How to retain a Title


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
You mean like dat Henry Kissinger guy did under Tricky Dick.
That would be President Richard Nixon to you Billy.
But Ma,everybody's doin it.
Doin' what Billy.
Being kinda Crass { a new word i learned yesterday in school }.
Who learned you that word ... Billy.?
Um it was the head nun at St.Mark's grade school.
I know where your Dad and I sent you to school.
But Ma,she's really tough.Like I bet she could take dat
Henry Kissinger guy in his prime and pin back his big fat
ears like nuthin' Ma.
Nice try Billy.I think " Tricky Richard Nixon " tried that but
to no avail.
Ma,I don't think they made Tricky Dick wear knowed veil.
Never you mind about Veils.LIke no teachers today wear
veils.Not even them Nuns.No matter if stuck in some Cloistered
nunnery.A what Ma ... ?
I'll tell you what ... Billy.Stop frettin' about Veils and Nunnery's
and some big lug who just passed away at age 100.
Yeah,but Ma ... he was allowed to have TWO titles under
President " Tricky Dick ". Like both formal titles.
let me see Ma, ... I writ them down.
As National Security Adviser even though he was acting
Ah! Ptooey ... Billy.Everbody knowed that Dr.Kissinger is and
was on the up and up.Just watch the Oliver Stone movie :
- Nixon - {
yeah but ma,i just seed where this Kissinger was a mentor
to the new really mean World Economic Forum Bully.
A nutter German ,Ma.With the name Klaus.
Running his mouth about ... You'll eat the bugs and like it.
What's all that about ma.
I'll have to look into that Billy.But don't forget that
you still have to finish whatever veggies i place on yer
dinner plate.No matter green peas that no longer look green.
Gee ma .. Do I gotta.
Either that or we'll make an appointment to that nice
new doctor whose name is also Klaus.
I think he changed his last name to Blob.
Dr.Klaus Blob.Or was it Swab.

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