How to treat an ally

Bibi. What a stupid nickname for a man. Sounds like a queer.
No one of any importantance from the US was present at Netanyahu's powerful speech to the UN yesterday. Another disgraceful and traitorous decision by the swine, Obama. Thankfully Putin knows what a weasel Obama he knows what a leader Bibi is...and is not likely to fuck with the head Jew. With friends like Obama...who needs enemies?

Former U.S. Diplomat Says Amb. Powers Instructed To Skip Netanyahu’s UN Speech

It's hilarious Obungles keeps squawking Putin is in a position of weakness...the Rooskies are taking it to ISIS. Barry should be paying attention on how it's done
No one of any importantance from the US was present at Netanyahu's powerful speech to the UN yesterday. Another disgraceful and traitorous decision by the swine, Obama. Thankfully Putin knows what a weasel Obama he knows what a leader Bibi is...and is not likely to fuck with the head Jew. With friends like Obama...who needs enemies?

Former U.S. Diplomat Says Amb. Powers Instructed To Skip Netanyahu’s UN Speech

You're calling our President "swine".... who else does that?

Oh yeah, traitors.

Enjoy the rope.
Bibi. What a stupid nickname for a man. Sounds like a queer.

Eh, the difference between a slug and an amoeba.

And generally I would take the towel head over the dirty Jew.

Oh joy...another anti Semite joins the forum

Oh look, another wuss who probably pretends he never laughed at a niqqer joke or held his nose when conversing with the Indian motel proprietor.

He? Don't you know what lass means? You're an idiot troll and obviously a racist. Not worth my time
He? Don't you know what lass means? You're an idiot troll and obviously a racist. Not worth my time

I never even looked. Sounds like you're another self-absorbed person who thinks the world revolves around her.

Maybe you should take the "L" off "Lass" and rebrand yourself.
Bibi is his nickname. Like yours would be Bob...or Bobby....or Bobwa...depending on which gender you identify with on any given day. He responds to the name Bibi. Journalists refer to him as Bibi. Try to understand his role in the world rather than obsess over his nickname.

Journalists? These bimbos can't decide from day-to-day how they will pronounce words with more than 3 syllables. Sorry, I am not on the cool communications college major bandwagon.

And his role in the world is to milk the US out of as much money as possible.
You're an idiot troll and obviously a racist.

Yeah everybody who disagrees with you must be a troll. Every little sensitivity you have must be "racist."

If you also weren't so hung up on your cool terms, then you might see the broader prejudice than everything being wacis. A towel head is a descriptive term. If I had said "sand niqqer," then you might say racist. Jew is even broader. Judaism is a religion and Jewishness is cultural. People say it's a race, but those fuckers look white to me.

Here's an oldie, but goody for you:

Q: How did copper wire get invented?

A: Two Jews were fighting over a penny.
How is Obama a traitor if he's looking out for America ?

And what do we get from our friendship with Israel other than grief ?

Our only ally Israel or we want Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UK, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia and to Venezuela, Uruguay and Chile ?

3+3+3+1 by middle east, asia and the two other.

Ten tacticals nation's to have US conspirations with or only with Israel. What's other think ?

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