Huckabee 2012


Dec 8, 2010

After this on air interview, Huckabee met with the guests backstage with open arms and proclaimed his astonishment with the facts surrounding building 7.

"Just when the euphoria of the interview was starting to wear off, McIlvaine and Szamboti were greeted by another surprise when they ran into former presidential candidate and talk show host Mike Huckabee in the green room. Huckabee was waiting for his own appearance on Rivera's show, and observed the "BuildingWhat" interview first-hand.

"Huckabee shook both our hands," McIlvaine recounted. He said, "Please tell me more about this? I just can"t believe it!? It just shows that almost no one has seen the fall of Building 7."

Id advise you all to take a look at NYC Coalition For Accountability Now or BuildingWhat? - A TV Ad Campaign to Raise Awareness of Building 7 - What is Building 7 ?
Same old thread, different day. Would be cool if the terminally stupid would learn really basic forum tools.... like the fucking search function.
Same old thread, different day. Would be cool if the terminally stupid would learn really basic forum tools.... like the fucking search function.

You've heard about Huckabee talking backstage to the WTC7 presenters? If so, I apologize for reposting. Also, if you have heard this, why hasnt it sparked your interest in the 9/11 coverup? Just curious. :razz:
What would a day without WTC posts or Sarah Palin posts be like around here? Why, it would be like a day without a BM.
What would a day without WTC posts or Sarah Palin posts be like around here? Why, it would be like a day without a BM.

Have you taken a look at the victims families website? NYC Coalition For Accountability Now

Have you heard of Senator Mike Gravel? Or the person who released the Pentagon papers? They are calling for a NEW 9/11 investigation.

Have you heard of the 1,400 Architects and engineers who ask for a new investigation? These guys have also challenged and had NIST change their report findings.

Have you heard of the campaign?

All of these people are credible, normal citizens. Take the blinders off and just listen.

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