Howard Dean: The First Amendment Doesn't Protect 'Hate Speech,' You Know


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
he is not alone in thinking like this, not by a long shot

when you look at what is happening on college campuses, i.e. attempts to restrict freedom of speech & expression (see restriction against conservative ideas, not just at Berkeley, but across the board); and the new definition of "rape" and the loss of due process for the accused) - you should be scared

when you see a super wealthy person like Soros funding activities that are violent attempts to suppress the opposition...

when you see a major US city allowing terroristic thugs to violently attack peaceful rallies (again Berkeley with police ordered to stand down while people are being attacked)...

when you see people rioting because the party in power is talking about not providing them with enough free services that they did not work for or earn...

when you see the lower courts blatantly ignoring not just written law, but actually ignoring blatantly clear law written into the body of the Constitution (i.e. - the reversal of Trump's EOs on travel restrictions)...

it starts to become pretty clear that the road to totalitarianism is not such a far fetched idea for the USA

the examples I cited, coupled with Dean's statement spotlight just how critical it was to get Trump in office & just how important the Gorsuch nomination was - not to mention the next 2 or 3 nominations on SCOTUS and the may more lower court appointments...

it may be that we are only just being given a reprieve

sometimes it seems like this country is almost too far gone to come back

this kind of shit (Dean's comment) is not just annoying and ridiculous; it is pretty damned scary

I fear for my country and the direction we are going - laugh if you want, but roughly half the country agrees with Dean & that includes much of the younger generation

we are in real trouble guys - can we fix this??? I don't know that we can

Howard Dean ? @GovHowardDean
Hate speech is not protected by the first amendment. Steven Greenhouse on Twitter
5:13 PM - 20 Apr 2017
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Speaking against free speech rights is hateful. You should probably be quiet Mr. Dean. Lead by example, all that.
I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.
^ Teach the snowflakes what freedom actually means..

Howard Dean is wrong.
Depends on the context as always

sure, but what I find alarming is the "shift in attitude" where so many people seem to feel that if someone is saying something they don't like, that they have a right to shut it down in the name of what is "right"

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