Hundreds of mail-in ballot applications are being rejected under Texas’ new voting rules

2 is not many A couple is two. Hundreds means many. And a couple of hundred means more than a couple of hundred.
Did you read that after you typed it? My dog apparently knows more than you!

Try this one on for size: A million means more than a million!

See how stupid that is?
No. Hundreds means more than hundred.

\Sorry, you are trolling and still trying to play the victim card. Just get the damned card punched and do something worthwhile.

YOu have shown that you don't have a damned thing worth saying so have a nice life.
So they learn by reading the instructions already included. And then they are given another chance when the request is sent back with the proper reasons given. Everyone that is eligible to vote has a SSN. If not, they need to go get one. And all they have to do is put the last 4 of the SSN on the ballot request.

Now, how about fighting the battles of the closing down the voting booths in the poorer section of towns. Or reducing the voting hours. Those should keep you busy without you trying to go after something that your dogs won't hunt.
The dogs already found closing down polls and the reduced voting hours. The dogs are on the hunt for the rest of the 400 voter suppression bills. And they are finding them, but it takes time to get them all treed.
The dogs already found closing down polls and the reduced voting hours. The dogs are on the hunt for the rest of the 400 voter suppression bills. And they are finding them, but it takes time to get them all treed.

The problem is, common sense says that this particular thing isn't a problem. The Rumpsters want you to spend your time with this in hopes you will neglect something that's real important. Move on.
The problem is, common sense says that this particular thing isn't a problem. The Rumpsters want you to spend your time with this in hopes you will neglect something that's real important. Move on.
Have you read these bills? Of course not. And there is nothing in these bills that adds up to common sense. Where is the common sense in reducing the number of polling places, or reducing the hours at the polls, or reducing early voting, or limiting mail-in voting, or fining people for handing out water in six to eight hour lines, or purging people illegally, such as accusing people of voting twice, when all the Right did was to scratch their names off the rolls while the name was the same, but not the middle initial, or limiting registration to vote? And I could go on and on. Explain to me in detail, how these suppression mechanisms are common sense? Let me save you the trouble. They aren't. Those are mechanisms to try and stop as many minorities from voting as possible.

And one other thing, while you pretend to deny these allegations, remember what your brain will tell you the very second you read my post. Your brain is going to tell you you've been lying. But you won't have the balls to admit it. And that's where we are today with this cult party. They're all about the lies.
Have you read these bills? Of course not. And there is nothing in these bills that adds up to common sense. Where is the common sense in reducing the number of polling places, or reducing the hours at the polls, or reducing early voting, or limiting mail-in voting, or fining people for handing out water in six to eight hour lines, or purging people illegally, such as accusing people of voting twice, when all the Right did was to scratch their names off the rolls while the name was the same, but not the middle initial, or limiting registration to vote? And I could go on and on. Explain to me in detail, how these suppression mechanisms are common sense? Let me save you the trouble. They aren't. Those are mechanisms to try and stop as many minorities from voting as possible.

And one other thing, while you pretend to deny these allegations, remember what your brain will tell you the very second you read my post. Your brain is going to tell you you've been lying. But you won't have the balls to admit it. And that's where we are today with this cult party. They're all about the lies.

You are just holding your victim card high. Fine, let me give you your punch and you can put it away. You are off the discussion. If you wish to discuss the other things, start a new thread. And stop sobbing, it's embarrassing.
You are just holding your victim card high. Fine, let me give you your punch and you can put it away. You are off the discussion. If you wish to discuss the other things, start a new thread. And stop sobbing, it's embarrassing.
The thread is the new Texas voting rules right? Where do you think these 400 voter suppression bills in this country come from? Some are from Texas. I'm on discussion.

" Victim card?" "Sobbing?" Our vote is the most important tool we have in this country. WTF are you talking about?
The thread is the new Texas voting rules right? Where do you think these 400 voter suppression bills in this country come from? Some are from Texas. I'm on discussion.

" Victim card?" "Sobbing?" Our vote is the most important tool we have in this country. WTF are you talking about?

The question was if it was wise to ask for some ID number like the last 4 of the SSN. And can the State reject it if it lacks the proper id number? Can they send a rejection notice with the reason why? You seem to misremember that and go off on something else.

While I support a method for proper registration for ALL voters in ALL elections. Now, do you find that Texas is in violation of voter laws when they require the last 4 of the SSN number and if it's missing or found to not match with the person, they send out a rejection notice explaining it? You never address the reason why this discussion was started in the first place. You just jumped off on other things. Then you start waiving that victim card yelling, look at me". Put the damned thing away and stop screaming.
They didn't outline the law to voters before hand. That's dishonest and goes straight to the heart of the matter. They don't want these folks voting.
Those with no ID could be Democrat, Republican, and independent voters. Also, some can't be bothered to vote anyhow.

One thing is for sure, if having voter ID increased votes for Democrats, you would be out of the door like to greyhound to get them through the ID rules.
If Democrats feel it's only potential Democrat voters that lose out over voter ID, are they not embarrassed that Lefties don't have the brains to obtain some kind of ID to get voter ID?
Those with no ID could be Democrat, Republican, and independent voters. Also, some can't be bothered to vote anyhow.

One thing is for sure, if having voter ID increased votes for Democrats, you would be out of the door like to greyhound to get them through the ID rules.

The Texas ID ruling means that if you have a SSCard that is valid you can vote. Since, in Texas, this only affects those that are either on or eligible for SSI or SSID. Yes, you don't necessarily need a drivers license or state ID to qualify for a mail in ballot to be sent. You Social Security Number (the last 4) will fill that requirement on the mail in ballot request. But you will have to also meet the physical or age requirements as well. This part of the Voter Suppression has been blown out of kilter.
How do you do your shopping

Most stores have disability carts. Plus, I can shop at most stores on line or over the phone (including paying for it) and either have them deliver the products to the vehicle or do home delivery.
If Democrats feel it's only potential Democrat voters that lose out over voter ID, are they not embarrassed that Lefties don't have the brains to obtain some kind of ID to get voter ID?

The problem I see here is that the polling places are generally sparse in a prodominately Dem area. Even around here, the polls that are closed down, the poor depended on them. There use to be a polling station within 100 feet of where I live. This area has a much lower income than the others but it has a high degree of population. They should have kept a polling station nearby but elected not to. Heaven forbid if a fluke happened and more than a few Dems got into office. Actually, this is a deep red area yet the city council is now Dem controlled for the first time in nearly 50 years.
Most stores have disability carts. Plus, I can shop at most stores on line or over the phone (including paying for it) and either have them deliver the products to the vehicle or do home delivery.
Excellent, go and vote in a wheelchair. Looks like you can get out and about. I'm sure someone can help you, it's not as if you don't get short notice to vote.
The problem I see here is that the polling places are generally sparse in a prodominately Dem area. Even around here, the polls that are closed down, the poor depended on them. There use to be a polling station within 100 feet of where I live. This area has a much lower income than the others but it has a high degree of population. They should have kept a polling station nearby but elected not to. Heaven forbid if a fluke happened and more than a few Dems got into office. Actually, this is a deep red area yet the city council is now Dem controlled for the first time in nearly 50 years.
How many days is it for you to vote. How much would a taxi cost? Taxi cost divided by the days equals a few cents per day.

Do you have a relative or neighbour to give you a lift.

I don't think you're trying, voting can't be a high enough priority for you.

I had an employee. He got snowed in and missed a day. He lived in the bottom of a dip. I asked him how long he lived there, 12, years. I asked him if he ever bought snow chains, no. Did you put grit bins along the road, no. If you know when it's going to snow, do you park at the top of the hill, no. His lack of effort meant I had no effort in paying him for the day.

Get off your backside.

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