Howard Shultz's Immigration Reform Plan Includes Better Fencing and More Border Patrol Agents


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
For those who are interested, here's an editorial on immigration reform that Howard Schultz wrote three days ago after spending some time visiting the border and talking with residents who live near the border. Notice that Schultz favors using technology to enhance our existing border fencing and hiring more border patrol agents; he also favors a path to citizenship for Dreamers.

Inaction on immigration reform is hurting Arizona's economy, Howard Schultz says

EXCERPT: I agree with those who say that America’s southern border remains insecure. Our visa system has grown outdated and is insufficient for our country’s security and economic needs. In addition, we must begin to deploy advanced technology to bolster security on the border, enhance our existing border fence and add additional border patrol agents where needed. . . .

Similarly, Americans overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship for the "dreamers" who contribute to our economy and know only this country as their home.
You lost me ar citizenship for dreamers.
Amnesty will never be able to end if we keep giving it to them!
Cut off all incentive. THATS a solution
You lost me ar citizenship for dreamers.
Amnesty will never be able to end if we keep giving it to them!
Cut off all incentive. THATS a solution

That position is in a distinct minority. Why should children be punished for having been brought here by their parents? That strikes me as unfair and un-American. The vast majority of these kids have never known a country other than America.

My foster daughter was brought to America as a baby. America is the only nation she has ever known. She speaks perfect English. In fact, English is her only language. She is moral and conservative. But, but she is not a citizen yet--she's a permanent resident. When she applies for citizenship next year after she turns 18, I dearly hope she doesn't encounter any problems.
You lost me ar citizenship for dreamers.
Amnesty will never be able to end if we keep giving it to them!
Cut off all incentive. THATS a solution

That position is in a distinct minority. Why should children be punished for having been brought here by their parents? That strikes me as unfair and un-American. The vast majority of these kids have never known a country other than America.

My foster daughter was brought to America as a baby. America is the only nation she has ever known. She speaks perfect English. In fact, English is her only language. She is moral and conservative. But, but she is not a citizen yet--she's a permanent resident. When she applies for citizenship next year after she turns 18, I dearly hope she doesn't encounter any problems.
Maybe it is but qhen you keep giving illegals what they want the problem will never end.
You lost me ar citizenship for dreamers.
Amnesty will never be able to end if we keep giving it to them!
Cut off all incentive. THATS a solution

That position is in a distinct minority. Why should children be punished for having been brought here by their parents? That strikes me as unfair and un-American. The vast majority of these kids have never known a country other than America.

My foster daughter was brought to America as a baby. America is the only nation she has ever known. She speaks perfect English. In fact, English is her only language. She is moral and conservative. But, but she is not a citizen yet--she's a permanent resident. When she applies for citizenship next year after she turns 18, I dearly hope she doesn't encounter any problems.
Maybe it is but qhen you keep giving illegals what they want the problem will never end.

Ok, we need to be realistic. We are simply not going to deport 13 million people. It's not going to happen. This isn't the 1950s in this regard, sadly. Many illegals have been here a long time and have worked here a long time. Their children have grown up here, speak fluent English, and are willing to contribute to our society.

Conservatives screwed up royally by sabotaging the 2013 immigration reform bill, which passed the Senate with 68 votes but died in the House thanks to fear-mongering and misrepresentation by many conservatives, and which contained many provisions that the far left screamed against. I hope one day we can get the Dems to agree to a similar bill and next time not sabotage it.
Immigration Reform
1 no birthright citizenship
2 no chain immigration
3 national ID card for gov. benefits, employment and voting
You lost me ar citizenship for dreamers.
Amnesty will never be able to end if we keep giving it to them!
Cut off all incentive. THATS a solution

That position is in a distinct minority. Why should children be punished for having been brought here by their parents? That strikes me as unfair and un-American. The vast majority of these kids have never known a country other than America.

My foster daughter was brought to America as a baby. America is the only nation she has ever known. She speaks perfect English. In fact, English is her only language. She is moral and conservative. But, but she is not a citizen yet--she's a permanent resident. When she applies for citizenship next year after she turns 18, I dearly hope she doesn't encounter any problems.
Maybe it is but qhen you keep giving illegals what they want the problem will never end.

Ok, we need to be realistic. We are simply not going to deport 13 million people. It's not going to happen. This isn't the 1950s in this regard, sadly. Many illegals have been here a long time and have worked here a long time. Their children have grown up here, speak fluent English, and are willing to contribute to our society.

Conservatives screwed up royally by sabotaging the 2013 immigration reform bill, which passed the Senate with 68 votes but died in the House thanks to fear-mongering and misrepresentation by many conservatives, and which contained many provisions that the far left screamed against. I hope one day we can get the Dems to agree to a similar bill and next time not sabotage it.
Oh i understand actually solving the problem will never happen. But i wont change my rhetoric. There just isnt much of a compromise between fixing a problem, and bandaids that will prolong the problem.
For those who are interested, here's an editorial on immigration reform that Howard Schultz wrote three days ago after spending some time visiting the border and talking with residents who live near the border. Notice that Schultz favors using technology to enhance our existing border fencing and hiring more border patrol agents; he also favors a path to citizenship for Dreamers.

Inaction on immigration reform is hurting Arizona's economy, Howard Schultz says

EXCERPT: I agree with those who say that America’s southern border remains insecure. Our visa system has grown outdated and is insufficient for our country’s security and economic needs. In addition, we must begin to deploy advanced technology to bolster security on the border, enhance our existing border fence and add additional border patrol agents where needed. . . .

Similarly, Americans overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship for the "dreamers" who contribute to our economy and know only this country as their home.
I been blowing that horn since the wall became the battle cry for those who want a wall that could be so easily circumvented by so many ways (climb over, dig under, fly over, or go around).

Use technology such as drones with camera surveillance ( No you do not need to arm drones with weapons) and provide more jobs by hiring more border patrol agents. And Homer says "Doh"

Of course those who do this job should have better training concerning treatment of those detained.

Still if you really want to solve the problem you will have to take it home to where they come from.

As Mexico economy is doing better, so should the number of Mexicans crossing the border decrease. If the influx of Salvadorian refugees, then we need to look at what can we do to better so that they do not want to leave. Also avoid corrupt politicians from making money

Well you still have the drug problem but that is an issue with why do Americans use drugs? Another issues that will have to be addressed.

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