'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis

Beating up those poor Asians you pretend to care about after Trump blamed Asians for Covid.

I never pretended to advocate for Stop Asian Hate or anything. I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming black racism against Asians on Trump.

Using this discussion about Adams as a hypothetical, if white people started to distance themselves from blacks because of Adams' rhetoric, you would say they're manifesting racism that was already there. But if blacks assault Asians after Trump's rhetoric, well, Trump somehow, through mere words and not a little anti-woke evil magic, triggered blacks to commit racist acts without actually being racist.

Don't try to deny it. I and everyone here know that is exactly what you would say.
Nope. It wasn't. It was regular people, black and white, who heard the president say shit like "China Virus" and "Kung Flu" and repeat horseshit like "It must have escaped from a lab!" to cover his own ineptitude in dealing with the crisis,

And? Did you even stop to ask yourself why more blacks were assaulting Asians than whites? Do you have a theory about this or did you just ignore it?

And why is the idea of a lab leak so reprehensible to liberals?
The reason why black people are rightfully upset enough to have a BLM is because police officers or vigilantes with police blessing, are killing black people with no consequences. That's what they are upset about, and they SHOULD be.

Is this supposed to excuse anti-Asian racism?
I never pretended to advocate for Stop Asian Hate or anything. I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming black racism against Asians on Trump.

Except Trump created the atmosphere that made it acceptable for people of ALL RACES to take out their frustrations on Asians.

Using this discussion about Adams as a hypothetical, if white people started to distance themselves from blacks because of Adams' rhetoric, you would say they're manifesting racism that was already there. But if blacks assault Asians after Trump's rhetoric, well, Trump somehow, through mere words and not a little anti-woke evil magic, triggered blacks to commit racist acts without actually being racist.

Adams isn't the president, and even his cartoon strip had fallen out of favor years ago. (You can tell this because all the parodies use the art style for his character he used 10 years ago with the goofy tie.

When the President starts blaming all the misery of Covid on Asians, and even takes anti-Asian policies like the travel ban, you've pretty much made it okay to beat up Asians if you were already so predisposed.

And? Did you even stop to ask yourself why more blacks were assaulting Asians than whites? Do you have a theory about this or did you just ignore it?

First, I don't know that true. Do you have statistics? I do know that hate crimes against Asians have increased 339% since Covid started.

Second, - and here's the important part - the jump happened after Trump started saying things like China Virus and Kung Flu.

And why is the idea of a lab leak so reprehensible to liberals?

because it's racist and ignores science. Also, it's a sad attempt to give Trump a pass on his criminal mismanagement of the Covid Crisis.

Is this supposed to excuse anti-Asian racism?
No, it's supposed to point out what black people are rightfully upset about.

So if a black person punches out Nǎinai on a street corner, he's going to be arrested and he's going to go to jail for it.

A cop shoots Michael Brown after he has his hands up, and he gets the DA to cover for him.
A cop shoots Tamir Rice playing with a toy, and he just loses his job.
A cop shoots Laquan McDonald 16 times, and he only gets 3 years in prison.
A cop shoots Duante Wright over a minor traffic violation, and she only gets two years.

It's not about the bad behavior, it's about the lack of consequences.
Except Trump created the atmosphere that made it acceptable for people of ALL RACES to take out their frustrations on Asians.

Irrelevant and not the point. The point is, you label the white guy racist for assaulting Asians but refuse to label black guys as racist for doing the same thing.
Adams isn't the president,

It was hypothetical dumbass. If people started moving away from blacks because of Adams, you'd say they were being racist.
and even his cartoon strip had fallen out of favor years ago. (You can tell this because all the parodies use the art style for his character he used 10 years ago with the goofy tie.

Who gives a shit? This has nothing to do with his comic strip. All you're doing is reinforcing your newfound bias against the guy with irrelevant criticisms that have nothing to do with what he said. What are you, thirteen?

For all your bullshit about my white fragility, you sure are bent out of shape over this.
When the President starts blaming all the misery of Covid on Asians, and even takes anti-Asian policies like the travel ban, you've pretty much made it okay to beat up Asians if you were already so predisposed.

So you admit the blacks that attacked Asians were already racist?
First, I don't know that true. Do you have statistics?

Do you have a source for your definition of racism?
I do know that hate crimes against Asians have increased 339% since Covid started.

I remember seeing news reports of numerous attacks and one thing struck me at the time: most of the attackers were black.
Second, - and here's the important part - the jump happened after Trump started saying things like China Virus and Kung Flu.

Again, irrelevant and not the point. First, you would say the white and black attackers both were stirred up by Trump. Second - and here's the important part - you would say the white guys were racist but the black guys were only stirred up by Trump. Do you not see a double standard here?
because it's racist and ignores science.

First of all, what science? Secondly, racial sensitivities are irrelevant to the truth. That's not to say it did come from a lab leak but there's no reason - other than racial sensibilities - not to consider it. It is entirely plausible that it was a lab leak.
Also, it's a sad attempt to give Trump a pass on his criminal mismanagement of the Covid Crisis.

And what if the Chinese lab allowed the virus to get out through criminal mismanagement? How Trump handled that mess is irrelevant to where the virus came from.
No, it's supposed to point out what black people are rightfully upset about.

So, can we say then that blacks who attack Asians are racist?
So if a black person punches out Nǎinai on a street corner, he's going to be arrested and he's going to go to jail for it.

A cop shoots Michael Brown after he has his hands up, and he gets the DA to cover for him.
A cop shoots Tamir Rice playing with a toy, and he just loses his job.
A cop shoots Laquan McDonald 16 times, and he only gets 3 years in prison.
A cop shoots Duante Wright over a minor traffic violation, and she only gets two years.

It's not about the bad behavior, it's about the lack of consequences.

Blah blah blah. Cops shooting blacks is irrelevant to the issue of black racism. The point is, blacks can be racist and attack Asians with or without cop shootings.
White Fragility, I'm starting to think you are lonely restarting conversations I was done with, but I'll hit on a few of your Mewlings.

It was hypothetical dumbass. If people started moving away from blacks because of Adams, you'd say they were being racist.

Except in Trump's case, it wasn't a hypothetical. He spent a year blaming Asians for Covid, and as a result, the hate crime rate against Asians rose 300%

Who gives a shit? This has nothing to do with his comic strip. All you're doing is reinforcing your newfound bias against the guy with irrelevant criticisms that have nothing to do with what he said. What are you, thirteen?
Actually, it kind of has everything to do with it. You see, Dilbert used to be topical. Every office had a Dilbert calendar with reruns of his strip. Companies like Office Depot used Dilbert animations for advertising... And then... people just kind of forgot about him. "Look, I'm saying something controversial, pay attention to me!" Whoops. That backfired.

And what if the Chinese lab allowed the virus to get out through criminal mismanagement?
They didn't. Which they demonstrated before they got fed up with all the conspiracy theories and just stopped cooperating.

First of all, what science? Secondly, racial sensitivities are irrelevant to the truth. That's not to say it did come from a lab leak but there's no reason - other than racial sensibilities - not to consider it. It is entirely plausible that it was a lab leak.
No, actually, it isn't. What's a lot more plausible is that it jumped from animals to humans from a wet market where they sell live animals from exotic places. I'm going to violate my "no links for you" rule and try to education you.

The most probable explanation for the introduction of SARS-CoV-2 into humans involves zoonotic jumps from as-yet-undetermined, intermediate host animals at the Huanan market (34, 38, 39). Through late 2019, the Huanan market sold animals that are known to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and capable of intraspecies transmission (4042). The presence of potential animal reservoirs, coupled with the timing of the lineage B primary case and the geographic clustering of early cases around the Huanan market (39), support the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 lineage B jumped into humans at the Huanan market in mid-November 2019.
In a related study (39), we show that the two earliest lineage A cases are more closely positioned geographically to the Huanan market than expected compared with other COVID-19 cases in Wuhan in early 2020, despite having no known association with the market. This geographic proximity is consistent with a separate and subsequent origin of lineage A at the Huanan market in late November 2019. The presence of lineage A virus at the Huanan market was confirmed by Gao et al. (43) from a sample taken from discarded gloves.

So, can we say then that blacks who attack Asians are racist?

Not really. For instance, the guy who pushed the Asian lady onto the train tracks had a long history of mental illness.

In fact, most perpetrators of anti-Asian violence are white people.. but it's the rare black person who "goes viral" thanks to the RW Blogosphere.

While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Other studies confirm the findings, Wong wrote. She pointed to separate research from the University of Michigan Virulent Hate Project, which examined media reports about anti-Asian incidents last year and found that upward of 75 percentof news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances of physical or verbal assault and harassment when the race of the perpetrator was confirmed. Wong said the numbers could even be an underestimate.

"This is really how crime is framed in the United States — it's framed as the source is Black," Wong said.
Except in Trump's case, it wasn't a hypothetical. He spent a year blaming Asians for Covid, and as a result, the hate crime rate against Asians rose 300%

Irrelevant and deflection. Going on and on about Trump is not going to divert me from my point. Once again, the point is that you would call the white attackers racists while sloughing off the same racist attacks by black men as "Trump got them riled."
Actually, it kind of has everything to do with it. You see, Dilbert used to be topical. Every office had a Dilbert calendar with reruns of his strip. Companies like Office Depot used Dilbert animations for advertising... And then... people just kind of forgot about him. "Look, I'm saying something controversial, pay attention to me!" Whoops. That backfired.

I sincerely don't give a flying fuck. I never read the strip unless I happened on one somewhere and again, all you're doing is reinforcing your bias: "Oh, he's racist? Well, his strip was starting to suck anyway and he's got bad breath, acne and skin tags."

Grow up for Christ's sake.
They didn't.

How do you know this?
Which they demonstrated before they got fed up with all the conspiracy theories and just stopped cooperating.

Jesus, are you that naive? They never cooperated for fuck's sake. The Chinese cannot be trusted and you should know this by now. Remember Tiananmen Square?

That is not to say it was a lab leak but the way they're behaving suggests lab leak and subsequent cover-up. At this point I'm more or less just waiting for that to be confirmed.
No, actually, it isn't.

Uh, no. I did not say it was more or most plausible, I said it was entirely plausible. It is just as plausible as the wet market theory.
What's a lot more plausible is that it jumped from animals to humans from a wet market where they sell live animals from exotic places. I'm going to violate my "no links for you" rule and try to education you.

The fuck are you talking about? You've never had a problem posting links, you just never clicked on links posted for you.

That being said, I'm gonna pull a JoeB and not click on it or read it.
Not really. For instance, the guy who pushed the Asian lady onto the train tracks had a long history of mental illness.

There were multiple assaults during that time by black men. Black women too, for that matter.

According to the article linked below from May 2021, in spite of all the rhetoric from Democrats and mainstream media that this anti-Asian sentiment was rooted in white supremacy, the stats revealed that fully 27.5% of the Asian attacks were by blacks compared to 24.1% by whites and 21.4% by Hispanics.

These stats were published and cited in the article from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Crime Against Asians Isn’t Due to White Supremacy
In fact, most perpetrators of anti-Asian violence are white people.. but it's the rare black person who "goes viral" thanks to the RW Blogosphere.

While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Other studies confirm the findings, Wong wrote. She pointed to separate research from the University of Michigan Virulent Hate Project, which examined media reports about anti-Asian incidents last year and found that upward of 75 percentof news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances of physical or verbal assault and harassment when the race of the perpetrator was confirmed. Wong said the numbers could even be an underestimate.

"This is really how crime is framed in the United States — it's framed as the source is Black," Wong said.

From what I can tell, they gleaned numbers from years going back as far as 2014. Thing is, during the pandemic when the assaults against Asians went up, most - or at least half - of these assaults were committed by blacks.

Now, I know how you like to bog the discussion down by playing the numbers game so I will get back to the main point; many of the assaults against Asians in the last few years were by blacks. If a white person does it, it's racism. If a black person does it, it's because Trump riled him up.

You can't have it both ways. These are racist acts perpetrated by racists, black and white. Period.
I sincerely don't give a flying fuck. I never read the strip unless I happened on one somewhere and again, all you're doing is reinforcing your bias: "Oh, he's racist? Well, his strip was starting to suck anyway and he's got bad breath, acne and skin tags."

No, you miss the point. I mean Jesus, are you this fucking dense?
His strip was a big deal back in the 1990's and early Aughts, because it DID capture the travails of being an office worker. We've all had a Pointy-Haired Boss and we've all worked with someone like Wally. The strip resonated.

And then.. it didn't. Largely because his material became repetitive. Partially because he hadn't worked in an office in so long he was out of touch. Well, Old Scott didn't like that, and like a lot of past their sell date celebrities, he started doing crazy stuff to get attention. It's classic addict stuff.

Kind of like an addict ODing, he said the craziest thing possible. And CONSEQUENCE CULTURE, Baby.

Irrelevant and deflection. Going on and on about Trump is not going to divert me from my point. Once again, the point is that you would call the white attackers racists while sloughing off the same racist attacks by black men as "Trump got them riled."

Since all those attacks happened AFTER Trump starting saying "China Virus", um, yeah, there's probably a correlation.

Jesus, are you that naive? They never cooperated for fuck's sake. The Chinese cannot be trusted and you should know this by now. Remember Tiananmen Square?
Remember Kent State?
The Chinese were cooperating just fine. Even Trump praised Xi for his help.


he only started blaming China when it didn't "turn out to be a hoax" and "Go away by Easter".

According to the article linked below from May 2021, in spite of all the rhetoric from Democrats and mainstream media that this anti-Asian sentiment was rooted in white supremacy, the stats revealed that fully 27.5% of the Asian attacks were by blacks compared to 24.1% by whites and 21.4% by Hispanics.
Commentary is a right wing rag. And the fact that your best source can only blame 27% of attack on Asians on blacks says a lot.

Now, I know how you like to bog the discussion down by playing the numbers game so I will get back to the main point; many of the assaults against Asians in the last few years were by blacks. If a white person does it, it's racism. If a black person does it, it's because Trump riled him up.
Again, whites are 75% of the attacks on Asians, so there's definitely some racism going on here.
No, you miss the point. I mean Jesus, are you this fucking dense?
His strip was a big deal back in the 1990's and early Aughts, because it DID capture the travails of being an office worker. We've all had a Pointy-Haired Boss and we've all worked with someone like Wally. The strip resonated.

And then.. it didn't. Largely because his material became repetitive. Partially because he hadn't worked in an office in so long he was out of touch. Well, Old Scott didn't like that, and like a lot of past their sell date celebrities, he started doing crazy stuff to get attention. It's classic addict stuff.

Kind of like an addict ODing, he said the craziest thing possible. And CONSEQUENCE CULTURE, Baby.

Again: Who. Gives. a. Fuck?

We're not here discussing how his strip went down in quality and I don't care if this is a cry for attention. Your ruthless, amoral and callous "consequence culture" may bring him down but the truth is, his words resonated with a lot of people. Though I didn't agree with a lot of it, I understand the frustration behind it.

You fucking people have fomented an atmosphere in this country where white people can't succeed at anything without some idiot bleating about white privilege. People are sick of it.
Since all those attacks happened AFTER Trump starting saying "China Virus", um, yeah, there's probably a correlation.

Even if there is a correlation, the fucking point is that the white attackers are racist while the black attackers merely got stirred up by the president's rhetoric. It's total hypocritical horseshit.
Remember Kent State?

What about Kent State? No one gave the order to fire on the students and to this day, no one knows who or why he fired.
The Chinese were cooperating just fine. Even Trump praised Xi for his help.

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he only started blaming China when it didn't "turn out to be a hoax" and "Go away by Easter".

That doesn't make any sense.
Commentary is a right wing rag. And the fact that your best source can only blame 27% of attack on Asians on blacks says a lot.

Look at the numbers dumbass. Blacks committed more of the attacks than anyone else.

But again, this is not about numbers. Even if the number of black attackers was less than everyone else, the fact remains that there were blacks who attacked Asians. Even if it's not the majority, it's still a sizeable number. There's no getting around this.
Again, whites are 75% of the attacks on Asians, so there's definitely some racism going on here.

No shit Sherlock. But do you agree that attacks on Asians by blacks were racist?

You've been clumsily dancing around this with the numbers game and you have yet to address it. This is a symptom of your cognitive dissonance: Two groups attacked Asians for the same reasons but only one group is racist.
We're not here discussing how his strip went down in quality and I don't care if this is a cry for attention. Your ruthless, amoral and callous "consequence culture" may bring him down but the truth is, his words resonated with a lot of people. Though I didn't agree with a lot of it, I understand the frustration behind it.

What frustrations? That a lot of black people disagreed with a racist meme? How dare they!

He probably should have done his research before he opened his mouth, but he didn't, and Consequence Culture, Baby. He can go hang out with Manish woman from Star Wars. Oh, look, Ben Stein just said something stupid, too.

You fucking people have fomented an atmosphere in this country where white people can't succeed at anything without some idiot bleating about white privilege. People are sick of it.

You mean people with severe white fragility are sick of it. I freely admit that I've benefited from White privilege.

That doesn't make any sense.

Sure it did. Trump praised Xi for the information he provided and his efforts to contain the Virus to China. But once the Virus got here and Trump had no idea what to do because he disbanded Obama's Response Team and scrapped Obama's Pandemic plan, he needed someone to blame, and suddenly, why it must have been a lab leak? Fauci says it isn't? Then he must be in on the plot!

But again, this is not about numbers. Even if the number of black attackers was less than everyone else, the fact remains that there were blacks who attacked Asians. Even if it's not the majority, it's still a sizeable number. There's no getting around this.

It's entirely about the numbers. Most anti-Asian bias crimes are committed by white people, and that number went through the roof after Trump started babbling about Kung Flu.

No shit Sherlock. But do you agree that attacks on Asians by blacks were racist?
Blacks don't have the institutional power to be racist, and a mentally ill person attacking an Asian person isn't racist.

You've been clumsily dancing around this with the numbers game and you have yet to address it. This is a symptom of your cognitive dissonance: Two groups attacked Asians for the same reasons but only one group is racist.
Because only one of them has the institutional power to get away with it.

Let's look at the guy who shot up the massage parlors in Georgia. The police rushed out almost as soon as he was caught to announce the poor baby wasn't racist (even though 6 of the 8 people he shot were Asian) but because the poor baby was sexually frustrated. Ignore the fact that he passed by a couple of strip joints to get where the Asian babes were probably not even engaged in sexual activity. (only one of the businesses had ever been cited, and that was in 2013).
What frustrations? That a lot of black people disagreed with a racist meme? How dare they!

Yeah, white people have been frustrated the last seven to ten years over a meme that came out five years ago. Idiot.
He probably should have done his research before he opened his mouth, but he didn't, and Consequence Culture, Baby. He can go hang out with Manish woman from Star Wars. Oh, look, Ben Stein just said something stupid, too.

"Why don't these racists just DIE!! AAAHHH!!!"
You mean people with severe white fragility are sick of it.

Sick of hearing about white privilege just because a white person won the Oscar and not the black actor who maybe didn't deserve it? Or when a more qualified white person gets the job over the less qualified black person? Yes, they're sick of it.
I freely admit that I've benefited from White privilege.

So what do you do about it other than preach?
Sure it did. Trump praised Xi for the information he provided and his efforts to contain the Virus to China. But once the Virus got here and Trump had no idea what to do because he disbanded Obama's Response Team and scrapped Obama's Pandemic plan, he needed someone to blame, and suddenly, why it must have been a lab leak? Fauci says it isn't? Then he must be in on the plot!

The Chinese have been playing it close to the vest from the very beginning. And if they stopped cooperating because of conspiracy theories as you suggest then it only shows that people dying was not a priority for them.
It's entirely about the numbers. Most anti-Asian bias crimes are committed by white people, and that number went through the roof after Trump started babbling about Kung Flu.

If blacks are attacking Asians then they are racist as well.

This is the point you keep avoiding.
Blacks don't have the institutional power to be racist,

Obviously institutional power is not required to beat up an elderly Asian woman.
and a mentally ill person attacking an Asian person isn't racist.

You pick one mentally ill guy out of scores of others who were not mentally ill and racist to prove...what exactly?
Because only one of them has the institutional power to get away with it.

Did any of them get away with it?
Let's look at the guy who shot up the massage parlors in Georgia. The police rushed out almost as soon as he was caught to announce the poor baby wasn't racist (even though 6 of the 8 people he shot were Asian) but because the poor baby was sexually frustrated. Ignore the fact that he passed by a couple of strip joints to get where the Asian babes were probably not even engaged in sexual activity. (only one of the businesses had ever been cited, and that was in 2013).

Doesn't change the fact that blacks were attacking Asians too and that by doing so, displayed their racism.
Yeah, white people have been frustrated the last seven to ten years over a meme that came out five years ago. Idiot.
Oh, white people have been "frustrated" since Rosa Parks refused to sit at the back of the bus.

Sick of hearing about white privilege just because a white person won the Oscar and not the black actor who maybe didn't deserve it? Or when a more qualified white person gets the job over the less qualified black person? Yes, they're sick of it.
Yup, white fragility.

Now, I've been working a long time. I've seen maybe ONE case of a black person getting a job she didn't merit through affirmative action. I've seen lots of white people get jobs they had no business doing because they were related to the boss, fucking the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss. Professionally, the latter are a lot worse, because no matter how incompetent they are, you really can't do anything about them and often have to steer clear of them.

The Chinese have been playing it close to the vest from the very beginning. And if they stopped cooperating because of conspiracy theories as you suggest then it only shows that people dying was not a priority for them.

They did what they were obligated to do. They warned us the disease was a thing. They gave us access to their initial data that showed that it started in the wet market. Trump thanked them for their cooperation. Until he needed a scapegoat for his own criminal incompetence, and then they said, "Meh, fuck it."

Obviously institutional power is not required to beat up an elderly Asian woman.
No, mental illness helps.

Did any of them get away with it?
Sure they did. Loehmann didn't go to prison. Wilson didn't go to prison. Van Dyke only went to prison for three years. There are homies who spent more time in jail for stealing tube socks! Potter is only going to jail for two years. Well, you get the idea.

Doesn't change the fact that blacks were attacking Asians too and that by doing so, displayed their racism.
Except, no, it doesn't, because they didn't have the institutional power to get away with it.

Let's review the Massage Parlor shooting. The Sheriff immediately came out and said that it was because of his "Sexual Frustration", and then added "he was pretty much fed up and kind of at the end of his rope, and I guess it was a really bad day for him and this is what he did." They later found out this shithead shared a Facebook Post that read "Covid 19 imported virus from Mainland Chy-na". (Oh, four of the ladies killed were Korean, but hey, whatever.) See, institutional power making excuses for a racist act.

Meanwhile, the mentally ill black man who hits the Asian woman because Trump told him they caused Covid, gets thrown in jail immediately, and is no closer to getting medicated than before he went on his rampage
"Why don't these racists just DIE!! AAAHHH!!!"

I don't want them to die.

I want them to be publicly humiliated.

I want them to be mocked in the public square.

I want their image to be tarnished and anything else they accomplished to be overshadowed.
Meanwhile, the mentally ill black man who hits the Asian woman because Trump told him they caused Covid, gets thrown in jail immediately, and is no closer to getting medicated than before he went on his rampage
First, covid19 came from china

Thats all trump ever said

Which caused nancy pelosi to make a fool of herself by holding a media event in chinatown

Thats high level liberal stupidity on display

But your complaint about the disparate treatment of black people reeks of guilt-ridden white liberal tear jerking

The fact is that blacks cause a lot of social problems that put the spotlight of the entire group in a negative way

Asians ate the example that blacks should try to emulate if they want a better reputation

Meaning study hard, maintain intact 2 parent families, and dont have out of wedlock children
First, covid19 came from china

Thats all trump ever said

He said a lot more than that.

Which caused nancy pelosi to make a fool of herself by holding a media event in chinatown

YOu mean saying we shouldn't demonize Chinese people? (Or Asians in General, for that matter.)

Yes, how foolish. We always look for racial scapegoats.. USA USA USA!

But your complaint about the disparate treatment of black people reeks of guilt-ridden white liberal tear jerking

Yes, how dare I recognize a wrong that has been done. I'm sorry your white fragility prevents you from seeing it.

The fact is that blacks cause a lot of social problems that put the spotlight of the entire group in a negative way

Asians ate the example that blacks should try to emulate if they want a better reputation

Meaning study hard, maintain intact 2 parent families, and dont have out of wedlock children

Here's the thing. Any Asians who come here have the institutional wealth to get here. Blacks have never had that.
Asians were never slaves, never had anything like Jim Crow for hundreds of years, etc.
The two just aren't comparable.
Oh, white people have been "frustrated" since Rosa Parks refused to sit at the back of the bus.

Don't be an idiot.
Yup, white fragility.
I didn't say white fragility, I said white privilege.

But, are you saying that alleging white privilege any and every time a white person gets the job or the award or whatever, even if he deserved it, is justified? Are you okay with false or frivolous allegations of white privilege?
Now, I've been working a long time. I've seen maybe ONE case of a black person getting a job she didn't merit through affirmative action. I've seen lots of white people get jobs they had no business doing because they were related to the boss, fucking the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss. Professionally, the latter are a lot worse, because no matter how incompetent they are, you really can't do anything about them and often have to steer clear of them.

And? You're still stuck on this numbers game: what race is guilty of more and worse incidents of privilege and racism?

My problem is allegations of white privilege or white racism when they are not warranted.
They did what they were obligated to do.

They were obligated to refuse to be open and honest about the origins of Covid in an effort to combat the disease and reduce deaths?
They warned us the disease was a thing. They gave us access to their initial data that showed that it started in the wet market. Trump thanked them for their cooperation. Until he needed a scapegoat for his own criminal incompetence, and then they said, "Meh, fuck it."

No, mental illness helps.

Helps what, feed your narrative that black attackers are not racist even though they committed the same racist acts as white attackers?
Sure they did. Loehmann didn't go to prison. Wilson didn't go to prison. Van Dyke only went to prison for three years. There are homies who spent more time in jail for stealing tube socks! Potter is only going to jail for two years. Well, you get the idea.

We're talking about attacks on Asians dumbass. So again, did any of the white attackers "get away with it"?
Except, no, it doesn't, because they didn't have the institutional power to get away with it.

Did any of them get away with it?
Let's review the Massage Parlor shooting. The Sheriff immediately came out and said that it was because of his "Sexual Frustration", and then added "he was pretty much fed up and kind of at the end of his rope, and I guess it was a really bad day for him and this is what he did." They later found out this shithead shared a Facebook Post that read "Covid 19 imported virus from Mainland Chy-na". (Oh, four of the ladies killed were Korean, but hey, whatever.) See, institutional power making excuses for a racist act.

Still with the numbers game.
Meanwhile, the mentally ill black man who hits the Asian woman because Trump told him they caused Covid, gets thrown in jail immediately, and is no closer to getting medicated than before he went on his rampage

I don't care. None of the other black attackers were mentally ill so they have no excuse.
But, are you saying that alleging white privilege any and every time a white person gets the job or the award or whatever, even if he deserved it, is justified? Are you okay with false or frivolous allegations of white privilege?

No more than I'm saying every time a black person gets a job, it was because of Affirmative Action. But I think you are getting confused.

They were obligated to refuse to be open and honest about the origins of Covid in an effort to combat the disease and reduce deaths?

No, they were obligated to do so because being pushed around by foreigners is one of those thing Chinese leaders can't really stand for. If you understood Chinese History, you'd know why. Once the attitude changed from cooperative to accusatory, the Chinese decided they were done working with Trump. (They did continue to work with the WHO and other international agencies, which Trump quit because he's Trump.)

I don't care. None of the other black attackers were mentally ill so they have no excuse.
Really? Because most of the stories you wingnuts seem to highlight almost always involved a crazy stewbum with a long history of mental problems.

We're talking about attacks on Asians dumbass. So again, did any of the white attackers "get away with it"?
Probably a lot of them. Or they were allowed to plead down to lesser offenses.
No more than I'm saying every time a black person gets a job, it was because of Affirmative Action. But I think you are getting confused.

I'm not confused at all. What I'm saying is that if we can't say every time a white person succeeds in some way that it was white privilege then maybe we need to tone down the white privilege rhetoric or at least, critically examine each allegation.
No, they were obligated to do so because being pushed around by foreigners is one of those thing Chinese leaders can't really stand for.

But if Trump had done the same thing you would have said he was placing peoples' lives second on the list of priorities.
If you understood Chinese History, you'd know why. Once the attitude changed from cooperative to accusatory, the Chinese decided they were done working with Trump.

And everyone else, apparently.
(They did continue to work with the WHO and other international agencies, which Trump quit because he's Trump.)

Of course they worked with the WHO; the WHO was saying what the Chinese wanted to hear.
Really? Because most of the stories you wingnuts seem to highlight almost always involved a crazy stewbum with a long history of mental problems.

I'm not one of "you wingnuts". And no, it still does not excuse the actions of the other black attackers. Their actions were racist just like the white attackers, pure and simple.
Probably a lot of them. Or they were allowed to plead down to lesser offenses.

You mean you don't know?

You're telling me the white attackers had the institutional power to get away with their attacks but you don't even know if any of them did.
I'm not confused at all. What I'm saying is that if we can't say every time a white person succeeds in some way that it was white privilege then maybe we need to tone down the white privilege rhetoric or at least, critically examine each allegation.

Nope, we need to have more discussions about white privilege and white fragility. The new racist tactics is to try to pretend those things aren't there when they obviously are.

But if Trump had done the same thing you would have said he was placing peoples' lives second on the list of priorities.

You mean I am holding the President of the US to a HIGHER standard than the dictator of China? Color me shocked.

I'm not one of "you wingnuts". And no, it still does not excuse the actions of the other black attackers. Their actions were racist just like the white attackers, pure and simple.

Um, no, more often than not, it's a matter of mental illness. We aren't talking about black people with jobs, we are talking about black people who have long histories of mental illness and substance abuse. And then Trump tells them Asian people are spreading Covid, and some Asian Granny gets curbstomped on the way to church.

You're telling me the white attackers had the institutional power to get away with their attacks but you don't even know if any of them did.

Yup, but hey, this is also what the government admits. Less likely to be charged, less likely to get serious time.

Black male offenders continued to receive longer sentences than similarly situated White male offenders. Black male offenders received sentences on average 19.1 percent longer than similarly situated White male offenders during the Post-Report period (fiscal years 2012-2016), as they had for the prior four periods studied. The differences in sentence length remained relatively unchanged compared to the Post-Gall period.

Violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to account for any of the demographic differences in sentencing. Black male offenders received sentences on average 20.4 percent longer than similarly situated White male offenders, accounting for violence in an offender’s past in fiscal year 2016, the only year for which such data is available. This figure is almost the same as the 20.7 percent difference without accounting for past violence. Thus, violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to contribute to the sentence imposed to any extent beyond its contribution to the offender’s criminal history score determined under the sentencing guidelines.
Nope, we need to have more discussions about white privilege and white fragility. The new racist tactics is to try to pretend those things aren't there when they obviously are.

And the anti-racist tactic is to pretend it's always there when most times it is not.
You mean I am holding the President of the US to a HIGHER standard than the dictator of China? Color me shocked.

So it's okay if the leader of China puts peoples' lives second on the list of priorities?
Um, no, more often than not, it's a matter of mental illness.

Do you have stats to support this?
We aren't talking about black people with jobs, we are talking about black people who have long histories of mental illness and substance abuse. And then Trump tells them Asian people are spreading Covid, and some Asian Granny gets curbstomped on the way to church.

Which of the numerous black attackers were suffering mental illness? For that matter, which of the white ones were?
Yup, but hey, this is also what the government admits. Less likely to be charged, less likely to get serious time.

But you don't know how many white attackers "got away with it", correct?
Black male offenders continued to receive longer sentences than similarly situated White male offenders. Black male offenders received sentences on average 19.1 percent longer than similarly situated White male offenders during the Post-Report period (fiscal years 2012-2016), as they had for the prior four periods studied. The differences in sentence length remained relatively unchanged compared to the Post-Gall period.

Violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to account for any of the demographic differences in sentencing. Black male offenders received sentences on average 20.4 percent longer than similarly situated White male offenders, accounting for violence in an offender’s past in fiscal year 2016, the only year for which such data is available. This figure is almost the same as the 20.7 percent difference without accounting for past violence. Thus, violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to contribute to the sentence imposed to any extent beyond its contribution to the offender’s criminal history score determined under the sentencing guidelines.

Which of the white attackers got away with it and which of the black attackers got harsher sentences or penalties compared to white attackers?
And the anti-racist tactic is to pretend it's always there when most times it is not.

Then no problem. Go to court and prove it isn't...

So it's okay if the leader of China puts peoples' lives second on the list of priorities?

I'm happy when they aren't doing mass slaughters. But what happens in China stays in China.

For instance, my girlfriend's brother recently died of Covid (She's from China, but lives here.) China tried some very harsh lockdowns and people protested, and they backed down.

Which of the white attackers got away with it and which of the black attackers got harsher sentences or penalties compared to white attackers?
As I said.. most of them, probably.
Heck, you had that racist Sheriff who had to run out and say the Massage Parlor Shooter was not a hate crime, really. He was so sexually frustrated he shot a bunch of Asian grannies.

But I'm not going to waste my time finding links for you to ignore. Do you own research.

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