Hugo Chavez - The latin american Idi Amin


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
"I'm the king of Scotland."


"The devil (George Bush) came here yesterday.
And it still smells of sulfur today."

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Granny say he got one foot inna grave an' the other onna banana peel...
Chavez suffers new complications in cancer fight
Dec 31,`12 -- President Hugo Chavez's new complications after cancer surgery prompted his closest allies to call for Venezuelans to pray for him on Monday, presenting an increasingly bleak outlook and prompting growing speculation about whether the ailing leader has much longer to live.
Vice President Nicolas Maduro looked weary and spoke with a solemn expression as he announced in a televised address from Havana on Sunday that Chavez now confronts "new complications" due to a respiratory infection nearly three weeks after his operation. He described Chavez's condition as delicate. The streets of Caracas were abuzz on Monday with talk of Chavez's increasingly tough fight, while the news topped the front pages of the country's newspapers. "He's history now," said Cesar Amaro, a street vendor selling newspapers and snacks at a kiosk in downtown Caracas. He motioned to a daily on the rack showing side-by-side photos of Maduro and National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello, and said politics will now turn to them. Amaro said he expects a new election soon to replace Chavez. "For an illness like the one the president has, his days are numbered now," he said matter-of-factly.

In Bolivar Plaza in downtown Caracas, Chavez's supporters strummed guitars and read poetry in his honor on New Year's Eve. They sang along with a recording of the president belting out the national anthem. About 300 people filled a Caracas church for a Mass to pray for Chavez. "This country would be terrible without Chavez. He's the president of the poor," said Josefa Carvajal, a 75-year-old former maid who sat in the pews. "They say the president is very sick. I believe he's going to get better." The president's aides held a Mass at the presidential palace, while government officials urged Venezuelans to keep their president in their prayers.

Political analyst Ricardo Sucre said the outlook for Chavez appears grim, saying Maduro's body language during his televised appearance spoke volumes. "Everything suggests Chavez's health situation hasn't evolved as hoped," Sucre said. He said Maduro likely remained in Havana to keep close watch on how Chavez's condition develops. "These hours should be key to having a more definitive prognosis of Chavez's health, and as a consequence make the corresponding political decisions according to the constitution," Sucre said. Sucre and other Venezuelans said it seems increasingly unlikely that Chavez would be able to be sworn in as scheduled on Jan. 10.

The Venezuelan leader has not been seen or heard from since undergoing his fourth cancer-related surgery Dec. 11, and government officials have said he might not return in time for his inauguration for a new six-year term. If Chavez dies or is unable to continue in office, the Venezuelan Constitution says that a new election should be held within 30 days. Before his operation, Chavez acknowledged he faced risks and designated Maduro as his successor, telling supporters they should vote for the vice president if a new presidential election were necessary. Chavez said at the time that his cancer had come back despite previous surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatment. He has been fighting an undisclosed type of pelvic cancer since June 2011.

Referring to Chavez as Idi Amin is overkill and weakens legitimate criticism/opposition to Chavez.
Referring to Chavez as Idi Amin is overkill and weakens legitimate criticism/opposition to Chavez.

I agree... last time I checked Chavez never ordered any massacre of political opponents and rival ethnic groups like Amin...

He's not a full fledged dictator either... more of an autocrat....

The purpose of comparing both quotes:

"I'm the king of Scotland."

"The devil (George Bush) came here yesterday. And it still smells of sulfur today."

was to convey the idea that both political leaders were buffoons of the highest order who didn't really believe half of what they said.

Just like Amin, Chavez made clever use of bombastic, over the top statements to get the attention of the international media and project himself as Latin America's leader.

Soon after the UN speech Chavez gave an interview, smiling:

"Everybody was laughing... nobody took it seriously."

Just a harmless buffoon as far as America is concerned... can´t even be compared to Al Quaeda, Iran, DPRK, etc...
I'd like to see his succesor replace his clownish, comic, bombastic anti-americanism with a more serene, fair assesment of the role of the United States in the world.
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