How to be labeled a "genius" by your acolytes....

The "beauty" of it all, also entails the fact that we ONLY have the statement of one of Trump's attorneys that good ol' Donald is getting audited by the IRS.......Besides the fact that the IRS can only say that being audited does NOT prevent someone from sharing his/her taxes, the IRS cannot comment on whether Trump is or is not being audited.

If Obama was really the "bad guy" that runs his administration like a despot, then he would order the IRS commissioner to make a public statement that either: a) there is NO audit of Trump's tax returns, OR, b) that the audit is officially over......

Now, THAT would put the onus back on Trump to adhere to his promise to release his returns.

Trump is very careful about attacking only those who either cannot legally respond or who are at a disadvantage to respond competitively....He's a short-fingered vulgarian and a bully
And Pocahontas is not?
Trump is very careful about attacking only those who either cannot legally respond or who are at a disadvantage to respond competitively....He's a short-fingered vulgarian and a bully

At least Hillary Clinton is proposing tax code changes that would cost her and her family money. Trump, by contrast, is proposing tax changes that would greatly benefit the commercial real estate business, which is his primary field, and would greatly benefit his own family.

The most shocking part of Donald Trump’s tax records isn’t the $916 million loss everyone’s talking about
His accountant should run for office...Trump doesnt do his own taxes. So stop the bullshit already
He knows what experts to get for his role of POTUS, too. Did you hear the Town Hall with elite Armed forces personnel?

Really? Like Paul USSR Manafort? Chris "blocking traffic" Christie? He doesnt listen to people he hires so that doesnt mean shit anyway
He doesnt listen to people he hires so that doesnt mean shit anyway

......and, THAT, my friend, refutes the bullshit line by Trump that he would surround himself with the "best people"...while showing clearly that he does NOT listen to sound advice anyway.......and that is very, VERY dangerous as CIC.
Here's the reaction of an Ohio small businessman about Trump's "genius"......(Remember that Ohio is a KEY state forTrump)

“It’s disgusting,” said Steve Crouse, 65, the owner of Toledo’s downtown Glass City Cafe and a separate printing business. “As a businessman, he’s got that right to do that. It’s the way the laws were set up. But it’s not right. I would feel guilty if I didn’t pay anything. It’s flat-out cheating the government. You’re using all the roads, the fire department, the police, so you should pay for that.”

Following Trump tax revelations, voters in Toledo question his business acumen
He knows what experts to get for his role of POTUS, too.

Since Trump does NOT listen to his advisers NOW.....what makes you think that he will listen to them as president???
When you have the very same people calling this moron a fuckin genius, shittin all over the poor, you have to realize this country and its conservative base is just too far gone can't help this kind, their brains are too mired in bullshit and white trash
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???
And as if it isn't terribly obvious to all, Trump doesn't do his own taxes.

His standing instructions are like most of us, no doubt: "make sure I pay as little as possible, but don't create a bunch of red flags".

Not a lot of genius in that.
Here's the reaction of an Ohio small businessman about Trump's "genius"......(Remember that Ohio is a KEY state forTrump)

“It’s disgusting,” said Steve Crouse, 65, the owner of Toledo’s downtown Glass City Cafe and a separate printing business. “As a businessman, he’s got that right to do that. It’s the way the laws were set up. But it’s not right. I would feel guilty if I didn’t pay anything. It’s flat-out cheating the government. You’re using all the roads, the fire department, the police, so you should pay for that.”

Following Trump tax revelations, voters in Toledo question his business acumen

Here we have a guy, who offshores his good, who don't pay taxes, who shits all over women, who don't give a dime to charities unless it benefits himself and his family and the very people that stand behind this bullshit are the very people he effects????? I mean, I sooo understand how the German people got caught up into Nazism....its called blind ignorance. Trump is the very reason your lives are so fucked up, its called corporate greed!!
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???
And as if it isn't terribly obvious to all, Trump doesn't do his own taxes.

His standing instructions are like most of us, no doubt: "make sure I pay as little as possible, but don't create a bunch of red flags".

Not a lot of genius in that.
Now I know why congress refused to address the tax code system...its obvious, too much leway to those at the top.
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???
And as if it isn't terribly obvious to all, Trump doesn't do his own taxes.

His standing instructions are like most of us, no doubt: "make sure I pay as little as possible, but don't create a bunch of red flags".

Not a lot of genius in that.
Now I know why congress refused to address the tax code system...its obvious, too much leway to those at the top.
Sure, they know who's buttering their bread.

One of the many examples of why we need to change our campaign system.
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???

How to be viewed as genius?

Don't post stupid garbage like the above demonstrating your complete lack of knowledge. That is the first step.
Reports are coming in from anonymous Trump staffers that it was Trump HIMSELF who told his minions to go out there and label him a "genius" for gaming the tax code to his favor......Heck, Trump himself called his tactics "brilliant".....

Fuck the little people......
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???

Seems time to move this thread and the original OP forward to the NY Times Editorial today.
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???
The central government loses billions and spends trillions on wasteful and harmful things, much of it designed to enrich and empower politicians and the ruling class, but you never complain about it. What's up with that?
See...there it is again. Leftists not knowing what is going on.

Her predator husband called her that and you believed it.


Nitwit......THAT was her husband calling Hillary "smart".......Conversely, the term "genius" for Trump is used by other bed-mates like Giuliani and Christie.....So, I guess you may have a point after all.....LOL
You double down on expected.

If you know how to use Google, type in 'hillary clinton smartest woman in the world.' You will get lots of is a narrative your party and the MSM have promoted for years, but somehow you now claim to have missed it.

Here is but one...
Smartest Woman in the World
For many years now we’ve been told by the Democrat Party and its allies in the so-called mainstream news media that Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the world. The most competent and qualified to be President of the United States. Far and above any of her competitors for the highest office in the land.

Democrats like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Barbara Boxer and many others promote this narrative, and leap to Hillary’s defense whenever her character is attacked or her record of dishonesty is pointed out. Yet they can provide no examples of Hillary’s accomplishments other than generalizations about her being a “champion for women’s rights and children.”

I'll type slow so that even an idiot can understand (maybe)......

Clinton has at least 3 decades as a public servant and elected/appointed officials.....and,regardless of partisanship, she IS smart.

Trump, on the other hand, is called a "genius" for scamming the tax code and paying ZERO in taxes....

See, the difference???? Probably not......

Cankles is a crook, liar, corporatist, elitist, abuser of women, and a stinking warmonger.

If you can admire that, you are really a statist dupe.
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???

The central government loses billions and spends trillions on wasteful and harmful things, much of it designed to enrich and empower politicians and the ruling class, but you never complain about it. What's up with that?

What does this ^^^ have to do with The Donald? The NY Times has exposed him as a crook. I'm not surprised, are you?
Do you wish to be called a financial "genius" by your followers????

Actually its rather simple.....

You first declare that you lose $1 BILLION (pretty much the GDP of some small countries"

Second, your losses are not "really" your money, but other people's investments including banks and "partners"//

Then you pay NO federal taxes on your own income for 18 years..

Further, to make more millions, you use the infrastructure built by the so-called "losers" who DO pay their taxes while earning a mere $15 per hour.

Finally, you use your fortune to pay off politicians to maintain tax laws that STRICTLY benefit real estate moguls.....

Now, THAT is truly "genius"......

Perhaps Trump......after he loses next month...... can offer on-line seminars on how we TOO can scam and cheat the system in not paying any taxes....How would THAT be as a "public service" from a genius???

The central government loses billions and spends trillions on wasteful and harmful things, much of it designed to enrich and empower politicians and the ruling class, but you never complain about it. What's up with that?

What does this ^^^ have to do with The Donald? The NY Times has exposed him as a crook. I'm not surprised, are you?

The entire central government is a big criminal enterprise. Exponentially bigger and more powerful than Trump could ever be. IT IS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM.

Most politicians and bureaucrats are criminals. Besides, the NY Slimes hates Trump. So this story is likely fake or largely embellished. But if true, so what? Government has been doing the same thing forever without consequences.

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