How to Win the Thanksgiving Day Political "Conversation"


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Once again, the militant liberals are rolling out the tactical assault for Thanksgiving Day with the family. They are instructing their warriors to take advantage of this opportunity of family gathering to promote the liberal agenda and bash conservatism. Complete with a list of tips and suggestions, they will undoubtedly be armed and ready for battle when you arrive for the annual feast.

Many conservatives are passive on this, preferring to keep their opinions to themselves and not be confrontational. It's sometimes easier to just bite your tongue and let your liberal relative get it out of their system so everyone can get back to watching football and planning Black Friday shopping sprees. Of course, the militant liberals are counting on this complacent behavior in hopes of making some headway pushing their agenda.

I have come up with a plan and I encourage all my fellow conservatives to help me spread the word. When you find yourself sitting at the table trying to enjoy the feast and your flaming liberal cousin starts ranting... quietly take your spoon and scoop up a nice clump of mashed potatoes and catapult them into their face without saying a word. If you've already eaten and you're sitting in the den when the "conversation" begins, quietly get up, go to the kitchen and get a glass of ice water. Approach the offending cousin casually and dump the water on their head as they are reeling off talking points. Finally, if you are already in the car travelling to the Black Friday sales and they start their rant... pull over, go around to their side, open the door and snatch them out by the hair of the head and leave them sitting on the side of the road.

No need for confrontation, no need to engage in pointless debate, no need to let them mess up a beautiful moment with your family. We do not have to tolerate this. I have found that, as juvenile as it sounds, a nice clump of mashed potatoes to the face is unexpected. They don't know how to deal with it. If they continue to rant, pummel them with dinner rolls until they shut the fuck up.

If we conservatives all stick together with this plan we can return civility to family holidays.

Food fights, dousing people with water and kicking them out by the side of the road is considered "civil"?

Conservatives seem to have trouble with what words actually mean.
The way you defeat a liberal...use facts, the truth and reality...then they will call you names, tell you you want to have sex with your gun and throw their poo at you......
The way you defeat a liberal...use facts, the truth and reality...then they will call you names, tell you you want to have sex with your gun and throw their poo at you......

Funny, Tiny, you seem to like to ignore facts, or try to find alternative explanations for them.

How many Second Amendment Enthusiasts are oging to shoot family members during pointless arguments at thanksgiving, just like the Founding Fathers wanted.
The way you defeat a liberal...use facts, the truth and reality...then they will call you names, tell you you want to have sex with your gun and throw their poo at you......

Funny, Tiny, you seem to like to ignore facts, or try to find alternative explanations for them.

How many Second Amendment Enthusiasts are oging to shoot family members during pointless arguments at thanksgiving, just like the Founding Fathers wanted.

Normal gun owners don't shoot people....the people who shoot other people have long histories of violence and criminal can't seem to understand the difference...
Everyone(every race, culture, creed) has killed others and taken their lands. Why can't we be thankful for what we have for one fucking day?

The natives slaughtered other tribes...Fact.

Why do we have to be reminded of this instead of working together as a nation?
The way you defeat a liberal...use facts, the truth and reality...then they will call you names, tell you you want to have sex with your gun and throw their poo at you......

Funny, Tiny, you seem to like to ignore facts, or try to find alternative explanations for them.

How many Second Amendment Enthusiasts are oging to shoot family members during pointless arguments at thanksgiving, just like the Founding Fathers wanted.

None. They'll just shift the conversation, leave, or tell the hoplophobe pussy to get the fuck out and leave the pumpkin pie on the table while they are going.
The way you defeat a liberal...use facts, the truth and reality...then they will call you names, tell you you want to have sex with your gun and throw their poo at you......

Funny, Tiny, you seem to like to ignore facts, or try to find alternative explanations for them.

How many Second Amendment Enthusiasts are oging to shoot family members during pointless arguments at thanksgiving, just like the Founding Fathers wanted.

Normal gun owners don't shoot people....the people who shoot other people have long histories of violence and criminal can't seem to understand the difference...

You could be right. If there were just some way to weed out those with histories of violence and criminal activity when they try to buy a gun. Of course it wouldn't be 100% effective, but it would stop a lot of them.
My 90lb, 20 year old 6 months pregnant niece was sitting at Christmas dinner last year. We were listening to one of her male cousins, about thirty, 250 lbs, no fucking job, blathering drunk on someone else's booze claim what a great- great job Obama was doing and how the REPs "hated" women and everyone else in the country. This had been going on for most of the diner.
My sweet little REP niece finally asked him to "give it a break". Other people wanted to talk about other things please.
What was the predictable fucking LIB pigs reaction? He told her to "fuck off". Susie quietly got out of her chair. Walked over to his side of the table and 'cold cocked' the asshole with one punch. He was still semiconscious twenty minutes later when the ambulance took him away. It seems she broke his jaw. I saw him a couple of months ago. He now speaks like he's got a mouth full of cotton balls.
Everyone was stunned at first. I lead the applauds.
Food fights, dousing people with water and kicking them out by the side of the road is considered "civil"?

Conservatives seem to have trouble with what words actually mean.

Oh it's totally uncivil but so is ruining an otherwise enjoyable family holiday with political grandstanding. I've had enough of it and anyone who dares bring up politics at my table is going to get a face full of mashed potatoes this year... that's just where I'm at. I'm not going to debate you and I'm not going to listen to your nonsense. If liberals have such a lacking in sense of decorum and respect, I say we give them some of their own medicine.
I'll just try to ignore my conservative family members hatred and racism today. It's just one day out of the year after all. No point ruining it trying to reason with them. I'll just eat up and hang out with the good cousins instead.
Normal gun owners don't shoot people....the people who shoot other people have long histories of violence and criminal can't seem to understand the difference...

the no True Scotsman Fallacy.

A gun owner is a responsible gun owner until he isn't.
It's Thanksgiving. Try not to discuss politics at the dinner table, and be happy for what you have.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I'll just try to ignore my conservative family members hatred and racism today. It's just one day out of the year after all. No point ruining it trying to reason with them. I'll just eat up and hang out with the good cousins instead.

That's the spirit! Just shut up and enjoy the free food like a good little commie liberal! :)
I'll just try to ignore my conservative family members hatred and racism today. It's just one day out of the year after all. No point ruining it trying to reason with them. I'll just eat up and hang out with the good cousins instead.

That's the spirit! Just shut up and enjoy the free food like a good little commie liberal! :)
And you fling your mashed potatoes you bedwetting rube.
The way you defeat a liberal...use facts, the truth and reality...then they will call you names, tell you you want to have sex with your gun and throw their poo at you......

Funny, Tiny, you seem to like to ignore facts, or try to find alternative explanations for them.

How many Second Amendment Enthusiasts are oging to shoot family members during pointless arguments at thanksgiving, just like the Founding Fathers wanted.

Normal gun owners don't shoot people....the people who shoot other people have long histories of violence and criminal can't seem to understand the difference...

You could be right. If there were just some way to weed out those with histories of violence and criminal activity when they try to buy a gun. Of course it wouldn't be 100% effective, but it would stop a lot of them.

Of course there is no such thing...background checks don't work....the actual criminals simply get someone with a clean record to buy the gun or they steal it......

so...the best way...arrest people when they commit a crime with a gun.....100% accurate and works everytime it is tried......

And no one likes my idea about putting a tattoo on the shoulder of felons so we know immediately if they can or can't own a gun...that too would work....of course the straw purchase and stealing guns would allow them to get guns......but a tattoo on the shoulder would allow normal gun owners to buy guns without waiting periods or background checks...
When it's my turn to host Turkey Day, I'm just going to have 2 Live Crew set to play on demand.


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