Human Health Dependent on Breaking our Addiction to Fossil Fuels

Then clue me in. The Industrial Revolution certainly inaugurated a long change in agriculture and the transportation of food but there was no great famine in this country alleviated by fossil fuels at the time. And the comment that fossil fuels "WILL end hunger" in the rest of the world is simply pathetic.

Modern, efficient farming uses a lot of fossil fuels.
Ending the use of fossil fuels, today, may save a handful of lives, while killing billions.
Is that a good trade off?

And the comment that fossil fuels "WILL end hunger" in the rest of the world is simply pathetic.

If third world farmers could use half the fossil fuels our farmers use per acre, how much more food could they produce? A lot or a little?
Modern, efficient farming uses a lot of fossil fuels.
Ending the use of fossil fuels, today, may save a handful of lives, while killing billions.
Is that a good trade off?

And the comment that fossil fuels "WILL end hunger" in the rest of the world is simply pathetic.

If third world farmers could use half the fossil fuels our farmers use per acre, how much more food could they produce? A lot or a little?
That was not the claim. The claim was that the introduction of fossil fuel use in the US saved people from starving. That is not true because we were not suffering famine at the time. The claim that fossil fuels WILL end hunger is a bit of a joke. It's had over a hundred years to do so already and hasn't done shite. Third world farmers are not being denied access to fossil fuels by any "green" initiatives.
That was not the claim. The claim was that the introduction of fossil fuel use in the US saved people from starving. That is not true because we were not suffering famine at the time. The claim that fossil fuels WILL end hunger is a bit of a joke. It's had over a hundred years to do so already and hasn't done shite. Third world farmers are not being denied access to fossil fuels by any "green" initiatives.

The claim was that the introduction of fossil fuel use in the US saved people from starving.


I know your hatred for fossil fuels blinds you, but ending the use of fossil fuels for farming
would kill billions.

It's had over a hundred years to do so already and hasn't done shite.

Really? How productive was modern farming 100 years ago? Today?

Third world farmers are not being denied access to fossil fuels by any "green" initiatives.

Who said they were? Go back and read what was actually posted.

And please share your thought on the green shit show that was Sri Lanka recently.
The claim was that the introduction of fossil fuel use in the US saved people from starving.

Reiny Days' post #16 in this thread
I know your hatred for fossil fuels blinds you, but ending the use of fossil fuels for farming
would kill billions.

It's had over a hundred years to do so already and hasn't done shite.
I am not - never have - demanded an immediate end to fossil fuel use regardless of the consequences. ASAP does not mean "this instant regardless" This is nothing but a strawman argument Todd and you know it.
Really? How productive was modern farming 100 years ago? Today?
Powered farm equipment has increased productivity. It doesn't have to be powered with fossil fuels.
Third world farmers are not being denied access to fossil fuels by any "green" initiatives.

Who said they were?
Those who claim that if we will only relent, those third world farmers could end starvation. This particular string, Todd, was an argument with Reiny Days, not you.
Go back and read what was actually posted.

And please share your thought on the green shit show that was Sri Lanka recently.
I haven't heard a word about Sri Lanka recently.
Reiny Days' post #16 in this thread

I am not - never have - demanded an immediate end to fossil fuel use regardless of the consequences. ASAP does not mean "this instant regardless" This is nothing but a strawman argument Todd and you know it.

Powered farm equipment has increased productivity. It doesn't have to be powered with fossil fuels.

Those who claim that if we will only relent, those third world farmers could end starvation. This particular string, Todd, was an argument with Reiny Days, not you.

I haven't heard a word about Sri Lanka recently.

Reiny Days' post #16 in this thread

No mention of starvation in that post.

I am not - never have - demanded an immediate end to fossil fuel use regardless of the consequences.

Right, but you seem not to understand the consequences.

Powered farm equipment has increased productivity.

And fertilizer made with fossil fuels.

It doesn't have to be powered with fossil fuels.

Powered with what? Biodiesel? Ethanol? Oxen? LOL!

Those who claim that if we will only relent, those third world farmers could end starvation.

Who claimed that? If who relents? Relents to what?

This particular string, Todd, was an argument with Reiny Days, not you.

I know. And you're losing.

I haven't heard a word about Sri Lanka recently.

Nothing in the last few years?
Reiny Days' post #16 in this thread

No mention of starvation in that post.

Reiny Days said: Burning fossil fuels here in the United States ended hunger ... and burning fossil fuels will end hunger throughout the world ... and it has been ...
I am not - never have - demanded an immediate end to fossil fuel use regardless of the consequences.

Right, but you seem not to understand the consequences.
What consequences of what action/choice/event?
Powered farm equipment has increased productivity.
And fertilizer made with fossil fuels.
I have no objection to fertilizer made from fossil fuels. Petroleum is an enormously valuable material resource.
It doesn't have to be powered with fossil fuels.

Powered with what? Biodiesel? Ethanol? Oxen? LOL!
Electricity generated by non-emitting technologies.
Those who claim that if we will only relent, those third world farmers could end starvation.

Who claimed that? If who relents? Relents to what?
Relent in any green agenda
This particular string, Todd, was an argument with Reiny Days, not you.

I know. And you're losing.
You know what opinions are like.
I haven't heard a word about Sri Lanka recently.

Nothing in the last few years?
Why don't you just tell me; unless it really has no bearing to the topic of this thread.
Reiny Days said: Burning fossil fuels here in the United States ended hunger ... and burning fossil fuels will end hunger throughout the world ... and it has been ...

What consequences of what action/choice/event?

I have no objection to fertilizer made from fossil fuels. Petroleum is an enormously valuable material resource.

Electricity generated by non-emitting technologies.

Relent in any green agenda

You know what opinions are like.

Why don't you just tell me; unless it really has no bearing to the topic of this thread.

Reiny Days said: Burning fossil fuels here in the United States ended hunger ... and burning fossil fuels will end hunger throughout the world ... and it has been ...

Like I said, no mention of starvation.

What consequences of what action/choice/event?

Ending fossil fuel use.

I have no objection to fertilizer made from fossil fuels. Petroleum is an enormously valuable material resource.

Fertilizer isn't made from petroleum.

Electricity generated by non-emitting technologies.

Awesome idea, battery powered tractors. LOL!

Relent in any green agenda

Who claimed if green idiots relent, third world farmers could end starvation?

You know what opinions are like.

In your case, based on ignorance.

Why don't you just tell me; unless it really has no bearing to the topic of this thread.

It really does. The idiot president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, decided to mandate organic farming, because chemical fertilizers and pesticides are bad. Of course yields collapsed, prices spiked. He fled the country. At least their hungry poor could take comfort in the fact that they, at least for a few months, broke their addiction, in part, to fossil fuels. ESG idiocy has real world costs.
How many have died so far from the increased fuel economy of our vehicle fleet and the introduction of significant amounts of alternative energy sources to our energy infrastructure?

How many have died so far from the increased fuel economy of our vehicle fleet

Thousands every year.
I'm sure the families of the dead think keeping the fossil fuel industry alive and flush with taxpayer cash was worth it.

You keep repeating that silly subsidy claim.
If sounds even dumber than the usual errors you repeat.
And it's not the fossil fuel industry pushing to make cars less safe, it's idiots like you.
You keep repeating that silly subsidy claim.
If sounds even dumber than the usual errors you repeat.
And it's not the fossil fuel industry pushing to make cars less safe, it's idiots like you.
I'll tell you what sounds dumb Todd: someone as clever as you seem to be, being completely taken in by the self-preserving lies the fossil fuel industry has fed you DESPITE the opinions of VERY close to EVERY single expert on the fucking planet.
I'll tell you what sounds dumb Todd: someone as clever as you seem to be, being completely taken in by the self-preserving lies the fossil fuel industry has fed you DESPITE the opinions of VERY close to EVERY single expert on the fucking planet.

I'm not listening to the fossil fuel industry about your silly subsidy claim.

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