Huge Climate Change Protest!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
This is pretty awe inspiring if you truly believe in the threat climate change presents to us all..........

Thousands march on Washington DC yesterday...........a jaw dropping photo of the magnitude of the protest here >>>>> Hundreds of snowmen protest global warming | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Even I had no idea how serious this threat is becomming to many!!!! See if the sceptics can match this!!!!:rock:
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Too......many are now saying that the freaky asteroid in Russia was directly related to global warming..........

[ame=]CNN Anchor asks whether global warming caused asteroid - YouTube[/ame]

For Christsakes.........friggin' pollution is getting out into space!!!! Some are even claiming that the current sunspot activity is related to global warming!!!!! This is getting pretty fucked up.......time to act people!!!!
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Scientific Consensus on Global Warming

Scientific societies and scientists have released statements and studies showing the growing consensus on climate change science. A common objection to taking action to reduce our heat-trapping emissions has been uncertainty within the scientific community on whether or not global warming is happening and if it is caused by humans. However, there is now an overwhelming scientific consensus that global warming is indeed happening and humans are contributing to it. Below are links to documents and statements attesting to this consensus. Scientific Consensus on Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists
damn scientists!
the science begs to differ

OK Chicken Little Junior.

Let me clue you in. if the earth is a couple degrees warmer nothing akin to a biblical disaster will come about.

So fear not little sheep.

I have no clue what world you live on, but here on Earth scientists world wide have reached a consensus on this.

Every time you or anyone else claims there is a consensus, you prove your ignorance.
Uh huh yes

Consensus on what exactly?

That human activity effects climate?

I never disagreed with that.

I disagree with the catastrophic alarmist predictions based on computer models.

We have no idea what will happen if the earth is a couple degrees warmer. My bet is that we'll all be just fine.
Uh huh yes

Consensus on what exactly?

That human activity effects climate?

I never disagreed with that.

I disagree with the catastrophic alarmist predictions based on computer models. Sorry but it's too easy to manipulate the data to force results.

We have no idea what will happen if the earth is a couple degrees warmer. My bet is that we'll all be just fine.

scientific consensus is that Earth is warmer and man is contributing
Uh huh yes

Consensus on what exactly?

That human activity effects climate?

I never disagreed with that.

I disagree with the catastrophic alarmist predictions based on computer models. Sorry but it's too easy to manipulate the data to force results.

We have no idea what will happen if the earth is a couple degrees warmer. My bet is that we'll all be just fine.

scientific consensus is that Earth is warmer and man is contributing

Yeah and?

I don't disagree. I don't know if I agree with the extent. But I certainly am not going to fall for the hand wringing end of the world alarmist bullshit.
Skull man........since when have you ever seen a snowman this fucking big!!!??!!!!! Made in my own neighborhood by kids............


Seriously dude.....go click on the link in post # 1 if you doubt that a crowd THAT :eek::eek: size isnt going to be heard!!!! These poor folks stood out in the freezing cold to protest the government stand on climate change!!
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