May I offer a metaphor?

Most Americans don't know how to stop a toilet from overflowing.
This is nutz, most Canadians under 30 don't either.

It you ask the hamburger crew boss at mcD's to leave off the pickle, he/she has to ask an adult how to do that.
This is nutz, most Canadians under 30 don't either.

It you ask the hamburger crew boss at mcD's to leave off the pickle, he/she has to ask an adult how to do that.
A woman tenant's toilet was clogged. She kept flushing it thinking that it would clear. She flooded her whole apartment.

Another tenants' toilet was leaking slightly between the tank and the bowl. He removed the entire toilet from the floor and placed it in the bathtub, then called me.

I once ordered extra pickles on my burger at McD's. They gave me a pickle sandwich. I ordered black olives as one of several pizza topping ingredients, the pizza parlor sent me a black olive pizza, literally covered the whole pizza. The crust was a soggy mess. Never ordered another from that shop.
A nearby McD's just remodeled the whole place including repaving the whole parking lot, but you still can't understand a word over the intercom.
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We want to tame the climate and the weather so we can continue to build cheap, flimsy houses in flood, tornado, and hurricane zones. We refuse to accept that the natural order of things is that the dog wags the tail, not the other way around.
Whatever Good Nature Does, Man Can Do Better
I'm saving the planet

I'm hanging electrical meters on single family residences the size of refrigerators

I may in fact have to get company masks and capes, and simply fly from one job to the next

hold my calls......~S~
We want to tame the climate and the weather so we can continue to build cheap, flimsy houses in flood, tornado, and hurricane zones. We refuse to accept that the natural order of things is that the dog wags the tail, not the other way around.
You think the world's leaders want to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to increase the profit margins of home builders?
The point is mommy, if government doesn't do it then it gets left up to some dumb fkr who might not know what he's doing.

Maybe your daddy did know but the large majority don't have a clue!

Than ya know what happens next? The homeowner up to his ass in water, goes begging to the guvurmunt anyway! Then daddy and you get the bill in your taxes!

See how wuts da rugumalations are wot's gud?
You’ve never met a big government you didn’t like.
I think world leaders are up to their ass is alligators.
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean in this context, but I don't think taming the climate and weather is an apt description of what being attempted. As I'm sure you've seen, if we were to stop CO2 emissions completely, right this instant, warming would continue for decades. Right now, ALL we are attempting to do is to eliminate CO2 emissions at least by the middle of this century. The odds of this happening aren't good so the risk in our future is not from anyone going overgboard with mitigation measures, it will be the failure to act in as serious and committed a manner as the situation actually requires.
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean in this context, but I don't think taming the climate and weather is an apt description of what being attempted. As I'm sure you've seen, if we were to stop CO2 emissions completely, right this instant, warming would continue for decades. Right now, ALL we are attempting to do is to eliminate CO2 emissions at least by the middle of this century. The odds of this happening aren't good so the risk in our future is not from anyone going overgboard with mitigation measures, it will be the failure to act in as serious and committed a manner as the situation actually requires.
I think any 'cure' we come up with will be worse than the ailment. Any serious effort would include reducing consumption, which wouldn't be good for the economy. Also, people want a complicated technical solution by science or the government that doesn't involve them personally.
I think any 'cure' we come up with will be worse than the ailment.
What evidence have you seen that any measure taken so far has made things worse?
Any serious effort would include reducing consumption, which wouldn't be good for the economy.
It was not 'warmers' who started advocacy for energy conservation.
Also, people want a complicated technical solution by science or the government that doesn't involve them personally.
"You can't always get what you want". And failing to satisfy everyone's wants is not "worse than the ailment".

What evidence have you seen that any measure taken so far has made things worse?
I could point to the economy, the border, crime, healthcare, as such failures. Also, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing. However, as I have frequently opined, the people have to do their part. Government is a slow, lumbering creature, not fitted for rapid response on anything.

"When time is of the essence, the government takes it's time."
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A lot of floods are now occurring in areas not designated as flood plains. Hurricane storm surges are routinely swamping such areas. Our building codes are horribly outdated.
again, when one puts asphalt and concrete over dirt, water builds on the new material where in the past the water saturated in the dirt. It's amazing how literally stupid you cucks are.
I could point to the economy, the border, crime, healthcare, as such failures. Also, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing. However, as I have frequently opined, the people have to do their part. Government is a slow, lumbering creature, not fitted for rapid response on anything.

"When time is of the essence, the government takes it's time."
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean in this context, but I don't think taming the climate and weather is an apt description of what being attempted. As I'm sure you've seen, if we were to stop CO2 emissions completely, right this instant, warming would continue for decades. Right now, ALL we are attempting to do is to eliminate CO2 emissions at least by the middle of this century. The odds of this happening aren't good so the risk in our future is not from anyone going overgboard with mitigation measures, it will be the failure to act in as serious and committed a manner as the situation actually requires.
and people would die. It's a matter of fact that humans need CO2 and you dumb cucks are trying to remove what gives us life. Amazing, literally the most stupid group of humans on the planet.
I think any 'cure' we come up with will be worse than the ailment. Any serious effort would include reducing consumption, which wouldn't be good for the economy. Also, people want a complicated technical solution by science or the government that doesn't involve them personally.
cure for what? What is the problem you think needs solving?
I could point to the economy, the border, crime, healthcare, as such failures.
Healthcare in this country and the rest of the industrialized west has done nothing but improve. Crime in the US, particularly violent crime, is down. The border is a bit of an issue. The US under Biden has had the best recovery from the pandemic-incited inflation of any other nation on Earth. What has ANY of that had to do with AGW mitigation measures?
Also, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing.
Not in the US they aren't.
However, as I have frequently opined, the people have to do their part. Government is a slow, lumbering creature, not fitted for rapid response on anything.
Yah, but it's not powerless and can do many things that individuals cannot. Both have their role.
"When time is of the essence, the government takes it's time."
You realize the cause of that is the governments desire/responsibility as a democracy to make as many people happy as possible. Absolute dictatorships can act instantly. Is that a tradeoff you're willing to make?
Healthcare in this country and the rest of the industrialized west has done nothing but improve.

When will that translate to better health?

You realize the cause of that is the governments desire/responsibility as a democracy to make as many people happy as possible. Absolute dictatorships can act instantly. Is that a tradeoff you're willing to make?
I think gridlock has replaced 'democracy' at the Federal and many States level.

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