Huge number of Americans say bread lines in U.S. could happen


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The survey results included that 69% say a housing guarantee for every person is socialist. And 67% percent the government providing healthcare for everyone is. And 65% say the government paying for college is. And 64% say the government paying off student loans is.
Huge number of Americans say bread lines in U.S. 'could happen' - WND

Things are done in such a way th average leftist can't pick up on whats going on. The Gov. wordage can destroy your freedoms if u sheep dont pay attention.

Some have a hard time knowing the ripple effect of certain scenarios.......... When you are a leftist who has their parents telling them how to act -eat- and sleep as Obama did these are the same loons who can't function in life without Obama. It doesn't make since to them
I guess it is a good thing that I invested in a breadmaker and have the supplies needed to make it.

Of course, I can make bread by hand, but then how will I be able to glue myself to the TV for the latest gloom and doom from the media if I have to stand in the kitchen kneading dough?
A huge number? A phony survey could only come up with 69% out of what, 2000 conspiracy theorists who worry about (hope for?) bread lines while the rest of us continue to shop at Walmart? Energy costs are relatively low and trucks are running. Soon the T.P. isle will be filled again. The "Greatest Generation" would be laughing at these spoiled idiots.
View attachment 312781
The survey results included that 69% say a housing guarantee for every person is socialist. And 67% percent the government providing healthcare for everyone is. And 65% say the government paying for college is. And 64% say the government paying off student loans is.
Huge number of Americans say bread lines in U.S. 'could happen' - WND

Things are done in such a way th average leftist can't pick up on whats going on. The Gov. wordage can destroy your freedoms if u sheep dont pay attention.

Some have a hard time knowing the ripple effect of certain scenarios.......... When you are a leftist who has their parents telling them how to act -eat- and sleep as Obama did these are the same loons who can't function in life without Obama. It doesn't make since to them
Then they are stupid....

...but seeing as tho this is from WND -- I imagine this article is for the consumption of actual stupid people....
View attachment 312781
The survey results included that 69% say a housing guarantee for every person is socialist. And 67% percent the government providing healthcare for everyone is. And 65% say the government paying for college is. And 64% say the government paying off student loans is.
Huge number of Americans say bread lines in U.S. 'could happen' - WND

Things are done in such a way th average leftist can't pick up on whats going on. The Gov. wordage can destroy your freedoms if u sheep dont pay attention.

Some have a hard time knowing the ripple effect of certain scenarios.......... When you are a leftist who has their parents telling them how to act -eat- and sleep as Obama did these are the same loons who can't function in life without Obama. It doesn't make since to them
All people need to do is go out and look at the empty shelves. That is exactly what socialism looks like.
well, then buy some flour and some yeast, knead up some dough and put it in the oven.

how helpless are people, FFS......
View attachment 312781
The survey results included that 69% say a housing guarantee for every person is socialist. And 67% percent the government providing healthcare for everyone is. And 65% say the government paying for college is. And 64% say the government paying off student loans is.
Huge number of Americans say bread lines in U.S. 'could happen' - WND

Things are done in such a way th average leftist can't pick up on whats going on. The Gov. wordage can destroy your freedoms if u sheep dont pay attention.

Some have a hard time knowing the ripple effect of certain scenarios.......... When you are a leftist who has their parents telling them how to act -eat- and sleep as Obama did these are the same loons who can't function in life without Obama. It doesn't make since to them
All people need to do is go out and look at the empty shelves. That is exactly what socialism looks like.

What they certainly won't believe is all of this is to ROPE US INTO SMART CITIES holdinng as us hostage in our own homes.
Seriously ppl don't get thiis is the 911 attack upon the US and now the globe - NEW WORLD ORDER and it still isn't sinking in...
imagine that one lol.

They are trying to collapse our society keeping us on lock down



they never got it even when it's been in their faces over 30 yrs 40 yrs - 50 yrs......

THe NEW WORLD ORDER never made since.

some should watch infowars. " END GAME"

well, then buy some flour and some yeast, knead up some dough and put it in the oven.

how helpless are people, FFS......
Dude 20 somethings donn't even know what the fk a can opener is nnor a dial rotary phone they can't even use the bs. LOL

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