HUGE! E. Jean Carroll Jacket Dress Comes into Question – Trump Accuser Stumbles During Testimony

Anyone who thinks this person’s claims that she was raped by Trump in the dressing room of Bergdoff Goodman 30 years ago with no witnesses or evidence of any kind is insane.

I hope you get accused of sexual assault from 30 years ago.


And the rest of the form shows the jury did believe she was assaulted and awarded her $2,000,000 in injury compensation. (And another $3,000,000 in punitive damages for a total of $5,000,000.)

The problem with these phony trials presided over by TOTALLY biased Judges and Uninformed and downright stupid Juries is --

Some of the the people convicted by them in the past, who were really and truly guilty of heinous crimes, can appeal their cases on the grounds that -- The Judge was biased and the Jury was stupid. And they'd have a case.

Judges like Kaplan, and prosecutors, need to be removed as soon as humanly possible. They do a serious disservice to the Public because....... Nobody trusts them.

dimocrap scum are in a downward spiral. And like the cornered Rats they are, they can be dangerous.

I put nothing past them. No crime, no amount of theft, no amount of scumbaggery.

Back when they could win elections fair and square, because they had some halfway decent ideas, they weren't that much of a threat. But since the entire disease of a party has been taken over by lunatics, as can be attested to by reading dimocrap scum posts in here, they can't really win fair and square. So.... They cheat.

Why do you think a 25% turnout in New Yawk on election day is considered normal? Because New Yorkers aren't stupid. They know their votes don't really count. Ask them.

dimocraps are scum
You’re such a wussy boi.

You wear victimhood with experience.
Subhuman Dotard has already been found guilty of sexual assualt, retard. The trial is about damages he caused for shooting off his ignorant big mouth slandering her & causing death threats etc. etc., you asswipe. Why is that fact so diificult for you nitwits to comprehend?
Doesn’t it suck during money phase she proves him not guilty
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And the rest of the form shows the jury did believe she was assaulted and awarded her $2,000,000 in injury compensation. (And another $3,000,000 in punitive damages for a total of $5,000,000.)

Just pointing out the poster's lie that she was raped. TDS at it's worst. Jury found that she was lying when she claimed she was raped.
Really? Show us some stats to back those claims up.

I've got a better idea, why don't you get off your lazy commie ass and prove me wrong. Traumatic events tend to register deeply in the mind, this bitch couldn't even get the year right, much less the date. She also lied about who was picking up the tab for the suit. Those two things would have triggered a dismissal in any other court.

No he wasn’t.

Court found he was liable for lying about sexually abusing Caroll and defaming her.

You liking Trump is not a good excuse to make up ludecrous bullshit.
The jury did’t find him liable for rape.

She was right.

You are wrong.

Also, you can’t spell for shit.
Click the link.

You think I hacked the Fox News website and created not just a photo edited image but a whole web page ON THEIR SITE?

:rofl::rofl: :rofl:



I guess you just don't understand what photo editing means.

However, not my job to teach you.

Well, come back and try again sometime soon.


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