Human Health Dependent on Breaking our Addiction to Fossil Fuels

I guess that no humor comment must have cut you to the quick.

The vehicle produced in Germany and sold in the UK is still a VW Golf. You have no reason to believe it could not be sold in the US. It's not as if Germany and the UK are third world countries with no safety regulations. The more likely reason it isn't currently sold in the US is its performance. Europeans pay a great deal more for gas and have much greater motivation to buy high mileage vehicles and would be far more willing to buy a car that Americans might consider underpowered.

And your comment about my soul is simply inappropriate. What could a conversation about mileage in VWs possibly tell you about my soul? It doesn't bother me in the least as I've been a very convinced atheist for the last 58 years, but it is inappropriate and I'm sure others here would find it exceptionally offensive.
Crick, you are simply a dumbass who repeatedly gets your ass handed to you. Why not cut your losses and simply STFU?
Crick, you are simply a dumbass who repeatedly gets your ass handed to you. Why not cut your losses and simply STFU?
Because that has not been my observation of the goings on here. I believe you embarrassed yourself with your claim that a VW Golf could not operate with a 1.0 liter engine. You've done nothing since then but make personal insults.
Because that has not been my observation of the goings on here. I believe you embarrassed yourself with your claim that a VW Golf could not operate with a 1.0 liter engine. You've done nothing since then but make personal insults.
Your 1.0 liter engine VW Golf is turbocharged, still has no acceleration, not suited for American roads, has no cargo space, and is uncomfortably small. What part of that did you miss?
Your 1.0 liter engine VW Golf is turbocharged, still has no acceleration, not suited for American roads, has no cargo space, and is uncomfortably small. What part of that did you miss?
There are almost a half a million Americans who have purchased Golfs in the last ten years who would disagree with your assessments. What part of THAT did you miss?

This conversation began when you claimed that no gasoline powered car could meet the 54.5 mpg CAFE standard. I think you lost that point a long time ago and the rest of this is simply evasion.
There are almost a half a million Americans who have purchased Golfs in the last ten years who would disagree with your assessments. What part of THAT did you miss?

This conversation began when you claimed that no gasoline powered car could meet the 54.5 mpg CAFE standard. I think you lost that point a long time ago and the rest of this is simply evasion.
My motor scooter in college got 65 mpg. It was cold to ride in winter, hot to ride in the summer, had no radio, but could probably out accelerate your VW Golf with a 1 liter engine.
Fred Durchbuckler down on 59th?

There you have it. The solution to all of our problems. The VW Golf.
There you have it. The solution to all of our problems. The VW Golf.
I had a buddy who bought nothing but VWs, and then complained because his brake jobs cost about three times as much as those on American cars.

Also, didn't VW gat their ass handed to them for false mileage claims a few years back?

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