How to Have Fun and Enjoy Life


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat In The Hat


January 9, 2023

Just inside Ralph's grocery store, I saw litter on the floor and bent over to pick it up. There were four small foils of mustard from the deli just a few feet away. This lovely lady asked me what it was and when she learned, said she would like to have them. She does not waste!
Hearing her accent, I asked her where she was born. "Italy."
I replied, "Sono molto lieto di fare la sua conoscenza. I played tennis in Sorrento."
We have travelled all over Italy but for some reason, I brought up Sorrento.
"I was born in Sorrento and lived there for 20 years!"

"Fiorina" means "little flower." My newest friend. You can't make these things up.

August 15, 2021 I see this family obviously from India and walk to their table to talk to them, as I enjoy meeting new friends.

"My wife and I have travelled the world and I know from these experiences that you are all from Ireland." (They laugh heartily at my joke.)
Since my wife and I saw an Indian movie titled "Last Train to Chennai," I ventured the guess, "Are you from Chennai?"
(My last correct India guess was Mahesh at Costco. I correctly guessed Mumbai.)

"Namaste. Satyameva jayate. (This is the national motto of India. It means "Truth always prevails.") Do you know that Miss Universe was Miss India?"
Then I quoted Rabindrinath Tagore: "I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I acted and behold; duty was joy."

October 1, 2021 At the post office, I saw these three girls and told them of my story about the Chennai family. They replied, "We're from Chennai!"

July 30, 2022 I told you I enjoy talking to strangers. After telling these natives of India my Chennai story, they replied, "Three of us are from Chennai!"

When you meet someone with a foreign accent, think hard and try to guess their country of origin. Then ask them if they are from the capital.
They often are, unless it's India. Too many big cities there to all be from (where?)

New Delhi

To Arco clerk, light complexion and very lean: "Are you from Ethopia?"
Answer: "100% correct!
"Addis Ababa?"
"I am from Addis Ababa!"

Two weeks later to dark complexioned, heavy set male, miles away: "Are you from Nigeria?"
"Yes. (No big deal.)"
"But wait a minute! Two weeks ago, I correctly guessed a light complexioned slender man was from Ethiopia!"
Without looking up from his papers: "Those Ethiopians eat too much rice."
wow, chem engineer. You're obviously smarter than I am
I sincerely thank you for the compliment, Tyrone. But "smart" is a complex term.
Many Leftists think themselves smarter than anyone else, "more intelligent."
Take the Unabomber, please. Then there is the PhD candidate facing trial for murdering four young adults
with a K-Bar knife.

Please grow in wisdom with practice. Read, analyze, think and be kind. Love your spouse and your children
with every fiber in your body. Do all the good you can every single day and these things will make you
feel smart, make you be smart. I promise you.
When you meet someone with a foreign accent, think hard and try to guess their country of origin.
I am always friendly to people with whom I come into contact, but I hesitate to assume their nationality unless they bring it up first.
It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat In The Hat


January 9, 2023

Just inside Ralph's grocery store, I saw litter on the floor and bent over to pick it up. There were four small foils of mustard from the deli just a few feet away. This lovely lady asked me what it was and when she learned, said she would like to have them. She does not waste!
Hearing her accent, I asked her where she was born. "Italy."
I replied, "Sono molto lieto di fare la sua conoscenza. I played tennis in Sorrento."
We have travelled all over Italy but for some reason, I brought up Sorrento.
"I was born in Sorrento and lived there for 20 years!"

"Fiorina" means "little flower." My newest friend. You can't make these things up.

August 15, 2021 I see this family obviously from India and walk to their table to talk to them, as I enjoy meeting new friends.

"My wife and I have travelled the world and I know from these experiences that you are all from Ireland." (They laugh heartily at my joke.)
Since my wife and I saw an Indian movie titled "Last Train to Chennai," I ventured the guess, "Are you from Chennai?"
(My last correct India guess was Mahesh at Costco. I correctly guessed Mumbai.)

"Namaste. Satyameva jayate. (This is the national motto of India. It means "Truth always prevails.") Do you know that Miss Universe was Miss India?"
Then I quoted Rabindrinath Tagore: "I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I acted and behold; duty was joy."

October 1, 2021 At the post office, I saw these three girls and told them of my story about the Chennai family. They replied, "We're from Chennai!"

July 30, 2022 I told you I enjoy talking to strangers. After telling these natives of India my Chennai story, they replied, "Three of us are from Chennai!"

When you meet someone with a foreign accent, think hard and try to guess their country of origin. Then ask them if they are from the capital.
They often are, unless it's India. Too many big cities there to all be from (where?)

New Delhi

To Arco clerk, light complexion and very lean: "Are you from Ethopia?"
Answer: "100% correct!
"Addis Ababa?"
"I am from Addis Ababa!"

Two weeks later to dark complexioned, heavy set male, miles away: "Are you from Nigeria?"
"Yes. (No big deal.)"
"But wait a minute! Two weeks ago, I correctly guessed a light complexioned slender man was from Ethiopia!"
Without looking up from his papers: "Those Ethiopians eat too much rice."
I traveled all over Nashville, met dozens of foreigners women from India are very very friendly
So I promised Joel Miller and his outstanding crew some chocolate chip cookies I bake for their great work, just as I have delivered them to other city offices, Ralph's grocery store, Smart & Final, my bank:
Cookies in the oven.jpg

Down to the yard, I pull up to Building 3 and notice the door that reads "Signal Maintenance":

Signal Maintenance.jpg

As I am about to get out of my car and walk inside Signal Maintenance, city pickup truck 1031 pulls in and puts on his brakes, demonstrating that the center brake light on the cab of the pickup truck..... has a burned out light bulb.

Signal to be repaired.jpg

My work is never done I tell ya.

So's I gave the driver one of my signs he can show other drivers with burned out brake lights and maybe prevent an accident, which Irvine police department would appreciate greatly:

brake light out.jpg

Be sure and show the driver the flip side of the sign too. It always elicits a thumbs up and a big laugh:

No Biden supporter helped you.jpg

And this is for you Joe Dillman:

Accident free since Joe left.jpg
A family puppy beloved by many had to be put down last week after fifteen years of life. She was the sweetest little thing
anyone could ask for. She left a very unusual sign of her love in her last week. I've never seen anything like it in my long life.

The simple yet profound gesture of bringing the palms together in front of the heart has deep roots across cultures and faith traditions. Called Anjali Mudra in yoga and Namaste in Hindu customs, this hand position offers both scientific and spiritual gifts when practised with presence.

Anjali Mudra traces back over 5000 years to ancient Tantric traditions and classical dance of India. The Sanskrit word “anjali” means “offering” or “salutation.” Bringing the palms together pays respect to the divinity within oneself and others.
Having fun and enjoying life is different for everyone. For me it's being creative in music, golfing and spending time with friends and family. Some people are happy in retirement like me, others find enjoyment in their work.
Having fun and enjoying life is different for everyone. For me it's being creative in music, golfing and spending time with friends and family. Some people are happy in retirement like me, others find enjoyment in their work.
Mike, Mike, having fun is SO much different for everyone that you're the only guy who likes golf and spending time with family and friends.

Jusg joking, but you push the point way too far. All of us like doing the fun things, even doing a good job at work. Speaking of work, when is the last time anyone reading this patted a grocery clerk on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for feeding me." It's fun. Try it. They are the last link in the food chain. Remind them of that.
Mike, Mike, having fun is SO much different for everyone that you're the only guy who likes golf and spending time with family and friends.

Jusg joking, but you push the point way too far. All of us like doing the fun things, even doing a good job at work. Speaking of work, when is the last time anyone reading this patted a grocery clerk on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for feeding me." It's fun. Try it. They are the last link in the food chain. Remind them of that.
You missed the first and most important thing I wrote "Being creative with my music". Is that unique enough for you?
You missed the first and most important thing I wrote "Being creative with my music". Is that unique enough for you?
Let me quote the "first thing you said":

"Having fun and enjoying life is different for everyone."

Not so much. I love classical music and have notes of writing down
classical music on the air and/or the composer hundreds of times.
I am creative with music and would never think that I'm "different" from everyone else.

You want creativity in music, have a look at this video:


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