How totally STUPID... Biden's moratorium on 25% oil producing land and now begs OPEC increase output!

No you stupid dolt, he wants OPEC to produce more so the price will come down around the world and the USA.

You right wingers are so clueless on the economy it's a wonder how you afford internet.

America needs to be increasing its own production of oil. With the price being high, and the USA certainly has the reserves in the ANWR and elsewhere, there is little point in begging OPEC.

Under Trump, America used to be self-sufficient.

Brandon promised "renewables" and tremendous, high paying job in energy but has failed completely. Hence the huge increase in prices and inflation
How much did all of those wildfires, hurricanes and floods cost you last year? Remember those old car care commericals? "You can pay me now or you can pay me later, but you're gonna pay me". Why not convert to green energy, now because the price is only going to go up?

The province of Ontario spent millions converting to green energy and it cost a bomb of money to do it. The residents of Ontario howled at our energy prices - the highest in Canada. They basically threw money at windmill companies, and overpaid for the power generated.

The Liberals went down to defeat because of the financial waste and while I agree they made bad deals, and overpaid for the power generated, I also calculated that when the original 10 year deal expired in 2019, Ontario would have some of the cheapest electricity in North America and we do.

There is also the money generated in the construction of green energy - jobs, and investment. Local farms rent out 5 acre parcels to the power companies for the windmills and get $60,000 per year in rent, stabilizing family farm incomes in years when yields and prices are low. Plus cleaner air and water. Ontario closed it's last coal fired energy plant in the mid-90's, and air quality has done nothing but improve since then.

It's a win/win for everyone, except coal fired electrical plants.
The below can NOT be de-constructed as the material is dangerous when melted.

America needs to be increasing its own production of oil. With the price being high, and the USA certainly has the reserves in the ANWR and elsewhere, there is little point in begging OPEC.

Under Trump, America used to be self-sufficient.

Brandon promised "renewables" and tremendous, high paying job in energy but has failed completely. Hence the huge increase in prices and inflation

Production HAS increased under Biden, and the USA is still energy independent.

But there are economic implications on a global level, as the world emerges from the pandemic, which are affecting inflation at home and abroad, the price of oil being chief among them. OPEC controls so much of the world's oil reserves that the OPEC Cartel controls the world price for crude oil. Despite our oil reserves, and the amount of oil Alberta exports to the USA, much of Eastern Canada is dependent on imports from the USA, Russia and OPEC.

OPEC drastically cut production at the beginning of the pandemic as the price of oil crashed like a stone when the world locked down. That pushed the price back up in 2021, and when the world reopened, increased demand quickly emptied reserves and the price of crude skyrocketed. In the USA, oil companies took advantage of the increased world price to raise prices at home, and YOU started blaming Biden for the higher prices.

Biden asked OPEC to increase production, which will lower the price of crude around the world, including the USA, whether the USA buys oil from OPEC or not. He's also looking into whether American oil companies are taking advantage of this higher price, and unfairly profiting OPEC's price structuring.

I realize that this is all too complicated for Republican minds to fathom, especially the ones on this board, so I'm done.
Production HAS increased under Biden, and the USA is still energy independent.

But there are economic implications on a global level, as the world emerges from the pandemic, which are affecting inflation at home and abroad, the price of oil being chief among them. OPEC controls so much of the world's oil reserves that the OPEC Cartel controls the world price for crude oil. Despite our oil reserves, and the amount of oil Alberta exports to the USA, much of Eastern Canada is dependent on imports from the USA, Russia and OPEC.

OPEC drastically cut production at the beginning of the pandemic as the price of oil crashed like a stone when the world locked down. That pushed the price back up in 2021, and when the world reopened, increased demand quickly emptied reserves and the price of crude skyrocketed. In the USA, oil companies took advantage of the increased world price to raise prices at home, and YOU started blaming Biden for the higher prices.

Biden asked OPEC to increase production, which will lower the price of crude around the world, including the USA, whether the USA buys oil from OPEC or not. He's also looking into whether American oil companies are taking advantage of this higher price, and unfairly profiting OPEC's price structuring.

I realize that this is all too complicated for Republican minds to fathom, especially the ones on this board, so I'm done.

If America was "energy independent" , Brandon wouldn't be begging OPEC to increase production.
Production HAS increased under Biden, and the USA is still energy independent.

But there are economic implications on a global level, as the world emerges from the pandemic, which are affecting inflation at home and abroad, the price of oil being chief among them. OPEC controls so much of the world's oil reserves that the OPEC Cartel controls the world price for crude oil. Despite our oil reserves, and the amount of oil Alberta exports to the USA, much of Eastern Canada is dependent on imports from the USA, Russia and OPEC.

OPEC drastically cut production at the beginning of the pandemic as the price of oil crashed like a stone when the world locked down. That pushed the price back up in 2021, and when the world reopened, increased demand quickly emptied reserves and the price of crude skyrocketed. In the USA, oil companies took advantage of the increased world price to raise prices at home, and YOU started blaming Biden for the higher prices.

Biden asked OPEC to increase production, which will lower the price of crude around the world, including the USA, whether the USA buys oil from OPEC or not. He's also looking into whether American oil companies are taking advantage of this higher price, and unfairly profiting OPEC's price structuring.

I realize that this is all too complicated for Republican minds to fathom, especially the ones on this board, so I'm done.
You are WRONG on two counts:

Count 1...Production HAS increased under Biden,

US oil companies are in no rush to solve Biden's gas price problem​

AND if so WHY this???​

President Biden Announces Release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve As Part of Ongoing Efforts to Lower Prices and Address Lack of Supply Around the World​

Count 2... and the USA is still energy independent.
In January 2021 the U.S. consumed more energy than it produced.
A post on social media implies that since the Biden administration began in late January 2021, energy independence ended and led to gasoline shortages on the East Coast.

In 2019, when Donald Trump was president, the U.S. did achieve energy independence, something that had not happened since 1957.
Since 2019 there have been several months when the U.S. did not produce as much energy as it consumed, including January 2021.

SO why is it so difficult to admit that when Biden put a moratorium on oil exploration on Federal land that produces
25% of our national oil production,
( Oil from federal lands tops 1B barrels as Trump eases rules )
A) This reduces the potential production supply
B) Makes NON-Federal land exploration more expensive
C) Thus causes energy planners to excuse RAISING gas prices!

These are the realities. You can't stop exploration on land that produces 25% of the national oil and NOT have
an effect!

White House calls on OPEC to boost oil production as gasoline prices rise​

What a f...king idiot!
Do you know that 25% of all USA oil production is done on Federal lands?
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.

So Biden puts a moratorium on leases and NOW wants Americans to depend on OPEC!
How totally stupid!

Poor still don't get it...probably never most modern cunservatives..... :itsok:

They are AT WAR WITH YOU and planning your demise.

Just keep doing nothing. Attaboy.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

White House calls on OPEC to boost oil production as gasoline prices rise​

What a f...king idiot!
Do you know that 25% of all USA oil production is done on Federal lands?
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.

So Biden puts a moratorium on leases and NOW wants Americans to depend on OPEC!
How totally stupid!
Biden talking out of both sides of his mouth
When the Government caps or limits the oil industry, gas prices necessarily increase. Liberals try and defend this either by saying that the US already produces too much or that it is the petro companies’ fault. Yet the same politicians hurting US oil companies are helping foreign oil companies. They have no problems with foreign oil companies and their environmental impact.
OPEC is historically a dollar cheaper than Brent or WTI.

Try reading your link.

OPEC+ made the unprecedented decision in April 2020 to remove nearly 10 million barrels per day from the market in an effort to support prices, while U.S. producers also scaled back production.

These supply cuts, coupled with a demand recovery, have pushed WTI back above $70 per barrel, although the contract has pulled back slightly from that level in recent sessions.

OPEC+ is still withholding about 6 million barrels per day, which it plans to gradually return to the market. The group’s latest meeting ended in disarray after the UAE took issue with its baseline quota, briefly sending the oil market into turmoil. The group eventually came to an agreement later in July.

U.S. producers also turned off the taps during the depths of the pandemic, and they’ve been slow to bring production back online. According to the latest data from the Energy Information Administration, U.S. production averaged 11.2 million bpd in May, down from the pre-pandemic high above 13 million.

Biden issues broad moratorium on oil and gas leases on federal lands and waters​

When the Government caps or limits the oil industry, gas prices necessarily increase. Liberals try and defend this either by saying that the US already produces too much or that it is the petro companies’ fault. Yet the same politicians hurting US oil companies are helping foreign oil companies. They have no problems with foreign oil companies and their environmental impact.
Biden wants to have it both ways
When the Government caps or limits the oil industry, gas prices necessarily increase. Liberals try and defend this either by saying that the US already produces too much or that it is the petro companies’ fault. Yet the same politicians hurting US oil companies are helping foreign oil companies. They have no problems with foreign oil companies and their environmental impact.

Which foreign oil companies are they helping?
The below can NOT be de-constructed as the material is dangerous when melted.

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The plastic produced by the oil companies is also piling up in the landfills, and the CO2 generated by burning fossil fuels is building up in our atmosphere. At least the Turbine Blades aren't polluting the air, causing global warming, and costing the nation trillions in dollars due to fires, floods and hurricanes.
When the Government caps or limits the oil industry, gas prices necessarily increase. Liberals try and defend this either by saying that the US already produces too much or that it is the petro companies’ fault. Yet the same politicians hurting US oil companies are helping foreign oil companies. They have no problems with foreign oil companies and their environmental impact.

When Obama reduced drilling on public lands, production increased on private lands, which reduced reliance on drilling on public lands. Obama's rationale at the time was that there weren't very many sites promising sites left on public lands, and all of the most promising areas, geologically, had already been drilled, or were currently under lease.

There was no need for new leases, and if companies which held the leases didn't drill, their lease wouldn't be renewed. Use it or lose it. Promising sites would be leased to other companies, on the clear understanding that they would lose the lease if they didn't use it. None of these policies are unsound, and worked to preserve national park lands from the unnecessary destruction of the temperate rainforest they contain.

The plastic produced by the oil companies is also piling up in the landfills, and the CO2 generated by burning fossil fuels is building up in our atmosphere. At least the Turbine Blades aren't polluting the air, causing global warming, and costing the nation trillions in dollars due to fires, floods and hurricanes.
You are wrong about that wind turbines aren't affecting the AIR!
While offshore wind projects provide clean and renewable energy, a new study from the University of Delaware shows that they can also have unintended effects on local weather in the form of minimal, though statistically significant, impacts when it comes to wind speed and reduced precipitation at nearby onshore ..

Another Study...
finding that large-scale wind power generation would warm the Continental United States 0.24 degrees Celsius because wind turbines redistribute heat in the atmosphere.

Another study...


  • Wind power reduces emissions while causing climatic impacts such as warmer temperatures
  • Warming effect strongest at night when temperatures increase with height
  • Nighttime warming effect observed at 28 operational US wind farms

Another study..
What this study, and others, suggests is that wind farms can cause localised and regional warming – not global warming. Studies have also shown wind farms can cause cooling further away.
“If you turn the wind turbines off the warming effect will disappear. In contrast, if we turn off fossil fuel plants, the planet will stay warm.
“In the energy debate warming is commonly the headline as it is driving the energy transition. However, as we transition to low carbon sources it will be increasingly important to consider a fuller suite of environmental impacts, for example land take and resource use.”

Want more studies of the affect of wind turbines on the weather?
Common sense indicates when you disrupt the flow of air the disruption has an effect.
You are wrong about that wind turbines aren't affecting the AIR!
While offshore wind projects provide clean and renewable energy, a new study from the University of Delaware shows that they can also have unintended effects on local weather in the form of minimal, though statistically significant, impacts when it comes to wind speed and reduced precipitation at nearby onshore ..

Another Study...
finding that large-scale wind power generation would warm the Continental United States 0.24 degrees Celsius because wind turbines redistribute heat in the atmosphere.

Another study...


  • Wind power reduces emissions while causing climatic impacts such as warmer temperatures
  • Warming effect strongest at night when temperatures increase with height
  • Nighttime warming effect observed at 28 operational US wind farms

Another study..
What this study, and others, suggests is that wind farms can cause localised and regional warming – not global warming. Studies have also shown wind farms can cause cooling further away.
“If you turn the wind turbines off the warming effect will disappear. In contrast, if we turn off fossil fuel plants, the planet will stay warm.
“In the energy debate warming is commonly the headline as it is driving the energy transition. However, as we transition to low carbon sources it will be increasingly important to consider a fuller suite of environmental impacts, for example land take and resource use.”

Want more studies of the affect of wind turbines on the weather?
Common sense indicates when you disrupt the flow of air the disruption has an effect.

Then don't put thousands of them in one area, so that they effect wind patterns or temperatures. Scatter them across the landscape. The benefit here is that the land rental for the land owner/farmer helps stabilize family farm incomes. $5000 per month - $60,000 per year. That guarantees basic operating expenses for family farms are covered, and probably seed and spring planting costs too, reducing reliance on farm loans, and helping to keep families on farms.

Sanyo owns the windmills, or rather most of them. There were other smaller, locally owned companies when they all started, but Sanyo papered the county with lease options, and bought out any of the local guys if they ran into any problems. There's not many of them left. I'd prefer Canadian ownership of our utilities.


  • windmill.jpg
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Potatohead is a disaster for this country and anybody that voted for the sonofabitch is an idiot.
Then don't put thousands of them in one area, so that they effect wind patterns or temperatures. Scatter them across the landscape. The benefit here is that the land rental for the land owner/farmer helps stabilize family farm incomes. $5000 per month - $60,000 per year. That guarantees basic operating expenses for family farms are covered, and probably seed and spring planting costs too, reducing reliance on farm loans, and helping to keep families on farms.

Sanyo owns the windmills, or rather most of them. There were other smaller, locally owned companies when they all started, but Sanyo papered the county with lease options, and bought out any of the local guys if they ran into any problems. There's not many of them left. I'd prefer Canadian ownership of our utilities.
It is not a "group" of turbines and your idea of making a smaller group still doesn't stop the disruption of air flow.
The average wind turbine blade is...
Industrial wind turbines are a lot bigger than ones you might see in a schoolyard or behind someone's house. The widely used GE 1.5-megawatt model, for example, consists of 116-ft blades atop a 212-ft tower for a total height of 328 feet. How Long Are Wind Turbine Blades? - Clean Energy Ideas

Remember the issue though is "transmission" of the electricity generated by the turbines.

"Wind power plants produce electricity by having an array of wind turbines in the same location.
The placement of a wind power plant is impacted by factors such as
  • wind conditions,
  • the surrounding terrain,
  • access to electric transmission, and
  • other siting considerations.
In a utility-scale wind plant, each turbine generates electricity which runs to a substation where it then transfers to the grid where it powers our communities.

So the naive idea of "spreading" wind turbines to reduce weather interruptions doesn't take in consideration the
transmission efforts.
One question for you... HOW MUCH CO2 does the USA put out compared to say "China"???

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