Human Health Dependent on Breaking our Addiction to Fossil Fuels

Not everyone wants to drive an M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank. Not everyone's needs can be satidfied by an M1A2 Abraham Main Battle Tank.

And without government mandates on fuel standards, everyone is free to buy what they need.
CAFE standards were introduced in 1975. Do you think we have less choice of vehicles now than we had then
Against all advice, Trump lowered the standards to values less than what auto-industry reps said were achievable at the time.

It's true, two seater plastic cars get pretty good mileage.
Once again, that you see no value in reducing the use of fossil fuels prevents us from having a meaningful or productive conversation.
They continue to force manufacturers to make cars safer and safer and safer.

And yet, CAFE standards have resulted in excess deaths, according to the NTHSA.
Let's see it.
I have no idea. Feel free to peruse. Like all the AR reports, they are enormous.

An enormous report created by government hacks who are incentivized to preach doom give even less confidence in economic matters than they do scientific matters.
I am reading a book for you that seems to be written by an anti-political, anti-government isolationist because even though he and I likely disagree about many things, I might learn something. I think you owe me the same courtesy and stop prejudging people.
CAFE standards were introduced in 1975. Do you think we have less choice of vehicles now than we had then
That’s an apples to oranges comparison to what the government is trying to do today with their mileage requirements. It’s a thinly veiled mandate to force consumers to buy a specific type of product.
CAFE standards were introduced in 1975. Do you think we have less choice of vehicles now than we had then

Once again, that you see no value in reducing the use of fossil fuels prevents us from having a meaningful or productive conversation.

Let's see it.

I am reading a book for you that seems to be written by an anti-political, anti-government isolationist because even though he and I likely disagree about many things, I might learn something. I think you owe me the same courtesy and stop prejudging people.

CAFE standards were introduced in 1975. Do you think we have less choice of vehicles now than we had then


Once again, that you see no value in reducing the use of fossil fuels prevents us from having a meaningful or productive conversation.

As Thomas Sowell likes to ask......

1. Compared to what?

2. At what cost?

3. What hard evidence do you have?

Let's see it.


I think you owe me the same courtesy and stop prejudging people.

Define prejudging. Which people am I prejudging.
The VW Golf would have no difficulty reaching 54 mpg as a hybrid and could probably reach it as a full-up ICE car. And it has attained 0 fatalities per million vehicle-years. That article said "statistical zero" which I presume means an actual value of less than 0.5. That is much better than a whole HOST of much larger, heavier autos.

That's easy. Trump's no-CAFE number.

It's not funny. It's sad.

That's bullshit and you know it.

I'd heard it. I discounted it. If you'd like to see the American public all driving around in Abrams battle tanks restricted to 5 mph, we can probably get those auto fatality numbers down where you'd like them without invoking the horribly dangerous strategy of less-resource-intensive, non-polluting, non-emitting vehicles but you're going to need more gasoline tax money to maintain the roads.

Good. Waiting to see what you think of WG II and III's reports.

The 2022 VW Golf ICE gets 34 mpg. You think it is going to gain 20 mpg?

I have some oceanfront property to sell you in North Dakota!
Being liberal means you can just wish for it. Physics doesn't matter.
I bet it could be done with a 1.0 liter turbo through a CVT. And I see you're still making derogatory generalizations. Why don't you just address comments like that at ME? Is there a testicle shortage here somewhere?
I bet it could be done with a 1.0 liter turbo through a CVT. And I see you're still making derogatory generalizations. Why don't you just address comments like that at ME? Is there a testicle shortage here somewhere?
I am sure it would work with a flux capacitor too!
I would have to get out of the car to change my mind.

Did you see the acceleration? I have seen turtles that could outrun it!

Your link is to a British magazine. They probably are not sold in the US for obvious reasons.
The point is that, quite obviously, it does work.
We need MORE fossil fuels, not less.

I can dream all I want about riding my unicorn to the rainbow, but that doesn't do anything to address reality.
The point is that, quite obviously, it does work.
Yes, it works in the UK where the longest stretch of road is about 2 city blocks in an American city.

Imagine driving that pocket car on a trip from San Diego to Jacksonville, FL. I did that once in a Toyota Yaris. It took me a week to recover from that 4 day trip. I thought I was going to have to get out and push going through the mountains in California. We got great gas mileage though!
I bet it could be done with a 1.0 liter turbo through a CVT. And I see you're still making derogatory generalizations. Why don't you just address comments like that at ME? Is there a testicle shortage here somewhere?

How much mileage could they get with Fred's two feet?
My god, you have no sense of humor. Are you still mad that I showed you were wrong about VWs? I figured that by the time you'd gotten your first star you'd have developed a pretty thick hide.

Why are you attempting to use humor when it appears you have no soul?

You proved nothing regarding the VW Golf. I proved you wrong oh so easily.

You found a version produced in Germany and sold in the UK. A lot of good that does anyone here. Want to bet the reason it is not sold here is because it doesn't meet all of the safety standards?
Why are you attempting to use humor when it appears you have no soul?
I guess that no humor comment must have cut you to the quick.
You proved nothing regarding the VW Golf. I proved you wrong oh so easily.

You found a version produced in Germany and sold in the UK. A lot of good that does anyone here. Want to bet the reason it is not sold here is because it doesn't meet all of the safety standards?
The vehicle produced in Germany and sold in the UK is still a VW Golf. You have no reason to believe it could not be sold in the US. It's not as if Germany and the UK are third world countries with no safety regulations. The more likely reason it isn't currently sold in the US is its performance. Europeans pay a great deal more for gas and have much greater motivation to buy high mileage vehicles and would be far more willing to buy a car that Americans might consider underpowered.

And your comment about my soul is simply inappropriate. What could a conversation about mileage in VWs possibly tell you about my soul? It doesn't bother me in the least as I've been a very convinced atheist for the last 58 years, but it is inappropriate and I'm sure others here would find it exceptionally offensive.

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