Zone1 Hundreds of newspapers drop 'Dilbert' comic strip after racist tirade from creator Scott Adams


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘The Anti-Defamation League has noted that the phrase [“It’s OK to be White.”] emerged on the infamous message board 4chan in 2017 as a trolling campaign and has a “long history” in the white supremacist movement.’

For racists such as Adams, it’s clearly not OK to be black.
Hmmm... a poll showed that about half of Black people think it's not "okay to be white". In reality, probably most Black people don't like whites, just as most white people fear Blacks. Both groups have good reasons for their feelings.

Scott Adams was not very smart to say common sense things about this situation. Of course most whites try to live as far from the Black underclass -- which is extremely violent and commits low-IQ low-impulse-control crimes with great frequency. (Young Black males, about 3% of the population, commit over 50% of its murders. Mainly of each other, so no one cares.)

This white attitude is shared by white conservatives and white liberals and the Black middle class. It's just common sense. They do this for the same reason (or one of the reasons) that Black people moved out of the South during the 20th Century. Simple self-preservation, an strong evolutionarily-implanted instinct.

But one thing you should learn is that there are things which are believed, but not said, just as there are things which are said, but not done, and things which are done, but not said.

So we go down, with the MSM bleating that saying "white lives matter" is proof of genocidal racism!

Patriots, move to Red states, prepare, get the tools of self-defense, organize on a local level with your like-minded neighbors. This won't go on forever.
I didn't think there were "hundreds of newspapers" left in the US.

Scott Adams net worth is $75 million. He doesn't need the work.

I always discount articles that make assertions and then neglect to provide the example that makes their point, opting instead for terms like "effectively" or "virtually." It they have a point to make, as in any teaching moment, provide the example not what CNN provided--The move came after Scott Adams, the cartoonist behind “Dilbert,” effectively encouraged segregation in a shocking rant on YouTube. How about providing the link to the rant on YouTube that would have proved or disproved their smear.
Well that's funny, I feel the same way about liberals, progressives, socialists, and Democrats. If nearly half of all liberals, progressives, socialists, and Democrats are not OK with conservatives, that’s definitely a hate group.

I don’t want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to conservative folks is to get the hell away from liberals, progressives, socialists, and Democrats, just get the fuck away … because there is no fixing this.
So we go down, with the MSM bleating that saying "white lives matter" is proof of genocidal racism!
And it is unbelievable to me, that "white lives matter" is proof of genocidal racism in these people's minds, but the phrase that gave rise to the idea of WLM was BLM. How is BLM any less proof of genocidal racism?
I always notice and believe articles that charge racism because they're virtually true 90% of the time, without having to hear the racist remarks repeated.
Race is a thing that divides us ... thus it is of Satan ... 'nough said ... I'm learning how to be a better weasel from Scott Adams ... he admits being the best weasel around ... and he lays it all out in his books ... what next: Child rearing by W.C. Fields? ...
‘“I don’t want to have anything to do with them,” Adams added. “And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away … because there is no fixing this.”’ ibid

A truly reprehensible manifestation of racism – the hateful lie that black people are a ‘problem’ that cannot be ‘fixed.’
I always discount articles that make assertions and then neglect to provide the example that makes their point, opting instead for terms like "effectively" or "virtually." It they have a point to make, as in any teaching moment, provide the example not what CNN provided--The move came after Scott Adams, the cartoonist behind “Dilbert,” effectively encouraged segregation in a shocking rant on YouTube. How about providing the link to the rant on YouTube that would have proved or disproved their smear.
Well, the reality is that there are many Blacks who WANT segregation. That's why they want 'No Whites Day' on campuses and segregated dormitories. It's why Black kids sit at the same tables in the school cafeteria, where whites/Asians are not welcome.

Most people, in fact, prefer to live near 'their own', whose culture they understand and whose reactions they can predict.

It used to be a goal of the Left to see the cultural coming together and homogenization of all mankind. It was/is not an ignoble aspiration.

But ... it requires that every national group rise to the same economic and cultural level, and share the same individualist values, including committment to the rule of law, as we have evolved in the West.

That takes many generations, if it happens at all. People can't jump over their own heads.

One of the tragedies of American Black people is that they are geographically dispersed over the whole United States. If they were concentrated into one area ... say, a big chunk of the American South .. they could consider separation, exercising the right to self-determination.

(This was a demand of the CPUSA in the 1930s for the 'Black Belt', a string of contingent counties in the South where there were Black majorities -- a mechanical application of a tactical demand that had been relevant in the Czarist Empire, and helped the Bolsheviks gain power there, but didn't have traction in the US.)

But coming events might result in a situation where this project actually became relevant. We might have the tragedy -- as did happen many times in Europe during the 20th Century -- of mass population transfer, not always voluntary.

Whatever is going to happen, the more patriots who have prepared for it, and more they have prepared, the better the outcome.

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