How to Deal With Violent Marxist Agitators in the United States? This Man Had the Correct Approach


May 23, 2014
Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet was hero in the fight against international communism. This nation needs to purge the socialist and communist from our government, universities, colleges and military. The fate of the Republic is at stake. BLM, Antifa, and Democratic Party have joined in an unholy alliance to destroy Christianity and free-market capitalism in our country. Extremist domestic terrorist require a brutal response to save the greatest defender of religion and liberty on the face of the earth.
Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet was hero in the fight against international communism. This nation needs to purge the socialist and communist from our government, universities, colleges and military. The fate of the Republic is at stake. BLM, Antifa, and Democratic Party have joined in an unholy alliance to destroy Christianity and free-market capitalism in our country. Extremist domestic terrorist require a brutal response to save the greatest defender of religion and liberty on the face of the earth.

Generalissimo Pinochet really revived Chile after his ultraliberal predecessor Allende cowardly offed himself, hypocritically using the AK47 that liberals are supposed to revile.

Tremendous leader.

The hombre's policies were sometimes a bit extreme, but he lived in extreme times.
Showdown time in the bluegrass state.


Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet was hero in the fight against international communism. This nation needs to purge the socialist and communist from our government, universities, colleges and military. The fate of the Republic is at stake. BLM, Antifa, and Democratic Party have joined in an unholy alliance to destroy Christianity and free-market capitalism in our country. Extremist domestic terrorist require a brutal response to save the greatest defender of religion and liberty on the face of the earth.

Generalissimo Pinochet really revived Chile after his ultraliberal predecessor Allende cowardly offed himself, hypocritically using the AK47 that liberals are supposed to revile.

Tremendous leader.

The hombre's policies were sometimes a bit extreme, but he lived in extreme times.
Exactly! We are in extreme times now with a communist movement to overthrow capitalism and democracy brewing.
Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet was hero in the fight against international communism. This nation needs to purge the socialist and communist from our government, universities, colleges and military. The fate of the Republic is at stake. BLM, Antifa, and Democratic Party have joined in an unholy alliance to destroy Christianity and free-market capitalism in our country. Extremist domestic terrorist require a brutal response to save the greatest defender of religion and liberty on the face of the earth.
It takes Antifa and the American Taliban Party to make us see Pinochet had the right approach. Chile prospers, Venezuela is a Progressive Hell on Earth
Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet was hero in the fight against international communism. This nation needs to purge the socialist and communist from our government, universities, colleges and military. The fate of the Republic is at stake. BLM, Antifa, and Democratic Party have joined in an unholy alliance to destroy Christianity and free-market capitalism in our country. Extremist domestic terrorist require a brutal response to save the greatest defender of religion and liberty on the face of the earth.
It takes Antifa and the American Taliban Party to make us see Pinochet had the right approach. Chile prospers, Venezuela is a Progressive Hell on Earth
Pinochet knew how to handle communist left. Hope our great President crushes BLM, Antifa, and college professors in same manner.
I'm glad you realized (OP) that Pinochet's actions were a forced reaction to save his nation from Marxist LGBT pedophiles that censor truth and put their adversaries in mass graves.

Pinochet was the right man at the right time for that situation.

"But but Pinochet killed thousands of people!"

Better than the tens of millions people that would have ended up in a communist mass grave.

If you google Pinochet, you'll get nothing but "evil" results on him. Stalin and Castro and Chavez get overall positive results from a google search...I wonder why!

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YOu can see here the marxists have replanted themselves in Chile and are trying to brainwash Chilean children to think pInochet was a bad guy.

Augusto Pinochet, the true story and hard facts I will give you that many news media outlets are intentionally leaving out. As well as politicians from Chile with a political agenda to wipe the legacy and bravery of many Chilean patriots how they saved Chile from itself on September 11, 1973.

Before the military coup of September 11, 1973 the social and economical state of Chile was turbulent as well as chaotic as how Venezuela is today as its people are now struggling financially and with much unrest. Movimiento de la Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) (The Revolutionary Left Movement) was a political and guerrilla organization founded by Miguel Enríquez on October 12, 1965 that was the cause for the coup of September 11, 1973.
Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet was hero in the fight against international communism. This nation needs to purge the socialist and communist from our government, universities, colleges and military. The fate of the Republic is at stake. BLM, Antifa, and Democratic Party have joined in an unholy alliance to destroy Christianity and free-market capitalism in our country. Extremist domestic terrorist require a brutal response to save the greatest defender of religion and liberty on the face of the earth.
Pinochet was a military junta dictator. He dissolved the Congress, as well as the nation's Constitution and made thousands of opponents disappear and many more thousands, put into prison camps.
I want Marxism/Leninism to fail, but the better method would be to:
1. Invoke the Insurrection Act.
2. Temporarily suspend the Constitution.
3. Arrest all known Communists and Communist supporters.
4. Strip the Communists and their supporters of their citizenship.
5. Deport all Communists and their supporters to Communist nations.
6. Toss in radical Islamists also.
Thus, the enemy has only been temporarily detained until such time as they can be shipped to the Communist nation of their choice (further than Cuba) and if they don't want to choose one, the government will choose for them, preferably China or North Korea. As a matter of fact, it can be a trade off, if China accepts our Communists, we will take the Hong Kong residents that want freedom.
Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet was hero in the fight against international communism. This nation needs to purge the socialist and communist from our government, universities, colleges and military. The fate of the Republic is at stake. BLM, Antifa, and Democratic Party have joined in an unholy alliance to destroy Christianity and free-market capitalism in our country. Extremist domestic terrorist require a brutal response to save the greatest defender of religion and liberty on the face of the earth.
How many times are you going to repeat the same thing?

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