How Trump will blow up the Obama on climate change!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
And how refreshing is this folks??:party:

The most exciting news coming out of the Trump victory is his upcoming nuking of the EPA and then pulling out of support for the Paris Treaty, which, of course, basically renders the treaty DOA.:funnyface:

How Trump Can Unravel Obama's Climate Change Legacy

Obviously, the biggest win by far we wont see until the coming years when the Supreme Court is no longer an activist bench of assholes on the environment. And thank God......the poor will end up deriving the most benefit as renewable energy continues to be fringe for decades.:rock::rock:

Its all good..........
With the new atmospheric study coming out of the Boulder Co atmospheric lab Friday, in draft form, Trump is going to have all the ammunition he needs to kill the EPA climate change agenda dead.

just maybe we can start addressing real issues..
LOL Why yes, Lysenkoism will be applied to all science in the US. And you assholes will be so proud. And after you orange clown has crashed the economy, someone sane will have to pick up the peices. But by that time, the US will have become a 2nd tier nation, thanks to you deplorables.
LOL Why yes, Lysenkoism will be applied to all science in the US. And you assholes will be so proud. And after you orange clown has crashed the economy, someone sane will have to pick up the peices. But by that time, the US will have become a 2nd tier nation, thanks to you deplorables.

Indeed.....and still taking bows btw.


Know what the irony is here? The stuff you support absolutely cannot get off the ground with a 1%GDP. Its not happening. You global warming folks should be pumped that we might actually see some growth rates......the Laffer Curve is an indisputable fact of life not understood by virtually all progressives. duh......

Want to see renewable energy take off? Have some growth rates like weve seen in China over recent years...6%........7% GDP............its all good. Of course, to make it all work, we need some significant cuts to government BS which matters ( but not to progressives :2up:) or you balloon the debt.( already mastered by the DUMS ).

Anybody with half a brain knows, you don't blow your own face off chasing climate change dumbfuckedness while the rest of the world throws you the HI sign while they increase coal use by 50%.......and idea only a progressive could embrace.

So yep..........its knobby time s0ns.............:popcorn:.........and we skeptics couldn't be any more giddy!!:rock::rock:

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