How to piss off a detective

Saw this a few years ago.
I don't know who the guy is, but what he did was pretty awesome.
Obviously he was mimicking how some police officers treat people who have shown no evidence of any wrong doing, but an officer will keep digging around to the point of harassing people who think they have to comply.
I don't normally support these morons making videos trying to antagonize a cop just trying to do his job, but this one is different.
It is funny.

At least the detective had the good sense to know that he was not on solid grounds attacking him. Some other jerkoff would have gone ballistic and would have wind up with a law suit.

Is this the same guy that did the video on taking a camera into the voting facility last November?
An example of how this kind of harassment can ruin people's loves over nothing.

About 10 years ago my nephew went to a sports bar about 3 blocks from his apartment to watch a Steelers football night game.
He drank 3 beers over about a 2 hour period.
After leaving the bar, he was walking on a public sidewalk to go back to his apartment. It was about 11:00pm.
A cop car stopped, and spotlighted him and told him to take his hand out of his coat. The two cops got out of their cruiser (he is still blinded by the spotlight) and started asking him what he was doing, and where he was going. He told them. Then they started asking how much was he drinking etc. etc.
Long story short, he was arrested for public intoxication. Walking alone on a public sidewalk when no one was around with a blood alcohol BARELY over legal limit. He was nowhere near drunk.
He worked for a liquor store that had a zero alcohol policy. If an employee gets arrested for alcohol they are immediately fired.
He lost his job, and because of that lost his apartment, and because of that had to drop out of college for a year.

He was simply walking home.

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