How to open a Puzzle Box ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Real simple folks.Almost easy breezie.Forgit any lemon squeezie .
No need fir.Just Watch - Hellraiser - { 1987 } wait a couple decade
and voila.Er ... Use Politics.Works like a charm.As if the Cenobites are
the latest action hero's.
Not complicated as trying valiantly to open the Cenobites
" Puzzle Box ". Or creating a breed of human being so dedicated to
a false narrative { Like Making Donald John Trump } into some
newday version of a monster.Again ... worked like a charm.
Better and more fashionable than attempting to create a new version
of the Salem Witch Trials.Which explains to a tee how a former Potus
and hugely popular TV star { The Apprentice } was dealt a new hand.
A hand that is and was arguably more crooked than the Wild Wild West and
card sharks cheating.Yet it produced results.
But wait ... That wasn't enough.Now ... The White Man { and women } are
victims.Or being White is Bad.Taking the new narrative outside the bounds
of simple Politcs to uber personal attacks.First with New Gender assignments.
Then making demands.Witch of course required more than mere Goth
dressing up.But our Education system.
Kids being the latest tool with abominable Public Education
... Reeducation memes turned extremely personal.
Like How a Senator who was infirmed with mental challenges and even
physical difficulty { forgit about use of clear speech and sane policy }
was transformed into some Hero.Then given poetic license to dress
as he chooses.Wearing Hoodies on the Flood of Congress.
Is there No end to this version of dire Unamericanism.
Apparently not.It did start years ago by Attacking Christmas.
Wishing a - Merry Christmas - was not allowed at WalMart.
Can ya dig it.Makes no nevermind.
We are now firmly in Never Nevermind land.
To our Chargrin.? Ya best not wish any bippy.
They'll go after that as well.
All is well with Jack.
" All Work and no play make Jack a dull boy."
We're being transported into - The Shining -.
Know it or not.Like it or Knowed!

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