HRC vs. Generic Democrat


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
For the purposes of illustration, let us create a fictitious Democrat presidential candidate who is nothing more than a "generic democrat." The GD will:

(1) Continue to move us closer and closer to socialized medicine,

(2) Work to expand the welfare state,

(3) Continue to nominate anti-Constitutionalists to the Federal Bench (esp. USSC),

(4) Continue our feckless foreign policies, including ending the Embargo with Cuba (with no concessions whatsoever by the Castro's),

(5) Kiss the ass of organized labor, especially in the public sector,

(6) Pretend to advocate a dramatic increase in the minimum wage, and

(7) Whine about "inequality" in all things.

ANY democrat who is nominated will do all of these things if elected President.

So what makes HRC special? What difference will it make that she is nominated rather than Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Al Gore, or anyone else?

From a PURELY POLITICAL standpoint, I would think that any insightful Democrat would want ANYONE BUT HILLARY to be the nominee, because the Generic Democrat will not be saddled with Hillary's sordid past, her history of lies and obfuscations, her criminal breaches of protocol and security at the State Department, and her odious personality.

The only thing she does have going for her is a vagina. And really, is that enough to satisfy Democrats?

Maybe not. Bernie Sanders is no Superstar and he is, at worst. running neck and neck with her.

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