Huge leftwing institution is still racist and sexist....talking about you hollywood...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes, the left controls hollywood with an iron fist.....and it is one of the most racists and sexist institutions in the country....any other business that conducted business like hollywood would be in court and out of business in record time....

New Study Despite Activism Hollywood Gender and Racial Discrimination Unchanged for 50 Years

The study, titled “Inequality in 700 Popular Films,” was released Wednesday by the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, and evaluated the 700 top-grossing films between 2007 and 2014.

The results: Hollywood still over sexualizes and typecasts women, scorns both minorities and women over 40 and doesn’t give the LGBT community a fair shake.

The USC study found that of the 4,610 speaking characters in the 100 top films of 2014, only 19 were Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual, and none were transgender. The study also adds an additional 10 characters were “coded” as Gay, while 4 were Lesbian, and 5 were Bisexual.

Also in 2014, “no female actors over 45 years of age performed a lead or co lead role,” and just over 19 percent of middle-aged characters were female.

73 percent of the speaking parts in 2014 were given to white actors, 12.5 percent to black actors, 5.3 percent went to Asian actors and Hispanic/Latino actors only accounted for 4.9 percent of speaking roles.

And of course, their love, money and support...goes to the democrat party, the racist democrat party........
This will change over time. On NETFLIX I am seeing more and more programming aimed at women, homosexuals, and Hispanics. Blacks have been well represented for decades.
Hollywood doesn't want to make racist or sexist movies. They would much rather make movies that are more socially aware. Those movies don't make any money. No one pays to see them.
A better vehicle for the minority flavor of the month is cable or streaming. They aren't dependent on the success of individual features. HBO just cancelled Looking, a gay themed show. They could afford to make movies that no one sees like The Normal Heart. Let Netflix have the venue.

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