Hundreds of mail-in ballot applications are being rejected under Texas’ new voting rules

Vrenn the next UK general election is on Thursday 2 May 2024. So I have over two years notice. My mother is 80 and votes by post. If they scrap postal voting, I have loads of time to plan Thursday 2 May 2024 as a day off, put her wheelchair in the car and take her to the polling station. I also have a couple of years to arrange transport for her if I wanted to choose that option.

If I'm in a wheelchair by then, I'll make sure I arrange transport to get there.

Not rocket science, just a little bit of effort and being proactive.
Excellent, go and vote in a wheelchair. Looks like you can get out and about. I'm sure someone can help you, it's not as if you don't get short notice to vote.

Are you going to help me go #2? Will you unzip my zipper and hold my whizzer? Are you going to hold my place in line while I go relieve myself? What you are saying is that you believe that Disabled and Elderly should not vote. Thank you for confirming that.
Are you going to help me go #2? Will you unzip my zipper and hold my whizzer? Are you going to hold my place in line while I go relieve myself? What you are saying is that you believe that Disabled and Elderly should not vote. Thank you for confirming that.
Yes, I have tweezers.
Vrenn the next UK general election is on Thursday 2 May 2024. So I have over two years notice. My mother is 80 and votes by post. If they scrap postal voting, I have loads of time to plan Thursday 2 May 2024 as a day off, put her wheelchair in the car and take her to the polling station. I also have a couple of years to arrange transport for her if I wanted to choose that option.

If I'm in a wheelchair by then, I'll make sure I arrange transport to get there.

Not rocket science, just a little bit of effort and being proactive.

Yet, she currently votes by post as in Mail In Ballots. You can say that you would make plans to insure your Mother votes but someone has already done that. When you get up in age you will also be pushing to vote by post.
Yet, she currently votes by post as in Mail In Ballots. You can say that you would make plans to insure your Mother votes but someone has already done that. When you get up in age you will also be pushing to vote by post.
Tell me, what did people do before the invention of the computer? Why don't you vote by proxy?
How many days is it for you to vote. How much would a taxi cost? Taxi cost divided by the days equals a few cents per day.

Do you have a relative or neighbour to give you a lift.

I don't think you're trying, voting can't be a high enough priority for you.

I had an employee. He got snowed in and missed a day. He lived in the bottom of a dip. I asked him how long he lived there, 12, years. I asked him if he ever bought snow chains, no. Did you put grit bins along the road, no. If you know when it's going to snow, do you park at the top of the hill, no. His lack of effort meant I had no effort in paying him for the day.

Get off your backside.

This is about the US Election, not British. Your country has already made sure every voters gets to vote. You don't have a dog in this hunt.
This is about the US Election, not British. Your country has already made sure every voters gets to vote. You don't have a dog in this hunt.
Country is irrelevant. If you're in the habit of pissing and shitting yourself, get someone to buy adult nappies (diapers), then go vote. Rocket science again.
Because in most states (in the United States, not Britain) find that as illegal. Now, it's time to send you packing. And your bacon sucks.
Not my fault your country is behind the times on voting and elections. I don't have any bacon.
The question was if it was wise to ask for some ID number like the last 4 of the SSN. And can the State reject it if it lacks the proper id number? Can they send a rejection notice with the reason why? You seem to misremember that and go off on something else.

While I support a method for proper registration for ALL voters in ALL elections. Now, do you find that Texas is in violation of voter laws when they require the last 4 of the SSN number and if it's missing or found to not match with the person, they send out a rejection notice explaining it? You never address the reason why this discussion was started in the first place. You just jumped off on other things. Then you start waiving that victim card yelling, look at me". Put the damned thing away and stop screaming.

Republican state lawmakers wrote the new ID requirements into sweeping legislation, known as Senate Bill 1, that further restricted the state’s voting process and narrowed local control of elections. Joining a broader legislative push to ratchet up voting rules across the country, Texas Republicans billed the proposals contained in SB 1 as an effort to safeguard elections from fraud, despite no evidence that it occurs on a widespread scale. This is where the rubber meets the road from the article of the OP. There was no election fraud in the last presidential election, but Republicans are going to make it harder to vote anyway, by changing rules, that never needed changing. You don't want people voting. We get it.

Remember the days when all Republicans whined about was picture ID? LOL! Not any more. And if these schemes don't curtail the vote, they'll put in more restrictive means to vote.

You talk about victim card, this is the real victim card. The Democrats are victims because they won, and you and your cry baby rules want to punish winning.
If Democrats feel it's only potential Democrat voters that lose out over voter ID, are they not embarrassed that Lefties don't have the brains to obtain some kind of ID to get voter ID?
When was voter ID an issue anyway? Answer, it's not. And for Democrats it's not. But closing 1200 polling locations in minority areas by Republicans is an issue for ID, because it renders ID useless. Understand?
How many days is it for you to vote. How much would a taxi cost? Taxi cost divided by the days equals a few cents per day.

Do you have a relative or neighbour to give you a lift.

I don't think you're trying, voting can't be a high enough priority for you.

I had an employee. He got snowed in and missed a day. He lived in the bottom of a dip. I asked him how long he lived there, 12, years. I asked him if he ever bought snow chains, no. Did you put grit bins along the road, no. If you know when it's going to snow, do you park at the top of the hill, no. His lack of effort meant I had no effort in paying him for the day.

Get off your backside.
With 1200 polling places closed by Republicans in minority areas, how far do you think they need to travel in that Taxi? And how many taxis are there again, per voter? Maybe they're aren't any, especially in rural areas? Do you not see this picture here? This is voter suppression chief.
With 1200 polling places closed by Republicans in minority areas, how far do you think they need to travel in that Taxi? And how many taxis are there again, per voter? Maybe they're aren't any, especially in rural areas? Do you not see this picture here? This is voter suppression chief.
Give us a list of them and back it up with real proof.
How many days is it for you to vote. How much would a taxi cost? Taxi cost divided by the days equals a few cents per day.

Do you have a relative or neighbour to give you a lift.

I don't think you're trying, voting can't be a high enough priority for you.

I had an employee. He got snowed in and missed a day. He lived in the bottom of a dip. I asked him how long he lived there, 12, years. I asked him if he ever bought snow chains, no. Did you put grit bins along the road, no. If you know when it's going to snow, do you park at the top of the hill, no. His lack of effort meant I had no effort in paying him for the day.

Get off your backside.
Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent years: rights group This has nothing to do with getting off your backside. Get a clue.
Give us a list of them and back it up with real proof.
Anything else?

It's all about sucking the life out of the minority vote.

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