How To Calm A Crying Baby Every Time......

I was in a church congregation for the first time and a woman had a baby who was over her shoulder crying at the top of her lungs. I was a few pews back and started playing peek a boo with him. He immediately went silent. I was a hero.
I love babies on long flights.

They're so precious.

I went to a restaurant yesterday and in the next booth was a young child who apparently was mis-behaving. I am not sure who was more annoying, the child or her father correcting the child. The Father was doing his best he just had the kind of voice that really sounded like he was yelling, but wasn't. I like kids but was glad when they left.
My parents never took me anywhere because I was sometimes difficult. I'm told I could be quite annoying.
My parents never took me anywhere

maybe they were trying to tell you something or too embarrassed

awwww :(
I was in a church congregation for the first time and a woman had a baby who was over her shoulder crying at the top of her lungs. I was a few pews back and started playing peek a boo with him. He immediately went silent. I was a hero.
I love babies on long flights.

They're so precious.

I went to a restaurant yesterday and in the next booth was a young child who apparently was mis-behaving. I am not sure who was more annoying, the child or her father correcting the child. The Father was doing his best he just had the kind of voice that really sounded like he was yelling, but wasn't. I like kids but was glad when they left.
My parents never took me anywhere because I was sometimes difficult. I'm told I could be quite annoying.

I was annoying, bratty, threw temper tantrums, but, it usually results in me getting my way so it was not an issue...
I live in a small town and it's embarrassing how some of these folks talk to their kids, screaming and acting ridiculous .... I grew up in the city, it is amazing the difference in people....
Probably more fearful of child protective services than any superior parenting skills.
I was in a church congregation for the first time and a woman had a baby who was over her shoulder crying at the top of her lungs. I was a few pews back and started playing peek a boo with him. He immediately went silent. I was a hero.
I love babies on long flights.

They're so precious.

I went to a restaurant yesterday and in the next booth was a young child who apparently was mis-behaving. I am not sure who was more annoying, the child or her father correcting the child. The Father was doing his best he just had the kind of voice that really sounded like he was yelling, but wasn't. I like kids but was glad when they left.
My parents never took me anywhere because I was sometimes difficult. I'm told I could be quite annoying.
My parents never took me anywhere

maybe they were trying to tell you something or too embarrassed

If children are a problem, it is the parents fault. Children are entirely the result of a parents doing.

If he was "embarrassing" then they either were not giving him the right diet, were not having him get enough sleep, or were not spending enough time with him. Children are just that, children. They are never, ever at fault for anything. That is why we do not hold them responsible in society and we call them "minors," because they are undeveloped adults.

What ever my parents did wrong with me, I made up my mind to not do wrong with my son. He is perfect. :cool-45: lol

(Well, except for the fact that he has to spend time in a government institution and around other kids that are parented poorly. But, you know, eventually, we can't shield them from reality forever.)
I was in a church congregation for the first time and a woman had a baby who was over her shoulder crying at the top of her lungs. I was a few pews back and started playing peek a boo with him. He immediately went silent. I was a hero.
I love babies on long flights.

They're so precious.

I went to a restaurant yesterday and in the next booth was a young child who apparently was mis-behaving. I am not sure who was more annoying, the child or her father correcting the child. The Father was doing his best he just had the kind of voice that really sounded like he was yelling, but wasn't. I like kids but was glad when they left.

I live in a small town and it's embarrassing how some of these folks talk to their kids, screaming and acting ridiculous .... I grew up in the city, it is amazing the difference in people....

. . . and yet, those city kids will grow up to be entitled little monsters. You said so your self. Look how you turned out, right?

And those small town kids will grow up to be respectful, well mannered polite citizens. Imagine that?

I guess you shouldn't judge until we see the outcome huh?

Parents in the city are self absorbed materialists too busy to pay attention to their kids. They don't give a damn about bratty behavior. They just let that shit slid. Why should they? Every one in the city is rude to every one else.

In a small town, every one knows everyone else. You just can't let that crap slide. Pleases, thank yous, and being a decent human being need to be drilled into these little shits while they are still young.
I was in a church congregation for the first time and a woman had a baby who was over her shoulder crying at the top of her lungs. I was a few pews back and started playing peek a boo with him. He immediately went silent. I was a hero.
I love babies on long flights.

They're so precious.

I went to a restaurant yesterday and in the next booth was a young child who apparently was mis-behaving. I am not sure who was more annoying, the child or her father correcting the child. The Father was doing his best he just had the kind of voice that really sounded like he was yelling, but wasn't. I like kids but was glad when they left.

I live in a small town and it's embarrassing how some of these folks talk to their kids, screaming and acting ridiculous .... I grew up in the city, it is amazing the difference in people....

. . . and yet, those city kids will grow up to be entitled little monsters. You said so your self. Look how you turned out, right?

And those small town kids will grow up to be respectful, well mannered polite citizens. Imagine that?

I guess you shouldn't judge until we see the outcome huh?

Parents in the city are self absorbed materialists too busy to pay attention to their kids. They don't give a damn about bratty behavior. They just let that shit slid. Why should they? Every one in the city is rude to every one else.

In a small town, every one knows everyone else. You just can't let that crap slide. Pleases, thank yous, and being a decent human being need to be drilled into these little shits while they are still young.

Oh, I don't know if you can really make blanket generalizations like that.
Screaming like a redneck at your kids in public or beating them senseless only raises and angry hostile child.
Doting on your child and giving them everything in the world makes them feel entitled and arrogant.

Like most thinks in life the best answer is somewhere in the middle....
If they have colic or something I don't think there is much you can do.....
I always just walked around with mine on my hip.
If they needed to sleep, I would let them cry for 5 minutes, go in, comfort them, and so

I had a lot of books, but, nothing is foolproof. It's just hard cause they can't tell you what's wrong...:(
How To Calm A Crying Baby Every Time......

Bailey's mixed in with the milk....... Omara's if you're cheap like me....... :eusa_whistle:
How To Calm A Crying Baby Every Time......

Bailey's mixed in with the milk....... Omara's if you're cheap like me....... :eusa_whistle:

You think it's funny, I knew someone that would us baby Tylenol.... people get desperate!
I guess I was an idiot I just sat up all night crying right along with them!
How To Calm A Crying Baby Every Time......

Bailey's mixed in with the milk....... Omara's if you're cheap like me....... :eusa_whistle:

You think it's funny, I knew someone that would us baby Tylenol.... people get desperate!
I guess I was an idiot I just sat up all night crying right along with them!
Considering we've never had children, yes I think it's funny....... :D
I wonder if this actually works? I wish I had know this 20+ years ago if it does!!!

It does work for a slightly agitated baby. Putting the baby on your shoulder and walking around while patting its back also works.

But when you have a colicky baby in the middle of the night, sometimes it feels like nothing is working. It can drive you insane.

There is one sure-fire, works-every-time solution, though: Put the baby in a car seat and drive around for a while. The motion and vibration of the car puts them right to sleep.

Sometimes sitting them on a clothes dryer in their car seat while the dryer is running works, too. But you have to WATCH THEM so they don't fall off. This is not always as effective as driving them around.

The most important thing for keeping a baby happy and as non-colicky as possible is to burp them after EVERY feeding. EVERY TIME. Don't stop patting their back until they let one loose.

If you don't, that air bubble is going to get into their abdomen and cause no end of distress.

Babies breath and drink at the same time. This is an ability which goes away after about 12 months. But during that time, they swallow a lot of air when feeding.


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