'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis

It was like two years ago, dumbass. I wasn’t about to try digging that shit up.

I don’t know why you care since you would just repeat that white fragility sputum.

I'm sure it would be a fine example of your white fragility, you have a bad case of it.

We’ll see. But you still never know all the facts.
I remember when you guys were all claiming Rittenhouse was going to sue Biden and every news outlet that called him a murderer.

Now he's hiding from process servers.
I'm sure it would be a fine example of your white fragility, you have a bad case of it.

Proving to you that a black person thinks the black race is superior is white fragility?
I remember when you guys were all claiming Rittenhouse was going to sue Biden and every news outlet that called him a murderer.

Who's "you guys"? I never said that and I think that's incorrect anyway. The rumor was that Rittenhouse would (or should) sue Biden for saying Rittenhouse was a white supremacist.

Now he's hiding from process servers.

Again, if that's true, good for him.

I understand that he thought he was stopping an active shooter but, active shooter or no, he had his own gun in his hand while trying to detain another armed person. Do the math.
Proving to you that a black person thinks the black race is superior is white fragility?

But the point is you won't "prove" it. You won't even name the guy who supposedly said it, or link to his post where he said it.

Given your tendency to mischaracterize other people's posts or even objective reality, I already kind of doubt your position.

Who's "you guys"? I never said that and I think that's incorrect anyway. The rumor was that Rittenhouse would (or should) sue Biden for saying Rittenhouse was a white supremacist.

Well, yeah, the pictures of him hanging around with the Racist Proud Boys giving racist hand gestures would indicate that. Oh, that and he went to a racial demonstration looking to shoot people.

Again, if that's true, good for him.

I understand that he thought he was stopping an active shooter but, active shooter or no, he had his own gun in his hand while trying to detain another armed person. Do the math.

I have. he shot a man in the middle of the street who was trying to take him into custody after he shot two other unarmed men to death.

The little shit is only making it worse for himself by avoiding process servers. That kind of tends to piss judges off.
Well, yeah, the pictures of him hanging around with the Racist Proud Boys giving racist hand gestures would indicate that. Oh, that and he went to a racial demonstration looking to shoot people.

And only shot the people who attacked him. White people.

That sounds super racist.........durr
But the point is you won't "prove" it. You won't even name the guy who supposedly said it, or link to his post where he said it.

Given your tendency to mischaracterize other people's posts or even objective reality, I already kind of doubt your position.

Well, yeah, the pictures of him hanging around with the Racist Proud Boys giving racist hand gestures would indicate that. Oh, that and he went to a racial demonstration looking to shoot people.

I have. he shot a man in the middle of the street who was trying to take him into custody after he shot two other unarmed men to death.

The little shit is only making it worse for himself by avoiding process servers. That kind of tends to piss judges off.

he shot a man in the middle of the street who was trying to take him into custody

That was hilarious.

he shot two other unarmed men to death.

Unarmed violent felons shouldn't attack someone with a gun.
Dumb violent felons.
Dead violent felons.
Unarmed violent felons shouldn't attack someone with a gun.
Dumb violent felons.
Dead violent felons.

Last time I checked, a past conviction does not involve a free hunting license.

Your boy might have escaped criminal consequences, but he's going down in the civil case.
But the point is you won't "prove" it.

The point is, it wouldn't make any difference if I did. You would simply ignore it and repeat your white fragility mantra anyway.

But I will say that much of what he said falls within what's called "Melanin Theory". From Wikipedia: "Melanin Theory is a set of pseudoscientific claims made by some proponents of Afrocentrism, which holds that black people, including ancient Egyptians, have superior mental, physical, and paranormal powers because they have higher levels of melanin, the primary skin pigment in humans."
You won't even name the guy who supposedly said it,

Right, and I told you why.
or link to his post where he said it.0.

I already told you why I wouldn't. Besides, you've already said you never click on links so what would be the point?
Given your tendency to mischaracterize other people's posts or even objective reality, I already kind of doubt your position.

Pot, meet Kettle.
Well, yeah, the pictures of him hanging around with the Racist Proud Boys giving racist hand gestures would indicate that.

Prove it.
Oh, that and he went to a racial demonstration looking to shoot people.

Grosskreutz was also armed; was he also looking to shoot people?
I have. he shot a man in the middle of the street who was trying to take him into custody

Who was also armed.
after he shot two other unarmed men to death.

Who attacked him.
The little shit is only making it worse for himself by avoiding process servers. That kind of tends to piss judges off.

I doubt the judge gives a shit and even if he does, a person is not required to accept a subpoena.
The point is, it wouldn't make any difference if I did. You would simply ignore it and repeat your white fragility mantra anyway.

But I will say that much of what he said falls within what's called "Melanin Theory". From Wikipedia: "Melanin Theory is a set of pseudoscientific claims made by some proponents of Afrocentrism, which holds that black people, including ancient Egyptians, have superior mental, physical, and paranormal powers because they have higher levels of melanin, the primary skin pigment in humans."
So post a link to what he actually said, instead of what Wiki said.

Right, and I told you why.
Because you were lying your ass off. Got it.
I already told you why I wouldn't. Besides, you've already said you never click on links so what would be the point?
Oh, to prove me wrong, but you can't. So you'll just keep whining.
Prove it.

Whoops, there it is
I doubt the judge gives a shit and even if he does, a person is not required to accept a subpoena.
No, but it's still pretty stupid. They can just ask for summary judgment and probably get it.
So post a link to what he actually said, instead of what Wiki said.

Why? You won't click on it anyway.

If nothing else, the Wiki article proves that the idea exists, which contradicts your denials. Whether you want to believe it or not, there are a number of blacks out there who subscribe to this Melanin Theory idea and think the black race is superior. This is a fact.
Because you were lying your ass off. Got it.

See what I mean?
Oh, to prove me wrong, but you can't. So you'll just keep whining.

Whining about what?

Oh noes.
No, but it's still pretty stupid. They can just ask for summary judgment and probably get it.

So let him.
Why? You won't click on it anyway.

If nothing else, the Wiki article proves that the idea exists, which contradicts your denials. Whether you want to believe it or not, there are a number of blacks out there who subscribe to this Melanin Theory idea and think the black race is superior. This is a fact.

So who on this board said this to you? That's right, no one did.

Look, buddy, you got caught in a lie, I even gave you an out by letting you blame Paul Essen (who is a crazy person), and you didn't even take that.
Dunno...I'm white, and have never been shy about expressing how, "I really feel".
I also can't really think of any one incident where being around Blacks has led to trouble because of their ..errr...blackness~

OTOH...I avoid rednecks and loud irritating people of all colors..because they bring trouble.
I bet you won't go to Afghanistan and express how you feel about gays to the Muslims. I bet you won't even condemn Muslims at all even here on their stance on gays and how they should and are summarily executed around the world. I bet you won't brave BOY.

Well, go ahead. Let's see your "brave ass" do it. We are all waiting to see that "bravery" from your pathetic display.

Oh, that's right. You would never go outside your group think you loser. How brave you are to go along with what's popular.

I bet you won't go to Afghanistan and express how you feel about gays to the Muslims. I bet you won't even condemn Muslims at all even here on their stance on gays and how they should and are summarily executed around the world. I bet you won't brave BOY.

That's why I'm glad I don't live in Afghanistan. The problem is people like you want to make us like Afghanistan, and that's the problem.
So who on this board said this to you? That's right, no one did.

Just won't let go willya?
Look, buddy, you got caught in a lie, I even gave you an out by letting you blame Paul Essen (who is a crazy person), and you didn't even take that.

Because it wasn't him you fucking moron.

I told you, I'm not dropping any names. I wouldn't do so unless he was here in this discussion to represent himself. But alas, he is not.

That is proper forum etiquette and ethics. Two things you apparently know nothing about.

I won't tell you who it is but I can say I haven't seen him in a while. In fact, after doing a quick check, I see that he hasn't posted anything since May of last year.

Take that for whatever it's worth to you but that's all you're getting.
Just won't let go willya?
Nope, I got you well and screwed, and I'm having fun with it.
Because it wasn't him you fucking moron.
It wasn't anyone, you made it up hoping I won't call you on it.
I told you, I'm not dropping any names. I wouldn't do so unless he was here in this discussion to represent himself. But alas, he is not.

Wait, wait, it was Harvey the Rabbit.


I won't tell you who it is but I can say I haven't seen him in a while. In fact, after doing a quick check, I see that he hasn't posted anything since May of last year.

So you will do a quick check of the last time he posted, but you won't do a check of what he supposedly said.
Nope, I got you well and screwed, and I'm having fun with it.

This is why I didn't bother.

There are four reasons I didn't tell you the name or give you a link:

1.) Ethics. It's not right to drop a name or make an allegation when the person is not here to represent him/herself.

2.) It wouldn't have made a difference to you because you would simply deflect to white fragility, white supremacy or institutional authority.

3.) It was too long ago and there are too many discussions with too many posts to sift through all that shit.

4.) You're simply not worth the effort.
It wasn't anyone, you made it up hoping I won't call you on it.

I just proved to you that there is an Afrocentric movement out there that sees blacks as superior. Why is it so hard for you to believe that a poster here would subscribe to it?

So you will do a quick check of the last time he posted, but you won't do a check of what he supposedly said.

It takes two minutes to find that out dumbass. All you have to do is go to the profile page, click on "Postings" and the last post that person did is on the first page. In this case, May 29, 2022. I'll even give you the last discussion he was in: Dropbox is Hiring: Whites need Not Apply.

Are you willfully ignorant or are you that fucking stupid?
So, the creator of Dilbert--pulls a Dilbert! LOL! Everyone knows to not trust a Rasmussen poll..don't they?

Scott Adams, the creator of the "Dilbert" cartoon strip which has been yanked from newspapers across the country due to his racist comments, has only himself to blame for his troubles because he relied on a highly dubious poll when he attacked Black Americans.
That is the opinion of Slate analyst Aymann Ismel who pointed out the Rasmussen poll that the controversial cartoonist used in his diatribe can, at best, be viewed as an attempt to troll non-conservatives. Instead it appears to have ended Adams' career.
Adams quickly lost his syndication deal and watched as newspapers lined up to pull his strip after posting a video where he claimed, "If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people—according to this poll, not according to me, that’s a hate group,” before advising his fans to “get the hell away from Black people.”
According to Ismel, "I cannot overemphasize how dumb it is that Scott finally filleted his reputation in full over a trolly Rasmussen poll. If you’re not familiar, Rasmussen is a right-leaning pollster that produces semi-mainstream polls but is noted for its murky methods and what the New York Times has called 'dubious sampling and weighting techniques.'"
He then added that Rasmussen has been coy about their methodology when it came to that poll.
"Rasmussen said 13 percent of poll respondents were Black, so about 130 people. If we take the results entirely at face value—which I’d discourage—that means it found about 34 Black people who answered 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' with the statement 'It’s OK to be white.' We have no more information about why. (Adams got to his figure by also including Black respondents who answered 'not sure.')"

According to the analyst, "Rasmussen apparently assumed its audience would be too stupid to know any of that, and in the case of Scott Adams, it was clearly right.
He apparently never learned not to shit where he eats.
Morons will be morons. :dunno:
This is why I didn't bother.

There are four reasons I didn't tell you the name or give you a link:

You lied.
You lied
you lied
you lied.

I just proved to you that there is an Afrocentric movement out there that sees blacks as superior. Why is it so hard for you to believe that a poster here would subscribe to it?
You proved that there's an Afrocentric movement, but everything else is your own baggage.

White fragility, everyone.


It takes two minutes to find that out dumbass. All you have to do is go to the profile page, click on "Postings" and the last post that person did is on the first page. In this case, May 29, 2022. I'll even give you the last discussion he was in: Dropbox is Hiring: Whites need Not Apply.

Ah, now I know who you are talking about, and your claims have even less credibility now. He was nowhere near IM2 and Paul Essen level crazy.
He apparently never learned not to shit where he eats.
Morons will be morons. :dunno:

I think it was more that he thought he was too important to follow the rules.

The rules of modern society is that you keep your bigotries to yourself because you SHOULD be ashamed of them.
You lied.
You lied
you lied
you lied.

As I said, you're not worth the trouble.

You proved that there's an Afrocentric movement, but everything else is your own baggage.

The Afrocentric Movement means there are blacks who think the black race is superior. That being the case, what fucking difference does it make at this point whether or not this guy said this to me if there are other blacks who believe it anyway? Has that simple deduction not occurred to you yet?
White fragility, everyone.

You're the one who got his panties in a twist over the cartoonist.

Just as I predicted.

Ah, now I know who you are talking about, and your claims have even less credibility now. He was nowhere near IM2 and Paul Essen level crazy.

And? He still said it.

You said you gave me a way out with Paul. If I was lying, why the fuck wouldn't I just say it was Paul? Or even IM2 for that matter?

A fifth grader could have figured this out. Critical thinking is definitely not your forte.

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