How to treat an ally


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
No one of any importantance from the US was present at Netanyahu's powerful speech to the UN yesterday. Another disgraceful and traitorous decision by the swine, Obama. Thankfully Putin knows what a weasel Obama he knows what a leader Bibi is...and is not likely to fuck with the head Jew. With friends like Obama...who needs enemies?

Former U.S. Diplomat Says Amb. Powers Instructed To Skip Netanyahu’s UN Speech
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How is Obama a traitor if he's looking out for America ?

And what do we get from our friendship with Israel other than grief ?
No one of any importantance from the US was present at Netanyahu's powerful speech to the UN yesterday. Another disgraceful and traitorous decision by the swine, Obama. Thankfully Putin knows what a weasel Obama he knows what a leader Bibi is...and is not likely to fuck with the head Jew. With friends like Obama...who needs enemies?

Former U.S. Diplomat Says Amb. Powers Instructed To Skip Netanyahu’s UN Speech

The UN is a total disgrace.

That's all there is to it!
You're the one who said "Bibi," and you're calling me the queer??!!

Maybe you have a crush on him.
It sounds like that's the first you ever heard of him. You in the 5th grade?
I've heard of him. So you do what everybody else does, no matter what? Do you refer to Saddam Hussein as "Saddam," too?
Bibi is his nickname. Like yours would be Bob...or Bobby....or Bobwa...depending on which gender you identify with on any given day. He responds to the name Bibi. Journalists refer to him as Bibi. Try to understand his role in the world rather than obsess over his nickname.
Putin had to go into Syria out of weakness says Obama. Since Putin is weak, Obama didn't want to hurt his feelings by recognizing a strong man...Bibi. Yeah sure...

If Putin is weak, how do we describe Obama?
No one of any importantance from the US was present at Netanyahu's powerful speech to the UN yesterday. Another disgraceful and traitorous decision by the swine, Obama. Thankfully Putin knows what a weasel Obama he knows what a leader Bibi is...and is not likely to fuck with the head Jew. With friends like Obama...who needs enemies?

Former U.S. Diplomat Says Amb. Powers Instructed To Skip Netanyahu’s UN Speech
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^ What Israel does to its Ally.
Without acknowledging your inference...I take comfort that if they do that to an ally...think what they'll do to an enemy.
No one of any importantance from the US was present at Netanyahu's powerful speech to the UN yesterday. Another disgraceful and traitorous decision by the swine, Obama. Thankfully Putin knows what a weasel Obama he knows what a leader Bibi is...and is not likely to fuck with the head Jew. With friends like Obama...who needs enemies?

Former U.S. Diplomat Says Amb. Powers Instructed To Skip Netanyahu’s UN Speech

Bibi's a leader?

Who's following 'his lead.'?

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