How to Can a Carlson ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
S'not as easy breezie as a Lemon squeezy from MSNBC.
I think even Flipper would have to heartily nod in agreement.
But why bother Flipper whose surely in Dolphin heaven.
Where those snotrags at MSNBC are about as close to heaven as
that Boar hog from the movie ...
- Home From the Hill - { 1960 } a good movie starring
Robert Mitchum and miscast George Hamilton who done forgot
to pack sun lotion.Great hunting scene of a huge nasty Boar hog.
Mitchum also did - Thunder Road - { 1958 } as a Hot Rod Moonshiner.
Doing the talk show circuit with sunglasses and addressing his
passion for Bourbon and not taking anything too seriously.
Far stretch from Tucker.We don't even know his personal habits
beyond dressing like some proverbial preppy and not giving a whit
about styling his hair.Because he's all about being a mensch.A normal
and trustworthy american citizen where free speech is honored and
our Constitution is taken seriously,Even though he loves to guffaw,
deep down he's almost rabidly consumed with fairness and what
once was.In this he was as Walt Disney-like as humanly possible.
He knows when to hold em and when to fold em.Or does he.
He's probably a fairly good poker or bridge player.Maybe even
golfer.But he's too private an American Icon to disclose too many
personals.Leaving that to the braggarts that appear on more venues
than sand at the beach.
So how can the American Electorate can some of that Carlson goodness.
They already have.With 67 Million Twitter followers just in the past 2 days.
That ain't knowed fluke folks.
There comes a Carlson every half century.I guess the last one was
Walter Cronkite.
Now about that Can.

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