How Tom Steyer, the White House, and a Scandal-Plagued Operative Paved the Way for EPA Regulations


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
what? Aren't we told the Democrat isn't the party of the RICH? WELL read it and weep. When your utilities Necessarily Skyrocket You'll know who to THANK


How Tom Steyer, the White House, and a Scandal-Plagued Operative Paved the Way for EPA Regulations
Emails reveal elaborate state-focused plan involving aide to former Oregon governor

BY: Lachlan Markay
August 24, 2015 5:00 am

The White House, statehouses, and nonprofits backed by the billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer worked behind the scenes to create a state-level advocacy network to support controversial new Environmental Protection Agency regulations, newly released emails reveal.

Involved in the strategy was a top aide to John Kitzhaber, the former Democratic governor of Oregon, according to emails obtained by the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Kitzhaber resigned this year in the midst of a scandal involving his fiancée.

E&E released its findings in a Monday report that shows extensive behind-the-scenes coordination between White House staff, aides to as many as 12 governors, and officials at multiple arms of Steyer’s network of political and policy groups.

“Our report pulls the curtain back on a carefully planned and heavily funded ‘orchestration’ by individuals who have placed their personal interests ahead of the public interest,” said E&E senior legal fellow Chris Horner in a statement accompanying the report.

Horner and the E&E team obtained the emails through state and federal Freedom of Information Act and open records requests. According to the report, “some of these requests remain outstanding due to slow-walking and outright stonewalling by offices in California, Kentucky, and Virginia,” meaning the extent of the behind-the-scenes collaboration on this EPA strategy could be greater than the report reveals.

Efforts to sell EPA’s regulations at the state level are important given the controversy surrounding the agency’s final rule, released this month, which relies on states to meet EPA’s emissions reduction thresholds.

The strategy to win support for the regulation, which critics call onerous, began in late 2013 when aides to Kitzhaber, Oregon Gov. Jay Inslee (D.), and California Gov. Jerry Brown (D.) opened talks with the White House regarding EPA’s regulations of carbon emissions from power plants, which were being drafted at the time.

all of it here:
How Tom Steyer, the White House, and a Scandal-Plagued Operative Paved the Way for EPA Regulations
shoot, we need to start calling the Democrat party: the party of the BILLIONAIRES
forget them Millionaires even though that makes up most of them Democrats IN CONGRESS. just wow. but they tell us they are POOR and middle class. what a joke


Soros isn’t the only billionaire financing groups or causes that Sanders believes in. Others include billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer, billionaire gay activist Tim Gill, and billionaire anti-Second Amendment advocate Michael Bloomberg
Bernie’s Billionaires
By Cliff Kincaid -- Bio and Archives August 24, 2015

book on hedge fund operator and billionaire George Soros, wonders how greedy Soros has been, and whether the media will bother to take a look. He notes that the hedge fund operator’s net worth rose from about $9 billion before President Obama took office to over $24 billion today.

How did this happen? Was he just a good investor? Did he have inside information? Was he the beneficiary of crony capitalism? Why don’t the investigative reporters get busy on this story?

We have searched in vain for anything in the public record suggesting that socialist Sanders is concerned in the least about how Soros has made his money. While the Koch brothers make products that are useful to people, Soros manipulated and exchanged currencies to make his initial fortune. He was convicted of insider trading in France. His currency manipulations against the Bank of England, which damaged the Pound and hurt the investments of ordinary people, earned him $1 billion.

These maneuvers would seem to make him a more attractive target for a socialist like Sanders. Yet, Sanders is silent on Soros. Why?

The answer, quite simply, is that Soros has poured a lot of his money into socialist causes. One of the biggest causes into which Soros has poured millions of dollars is the legalization of dangerous drugs. In March, when Sanders spoke at Marianne Williamson’s Sister Giant conference, he appeared on the same stage as Lynne Lyman, California state director of the Drug Policy Alliance, a major Soros-funded group. Williamson, a so-called New Age spiritual teacher, ran for Congress and advocated legalizing marijuana.

Publicly, Sanders supports decriminalization and “medical” marijuana. But Chelsea G. Summers of the New Republic discovered a 1972 Sanders letter to a local newspaper, in which he said he supported abolishing “all laws dealing with abortion, drugs, sexual behavior (adultery, homosexuality, etc.)” as part of his campaign for the governorship of Vermont.

Does this mean the legalization of LSD, heroin and cocaine?

In addition to the marijuana legalization movement, Soros money has financed the “Occupy” movement and various other Marxist-oriented groups such as Critical Resistance, founded by long-time communist Angela Davis. Her goal is to empty the prisons because, she argues, they are filled with victims of capitalism.

all of it here:
Bernie’s Billionaires
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“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989

gets zero on the credibility scale.

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