Howard Stern: Blacks vote for Obama because he's black

Actually__ It seemed like it very well may have been Dems that trashed Cain. They were scared of Cain taking away Obama's black factor.

Very few blacks supported Cain anyway. Republicans would have lost more votes from their own base than they would have picked up among blacks

Republicans were terrified that Cain would get the nomination. That's why they trashed him when he got the lead

Herman Cain wasn't a serious candidate.

His own campaign manager screwed him with his smoking stunt.

Btw, what happened to all of those white women that David Axelrod found claiming sexual-harrassment??????

The bimbo eruption ceased after Cain capitulated...
1. blacks vote democratic in huge numbers.
2. the difference in their voting for obama and a white presidential candidate is almost negligible because the GOP still runs a southern strategy based on scaring white working class people about minorities.

but nice troll thread from the o/p...seems to be all he does....

Blacks voted for Obama in even greater numbers than they ever did for any other Dem candidate. So a fail on that point.
The GOP runs a strategy of scaring blacks by talking about personal responsibility and less dependence on welfare.

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1. blacks vote democratic in huge numbers.
2. the difference in their voting for obama and a white presidential candidate is almost negligible because the GOP still runs a southern strategy based on scaring white working class people about minorities.

but nice troll thread from the o/p...seems to be all he does....

patently untrue. Why was the ONLY party running for President in 2008 to talk about Obama's race... Obama's party? If your statement were true, there should have been hundreds of GOP ads at least hinting that Obama's race was reason to fear him. There were exactly none.
1. blacks vote democratic in huge numbers.
2. the difference in their voting for obama and a white presidential candidate is almost negligible because the GOP still runs a southern strategy based on scaring white working class people about minorities.

but nice troll thread from the o/p...seems to be all he does....

patently untrue. Why was the ONLY party running for President in 2008 to talk about Obama's race... Obama's party? If your statement were true, there should have been hundreds of GOP ads at least hinting that Obama's race was reason to fear him. There were exactly none.

no offense, but when i have people on the right tell me there's no such thing as the southern strategy, i giggle.
and just for the record, Conservative, Michael Steele, himself acknowledged it....

1. blacks vote democratic in huge numbers.
2. the difference in their voting for obama and a white presidential candidate is almost negligible because the GOP still runs a southern strategy based on scaring white working class people about minorities.

but nice troll thread from the o/p...seems to be all he does....

patently untrue. Why was the ONLY party running for President in 2008 to talk about Obama's race... Obama's party? If your statement were true, there should have been hundreds of GOP ads at least hinting that Obama's race was reason to fear him. There were exactly none.

no offense, but when i have people on the right tell me there's no such thing as the southern strategy, i giggle.

People laugh at what they don't understand.
1. blacks vote democratic in huge numbers.
2. the difference in their voting for obama and a white presidential candidate is almost negligible because the GOP still runs a southern strategy based on scaring white working class people about minorities.

but nice troll thread from the o/p...seems to be all he does....

patently untrue. Why was the ONLY party running for President in 2008 to talk about Obama's race... Obama's party? If your statement were true, there should have been hundreds of GOP ads at least hinting that Obama's race was reason to fear him. There were exactly none.

no offense, but when i have people on the right tell me there's no such thing as the southern strategy, i giggle.

I did not say there had never been such a thing. I said your contention that the GOP as a whole still follows it is laughable, as are you in this.
How many whites voted against Obama because he's black? Howard Stern is edgy and sometimes funny. He's not someone who I'd give credence to in deciding my political position. I guess many here differ. But they're probably the ones who want Limbaugh and Beck to tell them what to think.
How many whites voted against Obama because he's black? Howard Stern is edgy and sometimes funny. He's not someone who I'd give credence to in deciding my political position. I guess many here differ. But they're probably the ones who want Limbaugh and Beck to tell them what to think.


People vote for their candidate.

There is no slot on the ballot that says against.
1. blacks vote democratic in huge numbers.
2. the difference in their voting for obama and a white presidential candidate is almost negligible because the GOP still runs a southern strategy based on scaring white working class people about minorities.

but nice troll thread from the o/p...seems to be all he does....

Blacks voted for Obama in even greater numbers than they ever did for any other Dem candidate. So a fail on that point.
The GOP runs a strategy of scaring blacks by talking about personal responsibility and less dependence on welfare.


"The GOP runs a strategy of scaring blacks by talking about personal responsibility and less dependence on welfare."

This attitude is reflective of just why blacks will not support the Republican Party
How many whites voted against Obama because he's black? Howard Stern is edgy and sometimes funny. He's not someone who I'd give credence to in deciding my political position. I guess many here differ. But they're probably the ones who want Limbaugh and Beck to tell them what to think.


People vote for their candidate.

There is no slot on the ballot that says against.

Are you under some impression that racists are logical? I've never found that to be the case.

Speaking of....I remember George Will pissing against conservatives, because they are more apt to vote for who they are against rather than who they are for. I'm sure you have a woody for Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.
How many whites voted against Obama because he's black? Howard Stern is edgy and sometimes funny. He's not someone who I'd give credence to in deciding my political position. I guess many here differ. But they're probably the ones who want Limbaugh and Beck to tell them what to think.


People vote for their candidate.

There is no slot on the ballot that says against.

Are you under some impression that racists are logical? I've never found that to be the case.

Speaking of....I remember George Will pissing against conservatives, because they are more apt to vote for who they are against rather than who they are for. I'm sure you have a woody for Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.
Absolutely not................

We only need to look at democrats for that evidence.
How many whites voted against Obama because he's black? Howard Stern is edgy and sometimes funny. He's not someone who I'd give credence to in deciding my political position. I guess many here differ. But they're probably the ones who want Limbaugh and Beck to tell them what to think.


People vote for their candidate.

There is no slot on the ballot that says against.

Are you under some impression that racists are logical? I've never found that to be the case.

Speaking of....I remember George Will pissing against conservatives, because they are more apt to vote for who they are against rather than who they are for. I'm sure you have a woody for Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.

George Will is a Republican first...Conservative SECOND.

See the difference?
1. blacks vote democratic in huge numbers.
2. the difference in their voting for obama and a white presidential candidate is almost negligible because the GOP still runs a southern strategy based on scaring white working class people about minorities.

but nice troll thread from the o/p...seems to be all he does....

patently untrue. Why was the ONLY party running for President in 2008 to talk about Obama's race... Obama's party? If your statement were true, there should have been hundreds of GOP ads at least hinting that Obama's race was reason to fear him. There were exactly none.

The whole Birther, born in Kenya Muslim thing was racist you fool.

People vote for their candidate.

There is no slot on the ballot that says against.

Are you under some impression that racists are logical? I've never found that to be the case.

Speaking of....I remember George Will pissing against conservatives, because they are more apt to vote for who they are against rather than who they are for. I'm sure you have a woody for Mr. Etch-a-Sketch.
Absolutely not................

We only need to look at democrats for that evidence.

So that's why the GOP is nominating Mittens? Does Mr. Etch-a-Sketch represent your values, attitudes, or beliefs?

Sorry dude, but I've heard too many wingnut arguments begin with,"I'm agin it."
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Howard Stern is a social commentator and is very liberal in his politics. Funny that you nutters are using him as your spokesman..........old video is old.
This just in from our "No Shit Sherlock" department. Howard Stern has a solid grasp of the unfortunately obvious.

I know many black people who are "voting for a brother". In this one respect, I'm glad I stopped working there...

while i stand by my original point, wouldn't you feel more comfortable voting for someone like yourself? i don't see you voting for an atheist because you would think they wouldn't understand your pov.

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