Human Trafficking In Israel


Feb 6, 2010
There are no official numbers regarding the extent of prostitution and the traffic of women in Israel, but there is a general consensus that it is becoming more prevalent. (CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)

There has been a steady increase in the numbers of foreign women involved in prostitution who are arrested for illegal stays in Israel and who are detained before being deported to their home-countries; in over 95% of the cases, they were from the former USSR. The average time these women spend in prison is 50 days. The women themselves are supposed to pay for their expenses to leave Israel, but when their resources are inadequate, the Ministry of Interior finances their deportation from a special budget. (Authorities, Neve Tirza women’s prison, CEDAW Report, 8 April 1997)

Traffickers and pimps earned US$50,000 – 100,000 a year from each prostituted woman, resulting in a US$450 million sex industry. (“A modern form of slavery,” The Jerusalem Post, 13 January 1998)
Police in Israel say they are powerless to stop the flow of trafficked women until the laws change. “They (trafficked women) are very much afraid to come to the police and complain, so the police really can’t do anything,” said spokeswoman Linda Menuhin. “The problem is there is no law against trafficking people, and no law against prostitution.”
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There are no official numbers regarding the extent of prostitution and the traffic of women in Israel

No proof. Moron :clap2:

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but there is a general consensus that it is becoming more prevalent.
^^ lol @ the sig

Like I have to give someone my truth when they ask for it. :rofl:

I can and will choose when to share it and with whom to share it.

There's a general consensus that the population of the world is increasing at this point in time as well. So is cancer. So why would I doubt the consensus.

The numbers are in doubt with such a qualification as you posted though. :)
Never the less it sucks that Israel has a sex and human trafficking problem don't you think ?
God can't be very happy about this.
^^ As I said above, when someone asks me my truth, I will decide if I wish to share it or withhold it.
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^^ lol @ the sig

Like I have to give someone my truth when they ask for it. :rofl:

I can and will choose when to share it and with whom to share it.

There's a general consensus that the population of the world is increasing at this point in time as well. So is cancer. So why would I doubt the consensus.

The numbers are in doubt with such a qualification as you posted though. :)

ERGO: nothing you post can be taken as the truth
Never the less it sucks that Israel has a sex and human trafficking problem don't you think ?
God can't be very happy about this.

All countries have sex and human trafficking. It sucks that they all do. It is a human foible.

The forced conversion? Well, that's another thing, don't you think? Think G-d likes that?
^^ lol @ the sig

Like I have to give someone my truth when they ask for it. :rofl:

I can and will choose when to share it and with whom to share it.

There's a general consensus that the population of the world is increasing at this point in time as well. So is cancer. So why would I doubt the consensus.

The numbers are in doubt with such a qualification as you posted though. :)

ERGO: nothing you post can be taken as the truth

I will choose to share who am I am and what I do when I want to and not because you or anyone else wants me to. You missed my "My Truth "highlited now" qualification.

In other words. "My Truth" is truth about who I am and what I am doing at any time.

estimated there are about 100,000 sex slaves in the us...human trafficing is in all muslims countries they traffic in dance boy or whatever they are called.....its not just women trafficked in either....children for sexual rings...or for personal servants....
estimated there are about 100,000 sex slaves in the us...human trafficing is in all muslims countries they traffic in dance boy or whatever they are called.....its not just women trafficked in either....children for sexual rings...or for personal servants....

^^ And some of those are Muslims and Jews, and Christians and those of other creeds and religions.

@ Jos

Forced conversion changes the dynamic in my view, which is why I asked you to take this to a thread about Israel. It didn't belong in a thread about Christian girls being forced to convert to Islam and then forced into sexual slavery. That facet of conversion does not relate to the issue of Jewish human and sex slavery.

Since the days of humanity has this foible to man's character been around. It has increased as man has increased.

That the Jews (or any other peoples) should be free of human foibles, or this one, or any that are not marks of humanity is delimiting to the peoples being judged.
^^ +2

Neither does apathy.
At the start of the new century, Israel found itself with an unexpected and unwanted reputation - as a destination hotspot for sex trafficking. The government took significant measures against this phenomenon, but the success in stamping out the import of women for sex has led to a new problem.

From the security of her Tel Aviv office, Yedida Wolfe dials a number at the bottom of a newspaper advertisement that reads, in Hebrew: "Looking for young liberal women for easy work at great pay!!" The phone is answered by a man named Yossi. He explains that the type of work was sex;
Traffickers target Israeli girls to replace foreign sex slaves - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

"TFHT found that the constant movement continues even within Israel. Sex slaves are sold and resold. The purchasers are Israeli pimps and brothel owners who beat, rape, threaten, and starve the women to keep them in check. As slaves, the women are debilitated by working conditions that include no days off and 18-hour days. One of the saddest of all the sad facts about this sordid phenomenon is that a 2003 survey showed that Israeli policemen were more often clients than protectors. This is not surprising when you consider how prevalent brothels are in Israel. According to a recent article in The Jerusalem Post, “Israeli men make an estimated 1 million visits monthly.” It is ironic that although prostitution is legal in Israel, trafficking remains a major business"
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You do not condemn the forcing of girls into prostitution in Israel, or anywhere else (as you your self use prostitute there in Canada) and you bring NO proof of "Christian girls being forced to convert to Islam and then forced into sexual slavery" in Egypt
Israel is a destination country for men and women trafficked for forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. Low-skilled workers from China, Romania, Africa, Turkey, Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India migrate voluntarily for contract labor in the construction, agriculture, and health care industries.

Some, however, subsequently face conditions of forced labor, such as unlawful withholding of passports, restrictions on movement, non-payment of wages, threats, and physical intimidation. Many labor recruitment agencies in source countries and in Israel require workers to pay recruitment fees ranging from $1,000 to $10,000—a practice that makes workers highly vulnerable to trafficking once in Israel, and in some cases, situations of debt bondage. Israel is also a destination country for women trafficked from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus, China, and possibly the Philippines for the purpose of sexual exploitation. In addition, NGOs note an increase in the internal trafficking of Israeli women for commercial sexual exploitation,
Human trafficking in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
estimated there are about 100,000 sex slaves in the us...human trafficing is in all muslims countries they traffic in dance boy or whatever they are called.....its not just women trafficked in either....children for sexual rings...or for personal servants....

^^ And some of those are Muslims and Jews, and Christians and those of other creeds and religions.

^^ So, you think that the trafficking of humanity that happens in every country of the world should have Israel singled out Jos.

And you still have no proof of numbers. :)

Forced conversion changes the dynamic in my view, which is why I asked you to take this to a thread about Israel. It didn't belong in a thread about Christian girls being forced to convert to Islam and then forced into sexual slavery. That facet of conversion does not relate to the issue of Jewish human and sex slavery.

Since the days of humanity has this foible to man's character been around. It has increased as man has increased.

That the Jews (or any other peoples) should be free of human foibles, or this one, or any that are not marks of humanity is delimiting to the peoples being judged.

Bears repeating...

Jos = :cuckoo:

Never the less it sucks that Israel has a sex and human trafficking problem don't you think ?
God can't be very happy about this.

All countries have sex and human trafficking. It sucks that they all do. It is a human foible.

The forced conversion? Well, that's another thing, don't you think? Think G-d likes that?

No response dillo?
you bring NO proof of "Christian girls being forced to convert to Islam and then forced into sexual slavery" in Egypt
No response, Ropey?

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