginning, which is why they were invented to begin with.

But...these instruments were kind of like a handgun. The handgun itself is not the problem. The problems start when they begin falling into the wrong hands. Then watch out!

Wall Street does not like government interference in their business. So they paid some Republicans to write the Commodities Futures Modernization Act (CFMA). This law was passed the Republican House and the Republican Senate, and then signed into law by Democrat Comet Pizza patron Bill Clinton.

The CFMA was intended to get out ahead of the regulatory curve and provide immunity to all these newfangled "financial weapons of mass destruction" as Warren Buffet was to later call them.

After the crash of 2008, Bill Clinton admitted he had fucked up by signing this law.

The Republicans did NOT admit they fucked up. They blamed the negroes for the crash.

So that's the backstory.

Let me show you the usurpation of state power, euphemistically called federal pre-emption.

Section 117: This Act shall supersede and preempt the application of any State or local law that prohibits or regulates gaming or the operation of bucket shops

I mean, talk about a dead giveaway! This was an open admission these new financial derivatives were equivalent to casinos and bucket shops!

A bucket shop is a ripoff joint. They are illegal EVERYWHERE.

But our wonderful federal officials invalidated all state laws prohibiting bucket shops. They pre-empted state laws which regulate casinos.

Casinos!?!? Bucket shops!?!?! :eek-52:

That should have been a YUGE signal that some really bad shit was about to go down.

And sure enough, a whole bunch of financial handguns fell into the wrong hands.

We need to take away some powers the federal government gave itself. And we need to give back the powers they stole from the states.

And I have not even mentioned the abuse of federal regulations for fun and profit yet.

ETA: Bucket shop (stock market) - Wikipedia

Ok, so how did the Fed get the power to stop the States from protecting their own citizen's finances from this?

Were there SC rulings? Hasn't anyone sued, showing the usurping of State power.....?

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