How's The Socialist Party's Elimination / De-Funding Of Cops Working Out, America?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The Democrats have embraced far left extremist Socialism as seen by having completely choosing to refuse to fulfill the our government's #1 duty - protect the country and the American people - while surrendering authority, control, and security to foreign-funded domestic enemies seeking to bring down the country from within.

In just a few weeks murder rates in large Democrat-controlled cities have risen by 27%, 30+%, and in one 40%. Shootings in new York have reportedly risen more than 200%.

Democrats are not only refusing to support the police, they are facilitating the violent attacks on them and putting the attackers right back on the street as if precincts had revolving doors.

After murdering more than 6,000 elderly Americans, Gov Cuomo allowed the attempted murderer who struck the Police Chief in the head with a baseball bat on the Brooklyn Bridge to go free without bail.


Today a 24yo pregnant woman was murdered - the murderer jumped into her unlocked stopped car and shot her in the head.

And this is unofficial Democrat rule without Biden potentially going into the WH.

The Democrats are allies of murderers, domestic terrorists, and enemies of this country.

They have openly abandoned the Constitution, Law and Order, abandoned the American people to looters, thugs, thieves, rapists, arsonists, and murders.

Defund / dissolve the police?
- How's that working out for you so far, America.

And don't forget, if you think a Constitutional Right to own your own gun and protect yourself will save you, forget it.

In a 'stand your ground' state 2 citizens who protected their lives and property from a violent mob by standing their ground with their own weapons had their home raided, their legally owned guns seized, and they face potential arrest.

And don't forget how the Biden campaign is working with Beto, the guy who declared, "You're damn right we're coming for your guns".

As America disintegrates from enemies both foreign and domestic, from the collapse of Constitutional and Rule of Law rule by Democrats, the election in November becomes more and more important.

So far it's been great for me; the violent hood rats are killing each other in greater numbers than before, businesses are fleeing New York, Minnesota, California, Washington, etc. and moving here, tripling my real estate equity, and driving my gold up as well. NEver been better for me, outside of The Reaganaut Crash under Bush I and many millions of dumbasses went broke practicing what Saint Ronald told them to. Real estate became affordable again.
They have openly abandoned the Constitution, Law and Order, abandoned the American people to looters, thugs, thieves, rapists, arsonists, and murders.

Defund / dissolve the police?
They're full of shit. The cops aren't being defunded or dissolved anywhere. It's the police union on strike agitating for more pay, better hours, more liberal mileage allowance and vehicle use policies, easier working conditions, guns banned for civilians, knock-on warrants, mental health pick-ups, and so on and so forth. Cops on strike with police union are resorting to terrorism, extreme violence, arson, looting, and pillaging to get what they want.

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