How's about a little hypocrisy from McConnell???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Good ol' turkey-necked McConnell seems that he wants a senate vote on his tax scam BEFORE Doug Jones is sworn in (probably at the latest,January 3rd.)

However, back in 2010, when Scott Brown won Kennedy's old Massachusetts senate seat, the very same McConnell bitched and moaned when the vote on the HC bill was coming up BEFORE Brown could be sworn in.....

Without the very LAME "they're all hypocrites," could I hear from ONE right winger here labeling McConnell a scum bucket???

Just asking.
"Tax scam?" :p But I will agree The Turtle is a Swamp Rat and slow! But tax reform expectations is one reason for the tremendous improvement in the economy! It needs to get passed ASAP!
Good ol' turkey-necked McConnell seems that he wants a senate vote on his tax scam BEFORE Doug Jones is sworn in (probably at the latest,January 3rd.)

However, back in 2010, when Scott Brown won Kennedy's old Massachusetts senate seat, the very same McConnell bitched and moaned when the vote on the HC bill was coming up BEFORE Brown could be sworn in.....

Without the very LAME "they're all hypocrites," could I hear from ONE right winger here labeling McConnell a scum bucket???

Just asking.
You do realize senators don't determine the dates people are sworn in right? Please tell me you aren't so fucking stupid you think Senate leadership sets the date of when a new member is seated. For fuck sakes you can't be this dumb...

well, actually I think you are.
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"Tax scam?" :p But I will agree The Turtle is a Swamp Rat and slow! But tax reform expectations is one reason for the tremendous improvement in the economy! It needs to get passed ASAP!

You bet its a tax SCAM.........

First, any FIRST year of an administration must be heavily "credited" to the previous one.............Otherwise, you morons blaming Obama throughout his FIRST year in office would be hypocritical, don't you nitwits think???

Second, if the economy is going so well, there is NO need to mostly hand over $1.5 TRILLION to rich conglomerates so that they can buy back their companies' stocks...

If DEMAND has not increased for goods and services from the middle class, NO conglomerate is going to expand and give hefty salary increases to its remaining workers.
"Tax scam?" :p But I will agree The Turtle is a Swamp Rat and slow! But tax reform expectations is one reason for the tremendous improvement in the economy! It needs to get passed ASAP!

You bet its a tax SCAM.........

First, any FIRST year of an administration must be heavily "credited" to the previous one.............Otherwise, you morons blaming Obama throughout his FIRST year in office would be hypocritical, don't you nitwits think???

Second, if the economy is going so well, there is NO need to mostly hand over $1.5 TRILLION to rich conglomerates so that they can buy back their companies' stocks...

If DEMAND has not increased for goods and services from the middle class, NO conglomerate is going to expand and give hefty salary increases to its remaining workers.
Jesus, you think you could put a bit more effort into a comprehensive reply here? This shit is ridiculous.
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You do realize senators don't determine the dates people are sworn in right? Please tell me you aren't so fucking stupid you think Senate leadership sets the date of when a new member is seated. For fuck sakes you can't be this dumb...

well, actually I think you are.

You must be a junior high drop out with your fucked up reading comprehension......WHERE did I state that senators determine the swearing in date??????

All I stated is McConnell's "bitching and moaning" about holding BACK the vote on the HC bill until Brown was sworn in.........but NOW,wants to push through the tax scam bill BEFORE Jones is sworn in.....

Is there a grown up around to help you understand?
You do realize senators don't determine the dates people are sworn in right? Please tell me you aren't so fucking stupid you think Senate leadership sets the date of when a new member is seated. For fuck sakes you can't be this dumb...

well, actually I think you are.

You must be a junior high drop out with your fucked up reading comprehension......WHERE did I state that senators determine the swearing in date??????

All I stated is McConnell's "bitching and moaning" about holding BACK the vote on the HC bill until Brown was sworn in.........but NOW,wants to push through the tax scam bill BEFORE Jones is sworn in.....

Is there a grown up around to help you understand?
LMAO! So what was the point of this thread then?
"Tax scam?" :p But I will agree The Turtle is a Swamp Rat and slow! But tax reform expectations is one reason for the tremendous improvement in the economy! It needs to get passed ASAP!

Can you point out on the chart where that tremendous improvement is?
Analysis | So far the Trump economy looks a lot like the Obama economy
"Tax scam?" :p But I will agree The Turtle is a Swamp Rat and slow! But tax reform expectations is one reason for the tremendous improvement in the economy! It needs to get passed ASAP!

You bet its a tax SCAM.........

First, any FIRST year of an administration must be heavily "credited" to the previous one.............Otherwise, you morons blaming Obama throughout his FIRST year in office would be hypocritical, don't you nitwits think???

Second, if the economy is going so well, there is NO need to mostly hand over $1.5 TRILLION to rich conglomerates so that they can buy back their companies' stocks...

If DEMAND has not increased for goods and services from the middle class, NO conglomerate is going to expand and give hefty salary increases to its remaining workers.
Corporations learned during the Bush years to hire less people and work they ones they have more. Since that time they havent changed that dynamic. All Drumpf is doing is robbing the country.
Good ol' turkey-necked McConnell seems that he wants a senate vote on his tax scam BEFORE Doug Jones is sworn in (probably at the latest,January 3rd.)

However, back in 2010, when Scott Brown won Kennedy's old Massachusetts senate seat, the very same McConnell bitched and moaned when the vote on the HC bill was coming up BEFORE Brown could be sworn in.....

Without the very LAME "they're all hypocrites," could I hear from ONE right winger here labeling McConnell a scum bucket???

Just asking.
Here what ya do Einstein.
Go buy ya an insurance policy like those idiot dems investigating Trump and then you’ll be safe snowflake.
Go buy ya an insurance policy like those idiot dems investigating Trump and then you’ll be safe snowflake.

As soon as I find my Moron-to-English dictionary maybe I can decipher this idiot's post. Please don't breed ....there's enough other moronic right wingers around .
Go buy ya an insurance policy like those idiot dems investigating Trump and then you’ll be safe snowflake.

As soon as I find my Moron-to-English dictionary maybe I can decipher this idiot's post. Please don't breed ....there's enough other moronic right wingers around .
Trumps going to save the family farm duckweed
Think my kids can afford the inheritance tax on that farm up there
That combine alone is 250k new
I bet your so dumb you think that bread is grown at Costco
Trumps going to save the family farm duckweed
Think my kids can afford the inheritance tax on that farm up there
That combine alone is 250k new
I bet your so dumb you think that bread is grown at Costco

Go to bed.......
Good ol' turkey-necked McConnell seems that he wants a senate vote on his tax scam BEFORE Doug Jones is sworn in (probably at the latest,January 3rd.)

However, back in 2010, when Scott Brown won Kennedy's old Massachusetts senate seat, the very same McConnell bitched and moaned when the vote on the HC bill was coming up BEFORE Brown could be sworn in.....

Without the very LAME "they're all hypocrites," could I hear from ONE right winger here labeling McConnell a scum bucket???

Just asking.
Such is the reprehensible right.

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