How to fund the wall - civil forfeiture for being an illegal alien in the US

Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?
No, it is theft! From Americans from any body. We do not beet thugs by becoming them, you just increase the number of them that way. Our founding fathers had the right idea, innocent until proven guilty. Are America or a cheep imitation?

Illegal aliens are "Americans." What a load of ...

Reading comprehension issues? Not saying illegal aliens are americans. Taking some ones money with out due process is a crime pure and simple and unamerican.

Due process is an American right. It is not a right of criminals who ignore our immigration laws and come here on their own. What about that don't you understand? American ... wait for it ... wait come more ... CITIZENS ... have the right to due process


I will not stoop to that level.

Civil forfeiture is the instrument of criminals. It is legalized theft. No matter how worthy the cause, the means cannot be legalized theft. I can see no end to the abuse that will undoubtedly find its way to affecting American citizens.

You are responding to a libertarian. You know that, right?

Right, which is why I abhor civil forfeiture for citizens, only illegal aliens. Bootney already knows that.

LoneJoke. OMG, a libertarian doesn't think illegal aliens merit the rights of citizens. Gotcha!!!!


You have expressed support for civil asset forfeiture.

Undocumented immigrants pay FICA taxes but do not receive benefits.

Your “friends” have seen another side of you today.

Real LIBERTARIANS would never feel good about a fucking wall.

Peace out, freak.
I only feel good about a wall because of abused government power makes illegal immigration unsustainable. Get rid of government abuse, and the wall can go.

I largely agree with that. But your plan would still allow violent criminals and drug dealers to freely flow across the border. I'm for legalization of drugs because I oppose drug dealers, not because I want to help them

The undocumented immigrants we have here are less violent that natives.



I will not stoop to that level.

Civil forfeiture is the instrument of criminals. It is legalized theft. No matter how worthy the cause, the means cannot be legalized theft. I can see no end to the abuse that will undoubtedly find its way to affecting American citizens.

You are responding to a libertarian. You know that, right?

Right, which is why I abhor civil forfeiture for citizens, only illegal aliens. Bootney already knows that.

LoneJoke. OMG, a libertarian doesn't think illegal aliens merit the rights of citizens. Gotcha!!!!


You have expressed support for civil asset forfeiture.

Undocumented immigrants pay FICA taxes but do not receive benefits.

Your “friends” have seen another side of you today.

Real LIBERTARIANS would never feel good about a fucking wall.

Peace out, freak.
I only feel good about a wall because of abused government power makes illegal immigration unsustainable. Get rid of government abuse, and the wall can go.

Our economy is unsustainable without “illegal” immigration.

Of course it is. If you want to suck Pelosi's dick, swallowing is up to you
Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?
No, it is theft! From Americans from any body. We do not beet thugs by becoming them, you just increase the number of them that way. Our founding fathers had the right idea, innocent until proven guilty. Are America or a cheep imitation?

Illegal aliens are "Americans." What a load of ...

Reading comprehension issues? Not saying illegal aliens are americans. Taking some ones money with out due process is a crime pure and simple and unamerican.

Due process is an American right. It is not a right of criminals who ignore our immigration laws and come here on their own. What about that don't you understand? American ... wait for it ... wait come more ... CITIZENS ... have the right to due process

You don’t know the law. Try some research.
None of this is necessary. We all know that Mexico is going to pay for the wall. The check is in the mail.

Another liar. Trump's plan during the election was to tax wires.

That you have to lie to make your case against Trump shows what a shallow, pathetic, disingenuous party that you are

He must have announced that during one of my naps somewhere over the last 2 years....

No, it was on his website DURING the election. I had the same question. Why would the Mexican government write the US government a check? I didn't believe they would. So I looked it up and it turned out that wasn't Trump's plan.

Fake News doesn't report what Trump actually says, that's why they are fake news. Unfortunately, that's all you watch. They tell you what to think, and, you think it!

Well, let me see. Trump is going to put a tax on wired money to pay for the wall? I assume that he is going to do that after he takes the authority to create a tax away from the House of Representatives! But, of course, the money wiring people will instantly stop wiring money to Mexico, and instead, wire it to a bank in Grand Cayman, who will then wire it to Mexico. Which, of course, means that no taxes will be collected. But then, If you actually BELIEVE anything on Trump's web site, I can see how you think that the impossible will happen. Of course none of the above tackles the issue that Trump said that he will simply pay for the wall with a 20% tariff on everything the US imports from Mexico, not does it address the question of why Trump said on another occasion that he is prepared to stop trading with Mexico completely. The sun not having set today, one must wonder what today's plan for making Mexico pay for the wall. I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you. Mexico has already struck back with tariffs on soybeans and wheat, and US farmers are losing business to Brazil.
Are you joking? I said that I knew it was an analogy

Then you said this: "I don’t care that you called them poor bank robbers ..."

If you want me to answer your questions, I'll be glad to. But if you do, you know what you're doing, cut the crap
Yes true. I don’t care that you called them
Poor bankers. You reacted in a way that was directed towards you thinking I was making a big deal about your analogy. I don’t care about that. I was speaking to the larger point which you keep trying to avoid talking about.


I will not stoop to that level.

Civil forfeiture is the instrument of criminals. It is legalized theft. No matter how worthy the cause, the means cannot be legalized theft. I can see no end to the abuse that will undoubtedly find its way to affecting American citizens.

You are responding to a libertarian. You know that, right?

Right, which is why I abhor civil forfeiture for citizens, only illegal aliens. Bootney already knows that.

LoneJoke. OMG, a libertarian doesn't think illegal aliens merit the rights of citizens. Gotcha!!!!


You have expressed support for civil asset forfeiture.

Undocumented immigrants pay FICA taxes but do not receive benefits.

Your “friends” have seen another side of you today.

Real LIBERTARIANS would never feel good about a fucking wall.

Peace out, freak.

You didn't see until today that I believe that citizens have Constitutional rights and non-citizens don't? Where the fuck have you been? I've been saying that for the eight years I was on the site. Where have you been?

I'm a libertarian to minimize government to maximize my liberty. Your plan of letting criminals freely flow across the borders and apply for welfare and make me pay for their health care, education and other government dependency programs sure doesn't maximize my liberty.

It maximizes your welfare, that's why you want it

My welfare?

Yes. More voters for big government programs and the dependency State that you crave
Try reading my post again. I said that you're allowing violent criminals to self select to come here. You are. You didn't refute that. You can't refute it of course because you are doing that

again, I have no problem going after the real violent criminals... but you racist shitheads want to go after all of them.

But again, we've already established your racism, so there's that.

I want to keep the violent criminals out, not let them in like you do and then "go after them." You don't care, the violent criminals go after the brown people that you despise. As long as they vote for Democrats in the meantime, you don't give a shit how many brown victims there are, Grand Dragon.

As you always say, you want Mexicans to be like cock roaches. They may be there, but you don't want to see them
You are responding to a libertarian. You know that, right?

Right, which is why I abhor civil forfeiture for citizens, only illegal aliens. Bootney already knows that.

LoneJoke. OMG, a libertarian doesn't think illegal aliens merit the rights of citizens. Gotcha!!!!


You have expressed support for civil asset forfeiture.

Undocumented immigrants pay FICA taxes but do not receive benefits.

Your “friends” have seen another side of you today.

Real LIBERTARIANS would never feel good about a fucking wall.

Peace out, freak.
I only feel good about a wall because of abused government power makes illegal immigration unsustainable. Get rid of government abuse, and the wall can go.

I largely agree with that. But your plan would still allow violent criminals and drug dealers to freely flow across the border. I'm for legalization of drugs because I oppose drug dealers, not because I want to help them

The undocumented immigrants we have here are less violent that natives.


You're a liar. Government suppresses collecting statistics, so you made that up.

And you have to add like 12 qualifiers to get there. Basically you throw out the known criminals and the drug dealers then say look, when you do that the rest have low criminal rates!

23% of the Federal prison prison population, the one stat we do know, are illegal aliens. And you say criminals aren't a problem. And drugs flow across the border. Oh, but it's safe, no worries.

And here's the stupid game you dingbats play. We either let them all in or none of them. Bull shit. If we get a handle on the illegal flow and get immigration to an absorbable level, then we let in all the ones we need. And we don't let the criminals and drug dealers in with them.

I mean duh, dork
Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?
No, it is theft! From Americans from any body. We do not beet thugs by becoming them, you just increase the number of them that way. Our founding fathers had the right idea, innocent until proven guilty. Are America or a cheep imitation?

Illegal aliens are "Americans." What a load of ...

Reading comprehension issues? Not saying illegal aliens are americans. Taking some ones money with out due process is a crime pure and simple and unamerican.

Due process is an American right. It is not a right of criminals who ignore our immigration laws and come here on their own. What about that don't you understand? American ... wait for it ... wait come more ... CITIZENS ... have the right to due process

You don’t know the law. Try some research.

You mean because the founders who wrote it gave due process to invaders. Actually no, they didn't. And being an airhead and unable to think in any way other than black and white, you think that their not having Constitutional rights means they have no rights. Congress can legislatively provide rights. We can give people who come here legally for example the right to due process and protection from warrantless searches. Even legal immigrants don't have 14th amendment right to equal protection. For example, they don't have a right to welfare.

You don't know history. Try some research.

OMG that was funny. You doing research. Like that's ever going to happen ...

BTW, the Constitution is an enumerated document. It was from "We The People" ... citizens ... to the government. Nowhere does it say invaders have Constitutional rights
None of this is necessary. We all know that Mexico is going to pay for the wall. The check is in the mail.

Another liar. Trump's plan during the election was to tax wires.

That you have to lie to make your case against Trump shows what a shallow, pathetic, disingenuous party that you are

He must have announced that during one of my naps somewhere over the last 2 years....

No, it was on his website DURING the election. I had the same question. Why would the Mexican government write the US government a check? I didn't believe they would. So I looked it up and it turned out that wasn't Trump's plan.

Fake News doesn't report what Trump actually says, that's why they are fake news. Unfortunately, that's all you watch. They tell you what to think, and, you think it!

Well, let me see. Trump is going to put a tax on wired money to pay for the wall? I assume that he is going to do that after he takes the authority to create a tax away from the House of Representatives! But, of course, the money wiring people will instantly stop wiring money to Mexico, and instead, wire it to a bank in Grand Cayman, who will then wire it to Mexico. Which, of course, means that no taxes will be collected. But then, If you actually BELIEVE anything on Trump's web site, I can see how you think that the impossible will happen. Of course none of the above tackles the issue that Trump said that he will simply pay for the wall with a 20% tariff on everything the US imports from Mexico, not does it address the question of why Trump said on another occasion that he is prepared to stop trading with Mexico completely. The sun not having set today, one must wonder what today's plan for making Mexico pay for the wall. I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you. Mexico has already struck back with tariffs on soybeans and wheat, and US farmers are losing business to Brazil.

You think that poor, uneducated illegal aliens are going to start wiring money through the Grand Caymans???

What a dumb ass.

And that is evading the point. You lied and said Trump's plan was to get a check from Mexico.

His plan was to tax wires to Mexico. Again, I had the same question as you, I didn't think Mexico would send money. Where I was different than you is that I wasn't lazy and I actually wanted to know. So I looked up his actual plan. You just lied and parroted fake news
I want to keep the violent criminals out, not let them in like you do and then "go after them." You don't care, the violent criminals go after the brown people that you despise. As long as they vote for Democrats in the meantime, you don't give a shit how many brown victims there are, Grand Dragon.

As you always say, you want Mexicans to be like cock roaches. They may be there, but you don't want to see them

Okay, once again, can tell when you are losing the argument when you make shit up instead of addressing what I said.

Kind of sad to be you.
Are you joking? I said that I knew it was an analogy

Then you said this: "I don’t care that you called them poor bank robbers ..."

If you want me to answer your questions, I'll be glad to. But if you do, you know what you're doing, cut the crap
Yes true. I don’t care that you called them
Poor bankers. You reacted in a way that was directed towards you thinking I was making a big deal about your analogy. I don’t care about that. I was speaking to the larger point which you keep trying to avoid talking about.

If you wanted to talk about "the larger point," you'd stop misquoting me since I'm obviously not going to go along with your lie about what I said. You're obviously doing it intentionally. Grow up
If you wanted to talk about "the larger point," you'd stop misquoting me since I'm obviously not going to go along with your lie about what I said. You're obviously doing it intentionally. Grow up

Guy, you constantly lie about what people say and never grow up...

New Mascot of the Libertarian Party...

His plan was to tax wires to Mexico. Again, I had the same question as you, I didn't think Mexico would send money. Where I was different than you is that I wasn't lazy and I actually wanted to know. So I looked up his actual plan. You just lied and parroted fake news

Here's the problem with that plan. That plan would do more damage to people vacationing in Mexico than it would undocumented immigrants.

That and the Banks would never go for it.
I want to keep the violent criminals out, not let them in like you do and then "go after them." You don't care, the violent criminals go after the brown people that you despise. As long as they vote for Democrats in the meantime, you don't give a shit how many brown victims there are, Grand Dragon.

As you always say, you want Mexicans to be like cock roaches. They may be there, but you don't want to see them

Okay, once again, can tell when you are losing the argument when you make shit up instead of addressing what I said.

Kind of sad to be you.

Joe: You're a racist
kaz: You're a racist
Joe: You made that up! I don't get it.

You're stupid as shit
Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?
No, it is theft! From Americans from any body. We do not beet thugs by becoming them, you just increase the number of them that way. Our founding fathers had the right idea, innocent until proven guilty. Are America or a cheep imitation?

Illegal aliens are "Americans." What a load of ...

Reading comprehension issues? Not saying illegal aliens are americans. Taking some ones money with out due process is a crime pure and simple and unamerican.

Due process is an American right. It is not a right of criminals who ignore our immigration laws and come here on their own. What about that don't you understand? American ... wait for it ... wait come more ... CITIZENS ... have the right to due process

So you want to become a criminal that should be the right thing. Lets just steal, lets be theives. Sounds like a good christian Idea one we can all be proud of right. I'll have none of it.

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