How's that Defund the Police going?

Yep, not quite sure what the hell they were thinking, and how it was supposed to work.

That's the number one problem with liberals: they don't think.

Look at it this way: they just cast a vote for a guy that plans on increasing taxes on our job creators, increase taxes on those who are active in our stock market, plans of stopping fracking which can double or more the cost of our fuel, a man who is organizing a Covid team well prepared to shutdown the country irregardless of what their beloved WHO recommended, stated he wants to institute a federal minimum wage of $15.00 an hour which will create inflation and a domino effect causing industry to move more jobs out of the country or invest in more automation to replace human workers.

Does this sound like people who think?
Yep, not quite sure what the hell they were thinking, and how it was supposed to work.

That's the number one problem with liberals: they don't think.

Look at it this way: they just cast a vote for a guy that plans on increasing taxes on our job creators, increase taxes on those who are active in our stock market, plans of stopping fracking which can double or more the cost of our fuel, a man who is organizing a Covid team well prepared to shutdown the country irregardless of what their beloved WHO recommended, stated he wants to institute a federal minimum wage of $15.00 an hour which will create inflation and a domino effect causing industry to move more jobs out of the country or invest in more automation to replace human workers.

Does this sound like people who think?
Its republicans defunding them.

GOP leaders over the past week defeated efforts to help states and cities that are facing cutbacks to public safety and other services because of the pandemic-caused budget crisis. They claimed this would amount to what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called a “blue state bailout.” In reality, it was more of a “blue bailout” — and police in blue and red states alike are now on the chopping block.

“Despite the clear evidence that shrinking revenue in cities across the country is leading to job loss and the reduction of critical services like public safety,” the bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors protested this week, “Congress chose to turn its back on first responders, police, firefighters and other essential workers.”

Yep, not quite sure what the hell they were thinking, and how it was supposed to work.

That's the number one problem with liberals: they don't think.

Look at it this way: they just cast a vote for a guy that plans on increasing taxes on our job creators, increase taxes on those who are active in our stock market, plans of stopping fracking which can double or more the cost of our fuel, a man who is organizing a Covid team well prepared to shutdown the country irregardless of what their beloved WHO recommended, stated he wants to institute a federal minimum wage of $15.00 an hour which will create inflation and a domino effect causing industry to move more jobs out of the country or invest in more automation to replace human workers.

Does this sound like people who think?
Its republicans defunding them.

GOP leaders over the past week defeated efforts to help states and cities that are facing cutbacks to public safety and other services because of the pandemic-caused budget crisis. They claimed this would amount to what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called a “blue state bailout.” In reality, it was more of a “blue bailout” — and police in blue and red states alike are now on the chopping block.

“Despite the clear evidence that shrinking revenue in cities across the country is leading to job loss and the reduction of critical services like public safety,” the bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors protested this week, “Congress chose to turn its back on first responders, police, firefighters and other essential workers.”

Nope. Declining to pay the bills they incurred by imposing shutdowns is not "defunding" anything.
We still seem to be pretty well equipped ...

To walk out on the street these days, a policeman must carry. A ballistic vest, a gun with two extra magazines, OC spray (small and large), a collapsible baton or nightstick, cuffs, a tactical radio, a body-worn-camera, an Ipad, a flashlight, a pocket knife or multitool, a personal first aid kit, and a notebook with assorted pens. Total weight, conservatively, about 30 pounds of extra equipment.

Try running a sprint after some kid carrying an extra 30 pounds around your chest and waist. (in addition to the 30 or so extra pounds you carry from beer and Haagen Dazs).

Defunding the police could cut that down to a manageable five or six pounds and cut down on a lot of back aches.

You've got my vote.
Minneapolis, one of the cities that helped start this mess, is scrambling to draft in cops from outside the city's force to help fight a wave of violent crime just months after it began moves to defund its police.

It comes after dozens of officers quit the force in protest at a $1million budget cut and promises from city leaders to scrap the entire department following the death of George Floyd in May.

Minneapolis asks to draft in cops to help fight wave of violent crime

Um...not well. Because you are kind of mashing "defunding" with "disbanding". Because clearer and calmer heads are prevailing (Channeling Rush Limbaugh here and saying "I told you this would happen!").
There's nothing wrong with sending more funds to community services. But disbanding police is not possible. Not unless you want to turn over law enforcement to the Kyle Rittenshouse's of the world. :)
Maybe we could get some community organizers to take over for police. How'd you like to call 911 because a violent criminal broke into your house and Obama shows up? :gay:
Um...not well. Because you are kind of mashing "defunding" with "disbanding". Because clearer and calmer heads are prevailing (Channeling Rush Limbaugh here and saying "I told you this would happen!").
There's nothing wrong with sending more funds to community services. But disbanding police is not possible. Not unless you want to turn over law enforcement to the Kyle Rittenshouse's of the world. :)

When you take money away from the police, you are disbanding them partially at the least. Take money away from the cops, and they have to layoff more police officers. They have to do with old equipment, they have to get rid of detectives that solve robberies and murders. They have to offer less pay to any new recruits. They have to cut down on patrols to save money in gasoline.

Please ,no common sense allowed in leftist land just feeeellllllingsssss.
Minneapolis, one of the cities that helped start this mess, is scrambling to draft in cops from outside the city's force to help fight a wave of violent crime just months after it began moves to defund its police.

It comes after dozens of officers quit the force in protest at a $1million budget cut and promises from city leaders to scrap the entire department following the death of George Floyd in May.

Minneapolis asks to draft in cops to help fight wave of violent crime

I hate to say it, but good for them. You get what you vote for. Let liberals kill each other off in their liberal cities. Less of them to vote next election because they don't have firearms to protect themselves, or laws to back them up if they do.

Yep, not quite sure what the hell they were thinking, and how it was supposed to work.

Like all leftist they were thinking with feelings. That's why leftism is a mental disorder.
Its republicans defunding them.

GOP leaders over the past week defeated efforts to help states and cities that are facing cutbacks to public safety and other services because of the pandemic-caused budget crisis. They claimed this would amount to what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called a “blue state bailout.” In reality, it was more of a “blue bailout” — and police in blue and red states alike are now on the chopping block.

“Despite the clear evidence that shrinking revenue in cities across the country is leading to job loss and the reduction of critical services like public safety,” the bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors protested this week, “Congress chose to turn its back on first responders, police, firefighters and other essential workers.”

The federal government not providing funds is not defunding them. In order to defund somebody or some people, you have to be funding them first.

You have these leftist cities and states pressuring businesses to stay closed. If they stay closed, they can't create tax money. We taxpayers should bail them out for that? Then you have these blue states like California and New York who have been digging their debt hole deeper and deeper long before Covid came along. Now the Democrats want to use the virus as an excuse for taxpayers to bail them out. Why should we people of Ohio be bailing out those governments?
To walk out on the street these days, a policeman must carry. A ballistic vest, a gun with two extra magazines, OC spray (small and large), a collapsible baton or nightstick, cuffs, a tactical radio, a body-worn-camera, an Ipad, a flashlight, a pocket knife or multitool, a personal first aid kit, and a notebook with assorted pens. Total weight, conservatively, about 30 pounds of extra equipment.

Try running a sprint after some kid carrying an extra 30 pounds around your chest and waist. (in addition to the 30 or so extra pounds you carry from beer and Haagen Dazs).

Defunding the police could cut that down to a manageable five or six pounds and cut down on a lot of back aches.

You've got my vote.
Or if any assailant ignores commands, they could possibly shoot them on site ??
Soon the word would get out, and they wouldn't have to worry about them running away anymore.
Makes me wonder whatever happen to "Police Freeze !" and obeying commands or suffering the consequences.
But I would never suggest this in America, oh no, not me.
I remember when I was young and I started hearing about criminals running from the police and then it started to be a given. Even after the criminals were caught, they had lawyers get them off the hook claiming they ran because they were scared of the police and thats the only reason they ran, yea right.
What a joke.
Its republicans defunding them.

GOP leaders over the past week defeated efforts to help states and cities that are facing cutbacks to public safety and other services because of the pandemic-caused budget crisis. They claimed this would amount to what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called a “blue state bailout.” In reality, it was more of a “blue bailout” — and police in blue and red states alike are now on the chopping block.

“Despite the clear evidence that shrinking revenue in cities across the country is leading to job loss and the reduction of critical services like public safety,” the bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors protested this week, “Congress chose to turn its back on first responders, police, firefighters and other essential workers.”

The federal government not providing funds is not defunding them. In order to defund somebody or some people, you have to be funding them first.

You have these leftist cities and states pressuring businesses to stay closed. If they stay closed, they can't create tax money. We taxpayers should bail them out for that? Then you have these blue states like California and New York who have been digging their debt hole deeper and deeper long before Covid came along. Now the Democrats want to use the virus as an excuse for taxpayers to bail them out. Why should we people of Ohio be bailing out those governments?
New York gives $1,792 per resident to the feds.
California receives only $12 per resident from the feds.
New York ranks 3rd lowest in net federal funding. California ranks 10th.
By contrast, Virgina gets $10,301 and Kentucky gets $9,145.
Ohio gets $2,750 per resident from feds, so new york is bailing out ohio.
Also, california also since they get back so little.

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