Huffpost-~ Time to bow out, Hillary

It wont be investigated because Democrats dont care. They want power and that's all they want. If Clinton will get it for them, they're for Clinton. If Sanders, then they're for Sanders. Ethics, experience, views, really have nothing to do with it.

Ah well, in that case we can only hope that one of the experienced, ethical and visionary republican clowns wins.

All you need to know about Hillary's qualifications is the Conservatives are afraid to compare Her qualifications with their candidate's side-by-side.

And if they were to ever attempt it; Hillary's qualifications will all be editorialized to the point of absurdity.
Who is the Republican candidate?
You are truly a ditz.

You have something like 13 candidates shit-for-brains. The word you are desperately searching for is nominee; you don't have a nominee yet. It's no wonder you guys are so angry all the time, you're too stupid to be happy.

Regardless, you, as pussyish as ever, are too scared to compare her record to any of the GOP candidates.
Wow, never thought I would see this from the liberal Huffpost

Time to Bow Out, Hillary

Hillary Clinton seems to have escaped the ferocious grueling at the Benghazi congressional hearing. The 13-minute withdrawal from the presidential race notwithstanding, she is all set to clinch the Democratic nomination. Hillary might as well become the next U.S. president. There's a catch though. Legacy politics doesn't favor her. She's not Justin Trudeau and her election will not a good omen for the U.S. -- and the world.

First things first, Hillary hasn't been out of power for the last 23 years. She was still basking in the glory of being the first lady when she got elected as a (non-resident) senator from New York in 2000. Then came her first presidential campaign and the subsequent assuming of the office of the secretary of state. The Benghazi attacks and the foot dragging over what later became the biggest global security challenge (Syria) are two of her many legacies. Then there is the famous email scandal.

The problem with Hillary's election as the president is simple. She hasn't left the position of authority in the first place. Ironically, her rise to fame (and power) is also attributed to her status as the first lady of the U.S. Otherwise; many other Democratic female leaders are far more capable, and, more importantly, self-made stalwarts. Hillary's supporters cite her gender and the lack of a U.S. women president as her key strengths. The argument, however, seems vapid and vacuous when one looks at other and more promising women among the Democrats.


If Hillary is so intent on carrying forward the Clinton legacy, she better bows out and prepare Chelsea for the post. Junior Clinton will be better equipped -- like Justin -- to bring real change. She'll have a decade or two to polish her skills and connect with the people. Hillary is part of the old guard with no real agenda for development and seems clueless (like Obama) on managing the super power status of U.S. Simply put, not the right presidential mater.

As I said lightheartedly in the 'anal probe' thread, doesn't matter how well you do, after a dozen hearings no one's gonna elect that person for President.
All you need to know about Hillary's qualifications is the Conservatives are afraid to compare Her qualifications with their candidate's side-by-side.

And if they were to ever attempt it; Hillary's qualifications will all be editorialized to the point of absurdity.
Who is the Republican candidate?
You are truly a ditz.

You have something like 13 candidates shit-for-brains. The word you are desperately searching for is nominee; you don't have a nominee yet. It's no wonder you guys are so angry all the time, you're too stupid to be happy.

Regardless, you, as pussyish as ever, are too scared to compare her record to any of the GOP candidates.

The election is over a year away

In case you forgot our top two current
Canidatez don't even have political experience,
All you need to know about Hillary's qualifications is the Conservatives are afraid to compare Her qualifications with their candidate's side-by-side.

And if they were to ever attempt it; Hillary's qualifications will all be editorialized to the point of absurdity.
Who is the Republican candidate?
You are truly a ditz.

You have something like 13 candidates shit-for-brains. The word you are desperately searching for is nominee; you don't have a nominee yet. It's no wonder you guys are so angry all the time, you're too stupid to be happy.

Regardless, you, as pussyish as ever, are too scared to compare her record to any of the GOP candidates.

The election is over a year away

In case you forgot our top two current
Canidatez don't even have political experience,

Thanks for proving my point for me...yet again.
All you need to know about Hillary's qualifications is the Conservatives are afraid to compare Her qualifications with their candidate's side-by-side.

And if they were to ever attempt it; Hillary's qualifications will all be editorialized to the point of absurdity.
Failure as a wife.
Had to move to a state she knew she would win the senate. Failure.
Secretary of state? Benghazi failure.
Her list of accomplishments.
All you need to know about Hillary's qualifications is the Conservatives are afraid to compare Her qualifications with their candidate's side-by-side.

And if they were to ever attempt it; Hillary's qualifications will all be editorialized to the point of absurdity.
Who is the Republican candidate?
You are truly a ditz.

You have something like 13 candidates shit-for-brains. The word you are desperately searching for is nominee; you don't have a nominee yet. It's no wonder you guys are so angry all the time, you're too stupid to be happy.

Regardless, you, as pussyish as ever, are too scared to compare her record to any of the GOP candidates.
Lol, liberals are miserable people. When you had full control liberals still bitched about everything.
She was tainted before, now we know she was helping Obama lie that Benghazi was about a video
Think the Hildabeast just smelt something that reminded her of the lunch she had earlier


Written by a freelance reporter from Islamabad? What's next, change the Constitution so Putin can run? Leave it to the Hillary-haters to latch onto any goofy scenario they can, since they really don't have anything else..., like a viable candidate!
WTF you yapping about clown? I was reading your bible and was surprised they had this in it.
Just shows you they're more open than the typical wingnut site, but you have to check the source, so you don't end up looking like the clown.

Why check the source, the Damn liberal huffpost posted it?

Also it does bring up good points on how much folks like you are kool aid drinkers and they are telling you who to vote for, against your own logic and better reason/ judgement.

As the article states, their is better more Qualified democrat women then hillary...

You guys are such sheep...

Yea, she would definitely be better qualified had she been a brain surgeon instead of a US Senator and Sec of State. You cons are so laughable.
WTF? She is more qualified than Ben Carson. So what?
Her record of graft and corruption, bribe taking and disdain for rules and laws immediately disqualifies her. The fact that Democrats dont really care about these things is testament to their own lack of integrity.

funny. I thought
".... record(s) of graft and corruption, bribe taking and disdain for rules and laws..." were the keys to becoming a seasoned politician..
Written by a freelance reporter from Islamabad? What's next, change the Constitution so Putin can run? Leave it to the Hillary-haters to latch onto any goofy scenario they can, since they really don't have anything else..., like a viable candidate! :laugh2:

She better Bows out lol

"If Hillary is so intent on carrying forward the Clinton legacy, she better bows out "

Written by a freelance reporter from Islamabad? What's next, change the Constitution so Putin can run? Leave it to the Hillary-haters to latch onto any goofy scenario they can, since they really don't have anything else..., like a viable candidate!
WTF you yapping about clown? I was reading your bible and was surprised they had this in it.
Just shows you they're more open than the typical wingnut site, but you have to check the source, so you don't end up looking like the clown.

Why check the source, the Damn liberal huffpost posted it?

Also it does bring up good points on how much folks like you are kool aid drinkers and they are telling you who to vote for, against your own logic and better reason/ judgement.

As the article states, their is better more Qualified democrat women then hillary...

You guys are such sheep...

Yea, she would definitely be better qualified had she been a brain surgeon instead of a US Senator and Sec of State. You cons are so laughable.
WTF? She is more qualified than Ben Carson. So what?
Her record of graft and corruption, bribe taking and disdain for rules and laws immediately disqualifies her. The fact that Democrats dont really care about these things is testament to their own lack of integrity.

There is no corruption and you know it. If there was, she would be in prison. The reason she is not is that she has done nothing wrong, yet you knuckleheads keep trying to make it as if she is guilty of some dastardly crime because you know you are going to lose again.
WTF you yapping about clown? I was reading your bible and was surprised they had this in it.
Just shows you they're more open than the typical wingnut site, but you have to check the source, so you don't end up looking like the clown.

Why check the source, the Damn liberal huffpost posted it?

Also it does bring up good points on how much folks like you are kool aid drinkers and they are telling you who to vote for, against your own logic and better reason/ judgement.

As the article states, their is better more Qualified democrat women then hillary...

You guys are such sheep...

Yea, she would definitely be better qualified had she been a brain surgeon instead of a US Senator and Sec of State. You cons are so laughable.
WTF? She is more qualified than Ben Carson. So what?
Her record of graft and corruption, bribe taking and disdain for rules and laws immediately disqualifies her. The fact that Democrats dont really care about these things is testament to their own lack of integrity.

There is no corruption and you know it. If there was, she would be in prison. The reason she is not is that she has done nothing wrong, yet you knuckleheads keep trying to make it as if she is guilty of some dastardly crime because you know you are going to lose again.
LOL!!! Yet you claim Bush lied and falsified intelligence, which is also a crime.
She is not in prison because Democrats control the means by which that would happen. And they are so politicized they will never charge the Democratic front runner.
In truth the evidence that she and Bill exchanged bribes for political decisions is overwhelming and enormous. The book Clinton Cash lays it all out. Only someone willfully blind wold not see it.
WTF you yapping about clown? I was reading your bible and was surprised they had this in it.
Just shows you they're more open than the typical wingnut site, but you have to check the source, so you don't end up looking like the clown.

Why check the source, the Damn liberal huffpost posted it?

Also it does bring up good points on how much folks like you are kool aid drinkers and they are telling you who to vote for, against your own logic and better reason/ judgement.

As the article states, their is better more Qualified democrat women then hillary...

You guys are such sheep...

Yea, she would definitely be better qualified had she been a brain surgeon instead of a US Senator and Sec of State. You cons are so laughable.
WTF? She is more qualified than Ben Carson. So what?
Her record of graft and corruption, bribe taking and disdain for rules and laws immediately disqualifies her. The fact that Democrats dont really care about these things is testament to their own lack of integrity.

There is no corruption and you know it. If there was, she would be in prison. The reason she is not is that she has done nothing wrong, yet you knuckleheads keep trying to make it as if she is guilty of some dastardly crime because you know you are going to lose again.


She and Bill are masters and deciet, she has so much experence it from white water, again the only first lady with finger prints on file at the F.B.I.

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