How To Spot A Disinformation Agent

I just listened to this video and this is easily the best video you have ever posted Eots.
Its just a matter of time before youtube takes it down.they always delete these kind of videos. Not all of the stuff there describes agents Moron In That Hat and Candyass but half of it does.Half of it describes them to a tee.

These shills and their treachery has been exposed just like you said. I have tried to tell you and other truthers this before but you never listen but you REALLY should take the advise of what this guy has said on this video and follow his advise like I do,Ignore them and dont reply to them.Like he said,they are just here to waste your time and when your reply to them,you are feeding these two trolls and making them happy by doing so.

This will do no good im sure but-:trolls: By all means reply to the brainwashed Bush dupes like Dunceman for instance but your just wasting your time replying to those agents and a few others that have penetrated this site.
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Disinformation propaganda has been so very effective that the government doesn't need to PAY people to swear to the lies, folks.

The true believers are more than willing to do that for free.

actually you would. normal people dont go online defending the imperialist agenda. for example, no sane person would keep going online trying to say that communism kills millions of people, unless they were paid to do so. i remember a few years back, i saw a video saying that al qaeda did not exist, and i believed that at the time. even so, i would not go online trying to push that view point on others. i wouldnt go online calling people idiots if they thought al qaeda was real. paid government trolls usually will attack others for not following the imperialist guideline. for example, if they thought that 9/11 was an inside job, you see these paid trolls attacking people aggressively for believing so. if you try to say that socialism, or communism was good, then these paid trolls will usually come at you by saying that "communism murders millions of people". however, if you challenge those same trolls about the millions murdered by capitalist colonists, ie native americans, or wide spread slaughter in Africa, then these same rent a trolls will excuse those murders, or claim that it wasnt really that bad. many trolls will even say that "disease killed off the native americans", and not aggressive, violent, capitalist, imperialist savages. normal people, even if they disagreed with communism, would not go online trying to spread propaganda on behalf of the capitalist establishment.

exactly.well said.could not have said it better myself.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
ANYONE can say it better than you.
actually you would. normal people dont go online defending the imperialist agenda. for example, no sane person would keep going online trying to say that communism kills millions of people, unless they were paid to do so. i remember a few years back, i saw a video saying that al qaeda did not exist, and i believed that at the time. even so, i would not go online trying to push that view point on others. i wouldnt go online calling people idiots if they thought al qaeda was real. paid government trolls usually will attack others for not following the imperialist guideline. for example, if they thought that 9/11 was an inside job, you see these paid trolls attacking people aggressively for believing so. if you try to say that socialism, or communism was good, then these paid trolls will usually come at you by saying that "communism murders millions of people". however, if you challenge those same trolls about the millions murdered by capitalist colonists, ie native americans, or wide spread slaughter in Africa, then these same rent a trolls will excuse those murders, or claim that it wasnt really that bad. many trolls will even say that "disease killed off the native americans", and not aggressive, violent, capitalist, imperialist savages. normal people, even if they disagreed with communism, would not go online trying to spread propaganda on behalf of the capitalist establishment.

exactly.well said.could not have said it better myself.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
ANYONE can say it better than you.


But you have to admit, no one can say "watch these 347 youtube videos" better than 9/11 inside nutjob.
And here comes Toto the scared brainwashed Bush dupe who has been taken in by these trolls.
And here comes Toto the scared brainwashed Bush dupe who has been taken in by these trolls.

What, are you saying there is someone who can say "watch these 347 youtube videos" better than you?


I'd be surprised.

Don't sell yourself short, 9/11 inside nutjob!

Oh Toto you always do me the favor proving for me with your OWN words that you are afraid of the truth and only see what you want to see.

That you dont like to hear an opposing view and just close your eyes and cover your ears anytime a video is shown that is different to the governments fairy tales that you worship to no end.government stooges afraid of the truth like you are the ones they love.they love you for keeping that head nodged in your ass.:lol::lol::lol:

A truth that you hate to have to admit is that just a few years ago there were people at this site that used to be loyal government stooges like yourself who believed the governments version of events such as Mad Scientist.

He used to be a loyal Bush dupe as well like yourself till a couple years ago.People like him are seeing the light and waking up and coming over to the truthers side but you will never find someone like Eots for instance, who has come over to your side and you hate that.You wont find it happen in the future either because your side is full of shit. the truth always wins out in the end.Now go and cry.I know I hurt your feelings.
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The US govt supports AlQaida and ships guns to Mexico to undermine the 2nd Amendment, the Constitution.

Why ANYONE takes what they say at face value is either a total dupe or in complete denial.

All the evidence is right in front of us, all we have to do is open our eyes.
My handlers have sent me here to have Rimjob make another post about farts and poop.

Do it for me, Rimjob. They won't let me leave until you do, and I have other places to be.
two farts in a row from the agent trolls.:poop:

Took you long enough, Gage-Dupe.

By the way, did you go to see Pope Dickey G at his speech across from the Trader Joe's???

Who am I kidding?? You won't answer this. You'll just make another post about farts and poop. :lol:
the two paid trolls farted back to back here.waits for more of the agent trolls to come on here and get their back.
And they call it a liberal media when we know that if those media's were REALLY liberal, they would be exposing much much more than they do now.

Air America even tossed off their best Progressive, Randi Rhodes. She was Rush only she wasn't full of bullshit!!!!

Today we have Bill Press, Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller? Fun, but not really asking the hard questions. Good people, interesting, liberal like I want, but not going far enough.

Rachel Maddow is pretty good, but they put her on MSNBC so now she can only go so far. The station controls what she talks about, not her. It's part of her contract.

Thom Hartmann is MONEY.

The solution to all our country financial problems is the Federal Reserve. Talking about anything else is just a distraction.

I want to agree with you on everything. You seem very bright and observant. Note my observations:

Air America of which was started by Al Franken (an others) began within a couple years of so after 9/11. This was a critical time for those criminals who pulled off the Sept. 11 attacks. Yes the inside job. The perpetrators absolutely had to make sure a serious schism developed between conventional liberals and the 9/11 truth movement. Couldn't afford an amalgamation of these two enterprises which truth be told really ought to be natural allies with each other.

Suddenly enters the "Progressive radio network" Air America, We also saw the rise of Ed Schultz on Jones Radio Network etc. These are all just Left Wing Gatekeepers and nothing more.

Now at the time liberals like myself and you ( sealeybobo) were absolutely STARVED for true progressive opinion and research. Folks like Thom Hartmann, Rachel Maddow and even Amy Goodman FINALLY quenched our thirst for some sanity in the media. Of course the things these people talked about were usually important. Just as desert '49ers dying of dehydration? We welcomed "liberal" radio like those deprived of water welcome cold, clear rains...

Problem was that all it was was "talk" which is cheap. Worse still in every single case the liberal progressive message stopped short of any or much discussion abt 9/11. Case in point: I used to LOVE the Stephanie Miller Show. Especially a rare segment called "Jim's Conspiracy Corner". It was rare because Jim (Ward) really DID talk about 9/11 truth as well as other dangerous subjects like how Jeb Bush's cronies killed and then covered up one of his Florida transportation secretary's murder in a motel room...

Too much! The Stephanie Miller Show no longer features "Jim's Conspiracy Corner" and in fact their webmaster refuses to answer e-mails regarding the cancellation of that formerly important show segment. As well as (of course!) any e-mails related to 9/11 truth...

Next we have Alex Jones. He seems to me to be the most confusing of all. Not a classical liberal though he speaks of John Kennedy w/praise. Some 80% of what Alex Jones says may well be true. However I am convinced that he is a CIA agent of disinformation. Ditto Thom Hartmann who occasionally puts Jones on his show. But guess what? During those Hartmann/Jones segments there is no back forth on 9/11 truth. SURPRISE!!!

Jones will speak endlessly about 9/11 on his own radio program but just as sure as Sunday he stops short of accusing Hartmann of being the double agent he truly is.

By the way: it isn't easy for me to speak of Thom Hartmann as a left wing gatekeeper. I used to truly love listening to him. There still is MUCH TRUTH to what he says however? it's all a smokescreen. He's a modern day Noam Chomsky: Darling of the liberal left but almost too easily discredited by his real motivations. Chomsky is after all just another believer in the official stories of BOTH JFK assassination AND 9/11

I'm betting that Hartmann, Chomsky, Maddow and even Amy Goodman get at least weekly briefings from Langley, VA.

As for Randy Rhodes? I put her and Mike Malloy in the same category: They were just a bit too truthful for am radio conglomerate stations. But neither really mentioned 9/11or JFK either. My guess is that each would also concur with the Sandy Hook elementary shooting hoax too. Perhaps I am too harsh on all of them. I'm not famous. My words (so far) aren't capable of getting me shot like Gary Webb. Or poisoned like Bill Hicks.

End my first post. Thanx sealybobo.

Kindablu out...
And they call it a liberal media when we know that if those media's were REALLY liberal, they would be exposing much much more than they do now.

Air America even tossed off their best Progressive, Randi Rhodes. She was Rush only she wasn't full of bullshit!!!!

Today we have Bill Press, Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller? Fun, but not really asking the hard questions. Good people, interesting, liberal like I want, but not going far enough.

Rachel Maddow is pretty good, but they put her on MSNBC so now she can only go so far. The station controls what she talks about, not her. It's part of her contract.

Thom Hartmann is MONEY.

The solution to all our country financial problems is the Federal Reserve. Talking about anything else is just a distraction.

I want to agree with you on everything. You seem very bright and observant. Note my observations:

Air America of which was started by Al Franken (an others) began within a couple years of so after 9/11. This was a critical time for those criminals who pulled off the Sept. 11 attacks. Yes the inside job. The perpetrators absolutely had to make sure a serious schism developed between conventional liberals and the 9/11 truth movement. Couldn't afford an amalgamation of these two enterprises which truth be told really ought to be natural allies with each other.

Suddenly enters the "Progressive radio network" Air America, We also saw the rise of Ed Schultz on Jones Radio Network etc. These are all just Left Wing Gatekeepers and nothing more.

Now at the time liberals like myself and you ( sealeybobo) were absolutely STARVED for true progressive opinion and research. Folks like Thom Hartmann, Rachel Maddow and even Amy Goodman FINALLY quenched our thirst for some sanity in the media. Of course the things these people talked about were usually important. Just as desert '49ers dying of dehydration? We welcomed "liberal" radio like those deprived of water welcome cold, clear rains...

Problem was that all it was was "talk" which is cheap. Worse still in every single case the liberal progressive message stopped short of any or much discussion abt 9/11. Case in point: I used to LOVE the Stephanie Miller Show. Especially a rare segment called "Jim's Conspiracy Corner". It was rare because Jim (Ward) really DID talk about 9/11 truth as well as other dangerous subjects like how Jeb Bush's cronies killed and then covered up one of his Florida transportation secretary's murder in a motel room...

Too much! The Stephanie Miller Show no longer features "Jim's Conspiracy Corner" and in fact their webmaster refuses to answer e-mails regarding the cancellation of that formerly important show segment. As well as (of course!) any e-mails related to 9/11 truth...

Next we have Alex Jones. He seems to me to be the most confusing of all. Not a classical liberal though he speaks of John Kennedy w/praise. Some 80% of what Alex Jones says may well be true. However I am convinced that he is a CIA agent of disinformation. Ditto Thom Hartmann who occasionally puts Jones on his show. But guess what? During those Hartmann/Jones segments there is no back forth on 9/11 truth. SURPRISE!!!

Jones will speak endlessly about 9/11 on his own radio program but just as sure as Sunday he stops short of accusing Hartmann of being the double agent he truly is.

By the way: it isn't easy for me to speak of Thom Hartmann as a left wing gatekeeper. I used to truly love listening to him. There still is MUCH TRUTH to what he says however? it's all a smokescreen. He's a modern day Noam Chomsky: Darling of the liberal left but almost too easily discredited by his real motivations. Chomsky is after all just another believer in the official stories of BOTH JFK assassination AND 9/11
I'm betting that Hartmann, Chomsky, Maddow and even Amy Goodman get at least weekly briefings from Langley, VA.

As for Randy Rhodes? I put her and Mike Malloy in the same category: They were just a bit too truthful for am radio conglomerate stations. But neither really mentioned 9/11or JFK either. My guess is that each would also concur with the Sandy Hook elementary shooting hoax too. Perhaps I am too harsh on all of them. I'm not famous. My words (so far) aren't capable of getting me shot like Gary Webb. Or poisoned like Bill Hicks.

End my first post. Thanx sealybobo.

Kindablu out...

So what you seem to be saying is that anyone - even well established leftists (Goodman, Hartmann, Maddow) and anarchists (Chumpsky) - who doesn't subscribe to your particular 9/11 lunacy is a CIA operative. Typically pompous foil-hatter.
So what you seem to be saying is that anyone - even well established leftists (Goodman, Hartmann, Maddow) and anarchists (Chumpsky) - who doesn't subscribe to your particular 9/11 lunacy is a CIA operative. Typically pompous foil-hatter.

If you can't be civil in the future? Welcome to the "ignore zone" next time.

Yes Goodman, Hartmann AND even Maddow are at least severely influenced or regulated by dark forces. We can't prove which ones specifically but CIA or those that do their dirty laundry unofficially would seem to be the best guess. Each of these three journalists has constant access to the world's most relevant news and opinion. All with state of the art equipment and a world class team of the most highly educated, and creative brainiac staffers. And the BEST they can come up with is a milk toast defense of 9/11 official story???

That and their insistence that everything will be all fine in the world if we just continue to promote gay rights? Somehow the LGBT movement trumps prosecuting war criminals profiting on Wall Street??? This kind of denial and obfuscation the current smokescreen of "Left Wing Gatekeepers". The is the useless, officially authorized and distributed dissent story line of the gatekeepers. Sounds good huh? Too bad it all leads but leads nowhere. To be a good left wing gatekeeper? One has to know considerable information about and be involved in the peace movement in order to know how to defeat it. Enter Chomsky, Maddow & Hartmann...

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions they don't care what the answers are"...

Chomsky has been CIA probably as long as Gloria Steinem who for all the doubters has long since come out of the closet admitting she is a covert CIA asset. Her words, not mine. I believe you Gloria!... Chomsky started out at least looking like a good guy but soon changed his view on who killed the Kennedy's by adopting the official story in Warren Commission. So he's either stupid or corrupt but he doesn't strike me as stupid. "Corrupt" the better definition of him. Like in those worthless troll posters who cruise the internet attempting to quash well thought out ideas and dissent with personal attack but no data or facts.

Uh isn't that right SAYIT???
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So what you seem to be saying is that anyone - even well established leftists (Goodman, Hartmann, Maddow) and anarchists (Chumpsky) - who doesn't subscribe to your particular 9/11 lunacy is a CIA operative. Typically pompous foil-hatter.

If you can't be civil in the future? Welcome to the "ignore zone" next time.

Yes Goodman, Hartmann AND even Maddow are at least severely influenced or regulated by dark forces. We can't prove which ones specifically but CIA or those that do their dirty laundry unofficially would seem to be the best guess. Each of these three journalists has constant access to the world's most relevant news and opinion. All with state of the art equipment and a world class team of the most highly educated, and creative brainiac staffers. And the BEST they can come up with is a milk toast defense of 9/11 official story???

That and their insistence that everything will be all fine in the world if we just continue to promote gay rights? Somehow the LGBT movement trumps prosecuting war criminals profiting on Wall Street??? This kind of denial and obfuscation the current smokescreen of "Left Wing Gatekeepers". The is the useless, officially authorized and distributed dissent story line of the gatekeepers. Sounds good huh? Too bad it all leads but leads nowhere. To be a good left wing gatekeeper? One has to know considerable information about and be involved in the peace movement in order to know how to defeat it. Enter Chomsky, Maddow & Hartmann...

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions they don't care what the answers are"...

Chomsky has been CIA probably as long as Gloria Steinem who for all the doubters has long since come out of the closet admitting she is a covert CIA asset. Her words, not mine. I believe you Gloria!... Chomsky started out at least looking like a good guy but soon changed his view on who killed the Kennedy's by adopting the official story in Warren Commission. So he's either stupid or corrupt but he doesn't strike me as stupid. "Corrupt" the better definition of him. Like in those worthless troll posters who cruise the internet attempting to quash well thought out ideas and dissent with personal attack but no data or facts.

Uh isn't that right SAYIT???
So what you seem to be saying is that anyone - even well established leftists (Goodman, Hartmann, Maddow) and anarchists (Chumpsky) - who doesn't subscribe to your particular 9/11 lunacy is a CIA operative. Typically pompous foil-hatter.

If you can't be civil in the future? Welcome to the "ignore zone" next time.

Yes Goodman, Hartmann AND even Maddow are at least severely influenced or regulated by dark forces. We can't prove which ones specifically but CIA or those that do their dirty laundry unofficially would seem to be the best guess. Each of these three journalists has constant access to the world's most relevant news and opinion. All with state of the art equipment and a world class team of the most highly educated, and creative brainiac staffers. And the BEST they can come up with is a milk toast defense of 9/11 official story???

That and their insistence that everything will be all fine in the world if we just continue to promote gay rights? Somehow the LGBT movement trumps prosecuting war criminals profiting on Wall Street??? This kind of denial and obfuscation the current smokescreen of "Left Wing Gatekeepers". The is the useless, officially authorized and distributed dissent story line of the gatekeepers. Sounds good huh? Too bad it all leads but leads nowhere. To be a good left wing gatekeeper? One has to know considerable information about and be involved in the peace movement in order to know how to defeat it. Enter Chomsky, Maddow & Hartmann...

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions they don't care what the answers are"...

Chomsky has been CIA probably as long as Gloria Steinem who for all the doubters has long since come out of the closet admitting she is a covert CIA asset. Her words, not mine. I believe you Gloria!... Chomsky started out at least looking like a good guy but soon changed his view on who killed the Kennedy's by adopting the official story in Warren Commission. So he's either stupid or corrupt but he doesn't strike me as stupid. "Corrupt" the better definition of him. Like in those worthless troll posters who cruise the internet attempting to quash well thought out ideas and dissent with personal attack but no data or facts.

Uh isn't that right SAYIT???

Ah, I get it. Because Chumpsky doesn't think as you do he must be CIA. Now I see how that works. Does that go for everyone who doesn't think as you do?
BTW, when you state that "We can't prove which ones specifically but CIA..." in reference to Hartmann, Maddow and Goodman, who is the "we?"
So what you seem to be saying is that anyone - even well established leftists (Goodman, Hartmann, Maddow) and anarchists (Chumpsky) - who doesn't subscribe to your particular 9/11 lunacy is a CIA operative. Typically pompous foil-hatter.

If you can't be civil in the future? Welcome to the "ignore zone" next time.

Yes Goodman, Hartmann AND even Maddow are at least severely influenced or regulated by dark forces. We can't prove which ones specifically but CIA or those that do their dirty laundry unofficially would seem to be the best guess. Each of these three journalists has constant access to the world's most relevant news and opinion. All with state of the art equipment and a world class team of the most highly educated, and creative brainiac staffers. And the BEST they can come up with is a milk toast defense of 9/11 official story???

That and their insistence that everything will be all fine in the world if we just continue to promote gay rights? Somehow the LGBT movement trumps prosecuting war criminals profiting on Wall Street??? This kind of denial and obfuscation the current smokescreen of "Left Wing Gatekeepers". The is the useless, officially authorized and distributed dissent story line of the gatekeepers. Sounds good huh? Too bad it all leads but leads nowhere. To be a good left wing gatekeeper? One has to know considerable information about and be involved in the peace movement in order to know how to defeat it. Enter Chomsky, Maddow & Hartmann...

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions they don't care what the answers are"...

Chomsky has been CIA probably as long as Gloria Steinem who for all the doubters has long since come out of the closet admitting she is a covert CIA asset. Her words, not mine. I believe you Gloria!... Chomsky started out at least looking like a good guy but soon changed his view on who killed the Kennedy's by adopting the official story in Warren Commission. So he's either stupid or corrupt but he doesn't strike me as stupid. "Corrupt" the better definition of him. Like in those worthless troll posters who cruise the internet attempting to quash well thought out ideas and dissent with personal attack but no data or facts.

Uh isn't that right SAYIT???

Ah, I get it. Because Chumpsky doesn't think as you do he must be CIA. Now I see how that works. Does that go for everyone who doesn't think as you do?
BTW, when you state that "We can't prove which ones specifically but CIA..." in reference to Hartmann, Maddow and Goodman, who is the "we?"
it's called appealing to authority this case a non existent authority..."can't prove which one specifically."

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