'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis

Nope, only wasted my time reading three. I didn't bother with the others.

Liar. I know you looked at them but you couldn't figure out how to spin those in any way other than what they said: whites are inferior.
That sounds like a condemnation of a culture that defends racism.

You said you were upset and later tried to play it off.
I don't know what he thinks.

Yes you do.
I know he was getting a rise out of watching you get upset.

Your memory is for shit. The only reason I brought it up was to show you that some blacks are racist. I don't give a shit if he is or not, I was only relaying what the guy said because you said they can't be.

And remember, at some point this discussion will end but there will still be blacks out there who think their race is superior and embrace Afrocentrism and Melanin Theory whether this guy does or not. That is a fact.
Liar. I know you looked at them but you couldn't figure out how to spin those in any way other than what they said: whites are inferior.

Nope, I only looked at three, realized you had misreprestend the discussions by taking them out of context (As I knew you would), and didn't really bother with the rest.

Your memory is for shit. The only reason I brought it up was to show you that some blacks are racist. I don't give a shit if he is or not, I was only relaying what the guy said because you said they can't be.
Blacks don't have the institutional power to be racist.
Nope, I only looked at three, realized you had misreprestend the discussions by taking them out of context (As I knew you would), and didn't really bother with the rest.

Bullshit. If it was the first three I'd believe you. But you took the first one and the last two from the list of sixteen which means you most likely read them all down the list but only felt confident you could address three of them.

You couldn't address any of the others because their meanings were clear and not taken out of context. You're not fooling anybody here.
Blacks don't have the institutional power to be racist.

What power does your racism have over, say, IM2 or Paul and what would that look like? What could you do, personally, to exercise your white privilege and oppress them in some way that they would not be able to seek redress due to their skin color?

BTW, what is "misreprestend"?
How many whites have the institutional power to be racist?

Pretty much all of us.

Bullshit. If it was the first three I'd believe you. But you took the first one and the last two from the list of sixteen which means you most likely read them all down the list but only felt confident you could address three of them.

Naw, I looked at the first one, found it was kind of bullshit, then skipped down to the ones where you were personally engaging the man, and found those to be bullshit.

There's a reason why I don't do links and usually don't read the ones provided by Wingnuts... you just illustrated it again.

What power does your racism have over, say, IM2 or Paul and what would that look like? What could you do, personally, to exercise your white privilege and oppress them in some way that they would not be able to seek redress due to their skin color?

Here's the thing. If I send in a resume with my very nice, white, German-American name and one of those guys sends in their resume with their black sounding name, or if they go to their LinkedIn profile and see what they look like, or talk to me on the phone for a phone screen and see I have a midwestern accent, they are going to give me an advantage. I didn't do anything, but merely by being white, I get an advantage in hiring, how I am treated on a job, how the police interact with me, etc.

It's actually passive. But that's the point of racism, the institutional power of a majority. I didn't kill the cow, but I still got to enjoy the hamburger.
Naw, I looked at the first one, found it was kind of bullshit, then skipped down to the ones where you were personally engaging the man, and found those to be bullshit.

I don't buy that. When you look at the other quotes, there's no room to argue context; whites are inferior.
There's a reason why I don't do links and usually don't read the ones provided by Wingnuts... you just illustrated it again.

Then why did you bitch about it?
Here's the thing. If I send in a resume with my very nice, white, German-American name and one of those guys sends in their resume with their black sounding name, or if they go to their LinkedIn profile and see what they look like, or talk to me on the phone for a phone screen and see I have a midwestern accent, they are going to give me an advantage. I didn't do anything, but merely by being white, I get an advantage in hiring, how I am treated on a job, how the police interact with me, etc.

I asked what power YOU have.

Right here, right now, what power do you have over IM2 or Paul? In what way did you exercise white privilege or discriminate for either of them to call you racist?
It's actually passive. But that's the point of racism, the institutional power of a majority. I didn't kill the cow, but I still got to enjoy the hamburger.

You're going to have to provide me with a link to a dictionary or something that defines racism this way because I see that nowhere. It's time for you to back this up.
Nope, I only looked at three, realized you had misreprestend the discussions by taking them out of context (As I knew you would), and didn't really bother with the rest.

Blacks don't have the institutional power to be racist.
Yes, blacks have institutional power to be racists. This is because institutions like the MSM and politicians have enabled a double standard that exists. It's creating and allowing new forms of segregation

Fortunately this guy's recent upcoming shows were canceled, but I guarantee you that Insta, Youtube, will not shut this guy down. Charleston White will not have "Work" to do, or go to diversity training, nor will be forced to make a public apology. I will be shocked if he says anything to apologize or explain himself.

Let's talk about. Look up Chris Harrison from the Bachelorette. He was absolutely ran over by the woke black culture because he asked the black community to think about the entire context of a situation before labeling a contestant a racist (and all she did was attend a college party where they dressed up like southern belles). That's all he said. The black and or woke community forced this guy to step down from hosting and make public apologies because he was trying to say something that was completely taken the wrong way during the interview. But what did the woke community do? What they didn't do is think and process what he was trying to say. They immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was supporting racism.

There's a double standard that has institutional backing of racist rhetoric supported by the MSM and politicians.
Pretty much all of us.

Naw, I looked at the first one, found it was kind of bullshit, then skipped down to the ones where you were personally engaging the man, and found those to be bullshit.

There's a reason why I don't do links and usually don't read the ones provided by Wingnuts... you just illustrated it again.

Here's the thing. If I send in a resume with my very nice, white, German-American name and one of those guys sends in their resume with their black sounding name, or if they go to their LinkedIn profile and see what they look like, or talk to me on the phone for a phone screen and see I have a midwestern accent, they are going to give me an advantage. I didn't do anything, but merely by being white, I get an advantage in hiring, how I am treated on a job, how the police interact with me, etc.

It's actually passive. But that's the point of racism, the institutional power of a majority. I didn't kill the cow, but I still got to enjoy the hamburger.

Pretty much all of us.

How's that?

and one of those guys sends in their resume with their black sounding name, or if they go to their LinkedIn profile and see what they look like, or talk to me on the phone for a phone screen and see I have a midwestern accent, they are going to give me an advantage.

Did they ax the other guy a question?
I don't buy that. When you look at the other quotes, there's no room to argue context; whites are inferior.
Frankly, I looked at three of them, and it was just shit you took out of context.

I'm sure the other nine were the same, but life is short.

I asked what power YOU have.
And I explained it to you.
You're going to have to provide me with a link to a dictionary
Um, no, I'm not.

Did they ax the other guy a question?
Thanks for proving my point.
Yes, blacks have institutional power to be racists. This is because institutions like the MSM and politicians have enabled a double standard that exists. It's creating and allowing new forms of segregation

Fortunately this guy's recent upcoming shows were canceled, but I guarantee you that Insta, Youtube, will not shut this guy down. Charleston White will not have "Work" to do, or go to diversity training, nor will be forced to make a public apology. I will be shocked if he says anything to apologize or explain himself.
A YouTuber? Really?

Sounds like the guy has gotten some pretty severe sanctions.

Charleston White found himself in the FBI’s sights this week after being accused of kidnapping Asian women and holding them hostage with guns and explosives.

A video emerged on Monday (March 13) showing the internet personality and former gang leader being stopped by law enforcement outside of a convenience store in his native Texas.

White could be seen being led into the back of a police car by two officers before a group of men in smart-casual attire — presumably FBI agents — appeared on the scene.

After being let go, Charleston White detailed his brush with the law in a phone conversation with a friend that he recorded on Instagram Live, while claiming the kidnapping allegations are false.

Let's talk about. Look up Chris Harrison from the Bachelorette. He was absolutely ran over by the woke black culture because he asked the black community to think about the entire context of a situation before labeling a contestant a racist (and all she did was attend a college party where they dressed up like southern belles). That's all he said. The black and or woke community forced this guy to step down from hosting and make public apologies because he was trying to say something that was completely taken the wrong way during the interview. But what did the woke community do? What they didn't do is think and process what he was trying to say. They immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was supporting racism.

Wait, let me get this straight. White said something unacceptable and got fired.
Harrison said something unacceptable and got fired.

Seems to me like there's no double standard here.

Here's why Harrison got into trouble. The show was already in the can and the black Bachelor had already picked Ms. Racist as the one who got the "Final Rose" on the "Fuck a Stranger for Money Show". Instead of realizing why this was a big problem, Harrison tried to salvage the situation by claiming that going to a racist themed wedding was in some way not such a bad thing. (This is where if you are sensible, you quietly refilm the finale to pick the other girl who wasn't cos-playing Scarlet O'Hare.) But they didn't do that.
A YouTuber? Really?

Sounds like the guy has gotten some pretty severe sanctions.
Nothing happened with the FBI, someone unrightly said he kidnapped women and was holding them hostage. At the end of the day it was a nothing burger.

Wait, let me get this straight. White said something unacceptable and got fired.
Harrison said something unacceptable and got fired.

Seems to me like there's no double standard here.

Here's why Harrison got into trouble. The show was already in the can and the black Bachelor had already picked Ms. Racist as the one who got the "Final Rose" on the "Fuck a Stranger for Money Show". Instead of realizing why this was a big problem, Harrison tried to salvage the situation by claiming that going to a racist themed wedding was in some way not such a bad thing. (This is where if you are sensible, you quietly refilm the finale to pick the other girl who wasn't cos-playing Scarlet O'Hare.) But they didn't do that.
You're missing the point and making assumptions because you don't know the details. If you were to watch the actual interview where Chris was making the remarks he asked the former bachelorette (who is also black) if attending the College Party, that was traditionally an antebellum themed party, if it should be considered racist back in 2018 vs 2021 because of the cultural environment has changed in 3 years? At the time, the contestant was being unfairly labeled a racist for attending a college themed party. Chris was asking everyone to slow down and before we judge, consider the context.

Here's the actual interview, tell me what Chris said that was wrong. And the Rachel Lindsey and Chris were fine during and after the interview. Where it went south, is when all the black woke racists started slamming Rachel Lindsey and then SHE turned on Chris Harrison. Listen to the interview.

And how is attending an Antebellum themed party racist? Because it's in the south. Where is that line drawn? Are we now no longer to build Southern style plantations? Do we stop growing cotton all together? Is a certain dress style now racist? People have 50's themed parties and 60's themed parties where there was a lot of civil unrest. Do we stop having those parties, do ladies not wear those dresses? Do you see where the logic takes you?
Frankly, I looked at three of them, and it was just shit you took out of context.

I'm sure the other nine were the same, but life is short.

Yeah, sure.
And I explained it to you.

No, you didn't. You explained how some other white person might discriminate on your behalf. This is not a power you have, it is a power the employer has.

The question is, what power YOU have over IM2 right now. Right now, what could you do to oppress him in some way?
Um, no, I'm not.

Can you at least tell me where you got this definition from?
So, the creator of Dilbert--pulls a Dilbert! LOL! Everyone knows to not trust a Rasmussen poll..don't they?

Scott Adams, the creator of the "Dilbert" cartoon strip which has been yanked from newspapers across the country due to his racist comments, has only himself to blame for his troubles because he relied on a highly dubious poll when he attacked Black Americans.
That is the opinion of Slate analyst Aymann Ismel who pointed out the Rasmussen poll that the controversial cartoonist used in his diatribe can, at best, be viewed as an attempt to troll non-conservatives. Instead it appears to have ended Adams' career.
Adams quickly lost his syndication deal and watched as newspapers lined up to pull his strip after posting a video where he claimed, "If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people—according to this poll, not according to me, that’s a hate group,” before advising his fans to “get the hell away from Black people.”
According to Ismel, "I cannot overemphasize how dumb it is that Scott finally filleted his reputation in full over a trolly Rasmussen poll. If you’re not familiar, Rasmussen is a right-leaning pollster that produces semi-mainstream polls but is noted for its murky methods and what the New York Times has called 'dubious sampling and weighting techniques.'"
He then added that Rasmussen has been coy about their methodology when it came to that poll.
"Rasmussen said 13 percent of poll respondents were Black, so about 130 people. If we take the results entirely at face value—which I’d discourage—that means it found about 34 Black people who answered 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' with the statement 'It’s OK to be white.' We have no more information about why. (Adams got to his figure by also including Black respondents who answered 'not sure.')"

According to the analyst, "Rasmussen apparently assumed its audience would be too stupid to know any of that, and in the case of Scott Adams, it was clearly right.
/----/ And when Dementia Joe said, "integrating schools will create 'a racial jungle' and that he did not want his children to grow up in a 'racial jungle' you racist democRATs lined up to elect him president. Go figure.
Nothing happened with the FBI, someone unrightly said he kidnapped women and was holding them hostage. At the end of the day it was a nothing burger.

And I doubt the FBI would have taken it as seriously if he hadn't been a convicted murderer who went on a rant about raping Asian women. But don't pretend there were no consequences, because their obviously were. Will YouTube eventually pull his channel down? Probably. They'll definitely demonetize it.

You're missing the point and making assumptions because you don't know the details. If you were to watch the actual interview where Chris was making the remarks he asked the former bachelorette (who is also black) if attending the College Party, that was traditionally an antebellum themed party, if it should be considered racist back in 2018 vs 2021 because of the cultural environment has changed in 3 years? At the time, the contestant was being unfairly labeled a racist for attending a college themed party. Chris was asking everyone to slow down and before we judge, consider the context.
Which again, was a lot of damage control because it looked really bad when Scarlett won what was supposed to be a moment of supposed inclusion.

Here's the actual interview, tell me what Chris said that was wrong. And the Rachel Lindsey and Chris were fine during and after the interview. Where it went south, is when all the black woke racists started slamming Rachel Lindsey and then SHE turned on Chris Harrison. Listen to the interview.

He downplayed actual concerns about an insensitive party.

And how is attending an Antebellum themed party racist? Because it's in the south. Where is that line drawn? Are we now no longer to build Southern style plantations? Do we stop growing cotton all together? Is a certain dress style now racist? People have 50's themed parties and 60's themed parties where there was a lot of civil unrest. Do we stop having those parties, do ladies not wear those dresses? Do you see where the logic takes you?

Um, by that logic, is it okay to have parties were everyone dresses up like Nazis, because, hey that's a thing that happened. Or maybe have half the party dress up like Nazis and the other half dress up like concentration camp inmates, because it's all in good fun, right.

The Plantation system was a crime against humanity, and the first order of business if we ever want to make this country right is to stop romanticizing it.

/----/ And when Dementia Joe said, "integrating schools will create 'a racial jungle' and that he did not want his children to grow up in a 'racial jungle' you racist democRATs lined up to elect him president. Go figure.
You mean 40 years ago when the courts ordered busing, which everyone agrees now was a terrible idea?
No, you didn't. You explained how some other white person might discriminate on your behalf. This is not a power you have, it is a power the employer has.

Um, no, it's a power that I have in that I am going to get special privilege.
Which again, was a lot of damage control because it looked really bad when Scarlett won what was supposed to be a moment of supposed inclusion
Why do you call her Scarlett? (and I know the reference) Why do you find it so pleasing to be so passive aggressive. It helps you none. You're calling her a racist, without calling her a racist.

He downplayed actual concerns about an insensitive party.
Insensitive to whom.? Who in the twitter-verse did the party offend? Who in the twitter-verse stood on those plantation grounds and picked cotton? This is only your opinion and the opinions of a few lynching twitter users. Chris Harrison was asking people to put the pitch forks down and stop the cyber lynching they were headed towards before they even knew the woman and her character. He didn't downplay anything. Did you watch the interview? My assumption is no based your remark.

Um, by that logic, is it okay to have parties were everyone dresses up like Nazis, because, hey that's a thing that happened. Or maybe have half the party dress up like Nazis and the other half dress up like concentration camp inmates, because it's all in good fun, right.

So you're equating a time period and regional fashion to that of Nazis? Way to evoke Godwin's law and present an intellectually ignorant response. Answer the question, where is the line drawn as to what is insensitive. If an Antebellum style dress is insensitive, then why isn't a poodle skirt from the 50's? Are plantation style homes now racist? Is it racist to own 100+ acres in the south? Answer the questions instead of your usual deflection and illogical rhetoric.

The Plantation system was a crime against humanity, and the first order of business if we ever want to make this country right is to stop romanticizing it
Who's romanticizing anything? Sure there were 70 year old movies made that some will find insensitive or racist and ignore the history behind the plantations. But who's doing that now? At some point, in order to move forward we have to stop brining up the past. We recognize the terrible atrocities and crimes against humanity. And I'll be the first one in line to stand up to anyone that tries to deny that or even proclaim that this country was founded on christian principles. But when do we stop acting like these events happened yesterday and are still present today?
Why do you call her Scarlett? (and I know the reference) Why do you find it so pleasing to be so passive aggressive. It helps you none. You're calling her a racist, without calling her a racist.

Well, um... yeah. Here's the thing, Gone with the Wind romanticized the South, glossing over that Scarlett enjoyed the good life she had first from Slavery and then from Debt Peonage. (The practices that evolved in the south to re-enslave people through conviction of petty crimes and compound debt.) But despite the fact that she benefited from such human misery, SHE'S the character we are supposed to cheer for in the movie.

Same thing with people who would want to cos-play at that, they are no better than people who want to cos-play as Nazis.

Insensitive to whom.? Who in the twitter-verse did the party offend? Who in the twitter-verse stood on those plantation grounds and picked cotton? This is only your opinion and the opinions of a few lynching twitter users. Chris Harrison was asking people to put the pitch forks down and stop the cyber lynching they were headed towards before they even knew the woman and her character. He didn't downplay anything. Did you watch the interview? My assumption is no based your remark.

First, she was on the "Fuck a Stranger for Money" show. That says EVERYTHING about her lousy character. The fact that she was a racist who was still willing to spread them for a black guy for a little fame and money says a lot about her. (I believe they also dug up old videos and tweets of her saying racist stuff.)

So you're equating a time period and regional fashion to that of Nazis? Way to evoke Godwin's law and present an intellectually ignorant response. Answer the question, where is the line drawn as to what is insensitive. If an Antebellum style dress is insensitive, then why isn't a poodle skirt from the 50's? Are plantation style homes now racist? Is it racist to own 100+ acres in the south? Answer the questions instead of your usual deflection and illogical rhetoric.

Yes, what the South did was almost as bad as what the Nazis did, and we don't have Nazi-themed parties. (Well, some of you probably do, but you keep them a secret.)

The fact that we've had 100 years of romanticising the Old South maybe makes these kinds of parties "acceptable". But they aren't.

At least the Germans have the decency to be ashamed about what their ancestors did.

Who's romanticizing anything? Sure there were 70 year old movies made that some will find insensitive or racist and ignore the history behind the plantations. But who's doing that now? At some point, in order to move forward we have to stop brining up the past. We recognize the terrible atrocities and crimes against humanity. And I'll be the first one in line to stand up to anyone that tries to deny that or even proclaim that this country was founded on christian principles. But when do we stop acting like these events happened yesterday and are still present today?

Here's when we do that. When your skin color is treated no differently than your eye color or skin color. We aren't there yet.
Reminding ourselves of these injustices is how we get past them, and it's not by having cutsie parties where you all dress up like Scarlett and drink mint julips and wave the Confederate flag.

What power do you have to oppress IM2 right now? And can you tell me where you got your definition of racism?
Go away, you've been dismissed.

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