May I offer a metaphor?

The US under Biden has had the best recovery from the pandemic-incited inflation of any other nation on Earth.
Comparing us to other countries is small comfort to the millions who are struggling to recover financially from the pandemic.
Healthcare in this country and the rest of the industrialized west has done nothing but improve. Crime in the US, particularly violent crime, is down.

Murder rate in St. Louis (per 100,000 people) - 7th highest in the world
The border is a bit of an issue. The US under Biden has had the best recovery from the pandemic-incited inflation of any other nation on Earth. What has ANY of that had to do with AGW mitigation measures?
Comparing us to other countries is small comfort to the millions who are struggling to recover financially from the pandemic.
well he's lying. he's factually incorrect and can't post a link that supports it.
Comparing us to other countries is small comfort to the millions who are struggling to recover financially from the pandemic.
I'm not struggling. No one I know is struggling. I think people who are renting are struggling but I don't think that's going to last much longer and, again, has NOTHING to do with global warming. The world's economies are suffering inflation because of the pandemic and, to a large part, from Trump's abysmal treatment of the problem (besides getting ~200,000 Americans needlessly killed).
I'm not struggling. No one I know is struggling. I think people who are renting are struggling but I don't think that's going to last much longer and, again, has NOTHING to do with global warming. The world's economies are suffering inflation because of the pandemic and, to a large part, from Trump's abysmal treatment of the problem (besides getting ~200,000 Americans needlessly killed).
People are suffering due to demofks mandates into dictatorship compliance of the people. You stood there and bowed before them and said yes sir may I have another.
I'm not struggling. No one I know is struggling. I think people who are renting are struggling but I don't think that's going to last much longer and, again, has NOTHING to do with global warming. The world's economies are suffering inflation because of the pandemic and, to a large part, from Trump's abysmal treatment of the problem (besides getting ~200,000 Americans needlessly killed).
I was just pointing out government failures as the evidence you requested.
I was just pointing out government failures as the evidence you requested.
You said "I think any 'cure' we come up with will be worse than the ailment" and the ailment was global warming. I therefore assumed your were talking about difficulties the populace were suffering as a result of measures to deal with global warming. So far you've not presented a single one.
You said "I think any 'cure' we come up with will be worse than the ailment" and the ailment was global warming. I therefore assumed your were talking about difficulties the populace were suffering as a result of measures to deal with global warming. So far you've not presented a single one.
Is Congress united on the 'problem'? How about the confusion surrounding the issue? Hard to address a problem if you don't know if there really is one. Lot of money flying around but ghg emissions continue to rise.

I think most understand how inept government is at solving problems. That's why the problems never go away.
Is Congress united on the 'problem'?
Obviously not. They are divided almost precisely on party lines.
How about the confusion surrounding the issue?
There is no confusion in the science. The fossil fuel industry, just like the tobacco industry before them, has tried very hard to convince the public there is confusion and disagreement, but these are lies.
Hard to address a problem if you don't know if there really is one.
If you do not know whether or not there is a problem I suggest you review The Summary for Policy Makers from AR6. You can download it at
Obviously not. They are divided almost precisely on party lines.

There is no confusion in the science. The fossil fuel industry, just like the tobacco industry before them, has tried very hard to convince the public there is confusion and disagreement, but these are lies.

If you do not know whether or not there is a problem I suggest you review The Summary for Policy Makers from AR6. You can download it at
I personally believe there is a problem and have concocted ways to address it (while sipping coffee on my porch). So you see, I'm way ahead of the curve. I have often expressed the solution in three words: Conservation, insulation, and innovation.

I upgraded the insulation in my attic to R-50 last year.
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I personally believe there is a problem and have concocted ways to address it (while sipping coffee on my porch). So you see, I'm way ahead of the curve. I have often expressed the solution in three words: Conservation, insulation, and innovation.
Dat's good tinkin' dat is. Keep it up. : - )
I think any 'cure' we come up with will be worse than the ailment. Any serious effort would include reducing consumption, which wouldn't be good for the economy. Also, people want a complicated technical solution by science or the government that doesn't involve them personally.
Green Is the Color of Their Daddies' Money

There are no "ailments." There is nothing wrong with "pollution" or "greenhouse gases." Those by-products of a modern civilization are only harmful to the evil designs of the Zero-Growth Gurus.

Even worse than the academic eunuchs who profess too much are the Birth-Class Supremacists. Uninhibited development of formerly useless natural resources is the main creator of class mobility. Our decadent hereditary ruling class only feels comfortable in class stagnancy. Their motto is, "We got ours, and we're not going to let you get yours."
again, when one puts asphalt and concrete over dirt, water builds on the new material where in the past the water saturated in the dirt.

Statists Make Up Scare Stories About What They Cause Themselves

Puddles blocking sidewalks and high water on streets are caused by incompetent city services. So floods are caused by incompetent state services, such as the levees in New Orleans.
Green Is the Color of Their Daddies' Money

There are no "ailments." There is nothing wrong with "pollution" or "greenhouse gases." Those by-products of a modern civilization are only harmful to the evil designs of the Zero-Growth Gurus.

Even worse than the academic eunuchs who profess too much are the Birth-Class Supremacists. Uninhibited development of formerly useless natural resources is the main creator of class mobility. Our decadent hereditary ruling class only feels comfortable in class stagnancy. Their motto is, "We got ours, and we're not going to let you get yours."
There was never any chance of you getting yours.
cure for what?


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