How will Al Gore and John Kerry stop the Yellowstone Super Volcano from erupting and killing nearly everyone on earth?

It is a 100% certainty. It will erupt at ANYTIME.

This will change the climate.

How will we stop it?

Same with plate techtonics. Inevitiable earthquakes.


/---/ First Al Gore and John Kerry must raise taxes on billionaires, then ban assault rifles, then build more windfarms, and only then will they stop the Yellowstone volcano.
I hear Gore and Kerry are scrambling their personal jets and getting the hell out of Dodge. Those two know less about solving any problem than Fauci knows about controlling COVID.
Being 100% certain something will happen at any time is a bit vauge. That could mean today or in 210 years.

But they won't ever mention it because volcanoes are very real, something we have a science on that is provable despite accuracy and predictions can be a shit shakey. But because of that it won't ever be a talking point to them because "climate change" is the ultimate boogeyman because they don't needs true facts or actually knowledge to back it up, "because I said so" is all they need.

All they really have to do is just ignore the history of our planet and that our climate has never been static and in a constant state of chaos with short lulls in between. Climate change is natural and been happening as long as earth has been around. But for the sake of political and financial gain all they have to do is ignore that.
Being 100% certain something will happen at any time is a bit vauge. That could mean today or in 210 years.

But they won't ever mention it because volcanoes are very real, something we have a science on that is provable despite accuracy and predictions can be a shit shakey. But because of that it won't ever be a talking point to them because "climate change" is the ultimate boogeyman because they don't needs true facts or actually knowledge to back it up, "because I said so" is all they need.

All they really have to do is just ignore the history of our planet and that our climate has never been static and in a constant state of chaos with short lulls in between. Climate change is natural and been happening as long as earth has been around. But for the sake of political and financial gain all they have to do is ignore that.
Such an understanding of climate change.

You do seem to be an expert on everything. :)
Being 100% certain something will happen at any time is a bit vauge. That could mean today or in 210 years.

But they won't ever mention it because volcanoes are very real, something we have a science on that is provable despite accuracy and predictions can be a shit shakey. But because of that it won't ever be a talking point to them because "climate change" is the ultimate boogeyman because they don't needs true facts or actually knowledge to back it up, "because I said so" is all they need.

All they really have to do is just ignore the history of our planet and that our climate has never been static and in a constant state of chaos with short lulls in between. Climate change is natural and been happening as long as earth has been around. But for the sake of political and financial gain all they have to do is ignore that.

Or 1,000 years.

But it can happen.

It’s just as vague as when climate change will kill us all.

How about the asteroid that hit near the Yucatán? That was an existential incident.
Being 100% certain something will happen at any time is a bit vauge. That could mean today or in 210 years.

But they won't ever mention it because volcanoes are very real, something we have a science on that is provable despite accuracy and predictions can be a shit shakey. But because of that it won't ever be a talking point to them because "climate change" is the ultimate boogeyman because they don't needs true facts or actually knowledge to back it up, "because I said so" is all they need.

All they really have to do is just ignore the history of our planet and that our climate has never been static and in a constant state of chaos with short lulls in between. Climate change is natural and been happening as long as earth has been around. But for the sake of political and financial gain all they have to do is ignore that.
Gore and Kerry can call up Pierce Brosnan he is an expert on volcanos.

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