How to fund the wall - civil forfeiture for being an illegal alien in the US

Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?

Nah, too much trouble and time consuming to liquidate assets. Just charge everyone visiting the country a $20.00 border security surcharge. We have illegals from virtually every country in the world, let them all pay for it. Use the money for a workable visa entry/exit tracking system and the wall.

Civil forfeiture is no different that any other authoritarian scheme to relieve individuals of their property. No individual would or should have the authority to do the same to another individual. A government by, of, and for such individual should not have that authority either, even against individuals who are NOT governed by said government (which includes illegal Mexicans).

Principles are a bitch. I can see why it's much easier to have none.


You still don't grasp the concept that in no possible way are citizens equal to non-citizens, particularly non-citizens who were not here by any sort of mutual consent.

Let me introduce you to the Constitution of the United States where one of the few legitimate Federal Government powers was immigration control
Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?

Be a good little loon and go look up what an unconstitutional “taking” is

Maybe they should take the money for the wall from the trash who theinm you’re going to get a walk.


Have you been taking English lessons from Moonglow? What the hell did you say? The question I always ask him
Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?

Nah, too much trouble and time consuming to liquidate assets. Just charge everyone visiting the country a $20.00 border security surcharge. We have illegals from virtually every country in the world, let them all pay for it. Use the money for a workable visa entry/exit tracking system and the wall.


$20? Seriously? I spent more than that a year on dish soap
Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?

Nah, too much trouble and time consuming to liquidate assets. Just charge everyone visiting the country a $20.00 border security surcharge. We have illegals from virtually every country in the world, let them all pay for it. Use the money for a workable visa entry/exit tracking system and the wall.


$20? Seriously? I spent more than that a year on dish soap

It would be about a billion per year, with no overhead.

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They have no bank accounts, and who wants a broken down car on cinder blocks.

They wire $69 billion a year to Mexico without bank accounts and they can't drive to work because their cars are on cinder blocks.


Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?
You still don't grasp the concept that in no possible way are citizens equal to non-citizens, particularly non-citizens who were not here by any sort of mutual consent.
So, our government has the authority to take property from people who are not citizens?

No wonder Trudeau is crying like a bitch. Our all-powerful federal government is about to start robbing the bleeding 'Nucks.

You still don't grasp the concept that in no possible way are citizens equal to non-citizens, particularly non-citizens who were not here by any sort of mutual consent.
So, our government has the authority to take property from people who are not citizens?

No wonder Trudeau is crying like a bitch. Our all-powerful federal government is about to start robbing the bleeding 'Nucks.


People in the United States illegally = foreigners in other countries. Wow, and I thought you weren't an idiot. I stand corrected
People in the United States illegally = foreigners in other countries. Wow, and I thought you weren't an idiot. I stand corrected
Legal verse illegal should not matter. Why would we suspend property rights of illegals and drug traffickers when we won't do so for murders.

Should illegals have habeas corpus rights? Should our government have to authority to deny them free speech?

Do you believe government (any government) should have the power to take property without compensation?

I know what you want to do. I know it's a good cause. I am just not willing to give our government that much authority. It will only come back to bite us in the ass.

I hope you can see that my serious reservations about using civil forfeiture is in no way a condoning of illegal Mexicans invading our sovereignty and breaking our laws.

Fuck them.

But, don't fuck us in the process of fucking them. That's all I am saying.
It's cruel and racist to not allow people to self select to come here even if they are violent criminals, health risks or can't support themselves. Got it.

Any other jewels of wisdom I should write down, Joe?

Except most of them aren't violent criminals or health risks,and they are perfectly willing to work hard when they get here. That's the problem, compared to some lazy redneck with a Gadsen flag, they are much harder workers.
They have no bank accounts, and who wants a broken down car on cinder blocks.

They wire $69 billion a year to Mexico without bank accounts and they can't drive to work because their cars are on cinder blocks.


Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?

You never heard of western union Idiot ? You really need to move out of your moms basement.
Pull your nose out of Clintons ass ,she lost . May-be you need your IQ checked ,like most liberals.:21::21::21:
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Why would we suspend property rights of illegals

Because all the "property" they earned was illegally earned. Explain under what circumstances you think that money illegally earned is legitimately yours
What about the asshats who paid them? Take all their property too.

Fuck it.

Just take errrbody’s property and we can all just share. Like ........commies.

It's cruel and racist to not allow people to self select to come here even if they are violent criminals, health risks or can't support themselves. Got it.

Any other jewels of wisdom I should write down, Joe?

Except most of them aren't violent criminals or health risks,and they are perfectly willing to work hard when they get here. That's the problem, compared to some lazy redneck with a Gadsen flag, they are much harder workers.

Try reading my post again. I said that you're allowing violent criminals to self select to come here. You are. You didn't refute that. You can't refute it of course because you are doing that
Why would we suspend property rights of illegals

Because all the "property" they earned was illegally earned. Explain under what circumstances you think that money illegally earned is legitimately yours
What about the asshats who paid them? Take all their property too.

Fuck it.

Just take errrbody’s property and we can all just share. Like ........commies.


I want to take the illegally attained property of criminals here illegally, so fuck it, let's take the legitimate property of actual American citizens. Got it. I wrote that down, thanks for that pearl of wisdom. I'll give it all due consideration.

{flush} ...
Let's implement civil forfeiture for illegal aliens. Government can take their cars, bank accounts, wires to Mexico, whatever they want. That money can be used to build a big, beautiful wall. It can also be used to fund electronic surveillance of the wall, hire more border agents. And ... in reality Mexico is paying the bill for that like Trump promised.

Win, win, right?
Let’s not fund the ‘wall’ of bigotry and hate; instead use the funding to ensure every homeless veteran has a safe place to live.

There are hundreds of other needs that can be funded, each much more deserving than Trump’s needless, ridiculous wall of bigotry and hate.

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