'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis

I mean, it would have been nice if the jury had heard him on tape wishing he could kill black people or chumming it up with the Proud Boys in a bar, or beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.

Why? none of that had anything to do with the violent felons who attacked him.
If their opinions and ideas about whites fall within the parameters of the dictionary definition then they are racist.

Remember, Superbad is the one who posted the definition, not me. And the definition says nothing about whites, blacks or institutional authority.

This means that a black person who thinks the black race is superior falls into definition #1.

And he's totally entitled to do so, but I'm not debating him here. Point stands, that if a black person doesn't have the institutional power to enforce his will, he can't be racist by definition.

Nice dodge attempt.

If you want to discuss racism then let’s discuss racism. But if all you’re going to do is play this silly numbers game then there’s no point continuing this discussion.

So you admit there are no blacks out there actually preaching black supremacy, unlike all the cockroaches who have crawled out of the woodwork in the Trump years.

For the record, I don’t think the white race is superior or that the black race is inferior.

This thinking contradicts everything we know about genetics and human nature.

Yet you support cops and vigilantes who shoot black people and other forms of white privilege.

Rozenkreutz doesn’t have a case because he had his own gun in his hand while grabbing at Rittenhouse.

This was something that came up in the trial and is part of the reason the prosecution failed.

We'll see. Rozenkreutz was a hero, trying to stop an active shooter. You know, the "good guy with a gun" you fetishists always scream about.

Just because Judge Senile screwed up the criminal case, doesn't mean when you get real civil lawyers who know what they are doing in there, you won't have a different result.

Meanwhile, Rittenhouse is hiding from being served.

Attorneys and private investigators for John Huber spent over 100 hours trying to locate Rittenhouse, tracking down addresses in seven states before they found the home of his mother and sister in Florida. The lawsuit was served on Rittenhouse’s sister, who said that he wasn’t home. Adelman said that was sufficient to qualify as being served.

Rittenhouse had argued that the case against him should be dismissed because he wasn’t properly served with the lawsuit. Adelman dismissed that, saying that Rittenhouse “is almost certainly evading service.”
After Judge Senile sandbagged their case, how could they?

I mean, it would have been nice if the jury had heard him on tape wishing he could kill black people or chumming it up with the Proud Boys in a bar, or beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.

Heck, it would be nice if the prosecutors were even allowed to call the people he shot 'victims".
My favorite Dallas Cowboy quarterback used to day “If ifs and buts were holiday nuts we’d all have a Merry Christmas”
The two men he murdered didn't come after him with a gun.
One attacker had a gun one attacker had a skate board using it as a weapon the 3rd attacker used his feet. So I ask you again I come at you with a gun or any kind of weapon and you have a gun and kill me is that murder?
One attacker had a gun one attacker had a skate board using it as a weapon the 3rd attacker used his feet. So I ask you again I come at you with a gun or any kind of weapon and you have a gun and kill me is that murder?

He shot the first guy in the back, wildly fired into the crowd to hit skateboard guy, and then and only then, shot a guy who pulled a gun trying to take him into custody.

Should have shot the little bastard.
He shot the first guy in the back, wildly fired into the crowd to hit skateboard guy, and then and only then, shot a guy who pulled a gun trying to take him into custody.

Should have shot the little bastard.

He shot the first guy in the back,

Only in the back?

wildly fired into the crowd to hit skateboard guy

Wildly? He shot at the skateboard moron once. Hit him. Once.

and then and only then, shot a guy who pulled a gun trying to take him into custody.

Lefty was trying to take him into custody? DURR.
And he's totally entitled to do so, but I'm not debating him here. Point stands, that if a black person doesn't have the institutional power to enforce his will, he can't be racist by definition.

By what definition? You did notice that the Webster’s definition that Superbad posted doesn’t say anything like this, right?
So you admit there are no blacks out there actually preaching black supremacy, unlike all the cockroaches who have crawled out of the woodwork in the Trump years.

That has nothing to do with what you said or my response. You repeated your tedious refrain about institutional authority. This is a stupid numbers game that does not address the question of whether or not blacks can be racist (ex.: a black person thinking the black race is superior.)

As I’ve said before, a black person told me on this forum that he thinks the black race is superior. By Webster’s definition, he is a racist.

Institutional authority is irrelevant. One does not need it to think one’s race is superior.
Yet you support cops and vigilantes who shoot black people and other forms of white privilege.

First of all, what vigilantes are you referring to? Secondly, do I support cops who shoot black people? Yes, if that black person is clearly a threat to the officer and others.

Not all cop shootings of blacks are justified and I recognize when they are not. If they are not then I simply let the law do its thing.

The disconnect here is that you are incapable of recognizing when they are justified.
We'll see. Rozenkreutz was a hero, trying to stop an active shooter. You know, the "good guy with a gun" you fetishists always scream about.

You vilified Rittenhouse for just being armed and yet Rozenkreutz was also armed and you call him a hero.

You’re a hypocrite.
Just because Judge Senile screwed up the criminal case, doesn't mean when you get real civil lawyers who know what they are doing in there, you won't have a different result.

Doesn’t matter. Rozenkreutz was armed, had his gun in his hand and pointed in Rittenhoue’s direction when he tried to grab him. Rittenhouse fired in self defense and I would have too.
Meanwhile, Rittenhouse is hiding from being served.

Good for him.
By what definition? You did notice that the Webster’s definition that Superbad posted doesn’t say anything like this, right?

That has nothing to do with what you said or my response. You repeated your tedious refrain about institutional authority. This is a stupid numbers game that does not address the question of whether or not blacks can be racist (ex.: a black person thinking the black race is superior.)

No, it's a major component. Racism only exists in a power culture that gives one race an advantage over another. Hence, black people can be prejudiced or even hateful, but they can't be racist because the institutions don't back up their hate or prejudice.

As I’ve said before, a black person told me on this forum that he thinks the black race is superior. By Webster’s definition, he is a racist.

Which black person was that? Was it Paul Essen, because that guy was mentally ill.

First of all, what vigilantes are you referring to? Secondly, do I support cops who shoot black people? Yes, if that black person is clearly a threat to the officer and others.

Not all cop shootings of blacks are justified and I recognize when they are not. If they are not then I simply let the law do its thing.

The disconnect here is that you are incapable of recognizing when they are justified.

Okay. You come after a cop with a gun, it's justified.

If you have your hands up, it isn't justified.
If you are already shot, and the cop plugs 15 more round into you when youare lying on the ground, it isn't justified.
If you are sitting in your home eating ice cream and a cop shoot you because she was too busy sending naughty messages to her boyfriend to realize what floor she was on, it isn't justified.
If you scream "I can't breathe when some thug has his knee on your neck, it isn't justified.

You vilified Rittenhouse for just being armed and yet Rozenkreutz was also armed and you call him a hero.
Who is Rozenkreutz?
Doesn’t matter. Rozenkreutz was armed, had his gun in his hand and pointed in Rittenhoue’s direction when he tried to grab him. Rittenhouse fired in self defense and I would have too.

I think you are confused. Grosskreutz was armed but hesitated in firing, but he was nowhere near Rittenhouse. Rosenbaum was in close proximity to him, when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

Good for him.
I guess... won't do him any good, he's still going to get creamed in civil court.

“So?”? So it means your definition of racism is incorrect.
No, it's a major component. Racism only exists in a power culture that gives one race an advantage over another. Hence, black people can be prejudiced or even hateful, but they can't be racist because the institutions don't back up their hate or prejudice.


Racism is, in its root definition, an idea, opinion or viewpoint. It is not an action.

Discrimination and oppression are actions that stem from racism. They are not, in and of themselves, racism.
Which black person was that? Was it Paul Essen, because that guy was mentally ill.

I’m not dropping names but no, it was not him.
Okay. You come after a cop with a gun, it's justified.

If you have your hands up, it isn't justified.
If you are already shot, and the cop plugs 15 more round into you when youare lying on the ground, it isn't justified.

No shit.
If you are sitting in your home eating ice cream and a cop shoot you because she was too busy sending naughty messages to her boyfriend to realize what floor she was on, it isn't justified.
If you scream "I can't breathe when some thug has his knee on your neck, it isn't justified.

Again, no shit. What’s your point?

I’m talking about justified shootings and your giving me examples of unjustified shootings as if I said they were.
Who is Rozenkreutz?

I think you are confused. Grosskreutz was armed but hesitated in firing, but he was nowhere near Rittenhouse. Rosenbaum was in close proximity to him, when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

I confused the two names.

But anyway, yes, Grosskreutz was near Rittenhouse. He was almost on top of Rittenhouse because he was trying to grab him. He had his gun in his left hand while grabbing at Rittenhouse with his right. That’s when Rittenhouse fired.

Yet another factoid you were not even aware of or you pretend didn’t happen.
I guess... won't do him any good, he's still going to get creamed in civil court.
We’ll see.

I don’t know what they expect to get out of him. I think this is just for show.
He was almost on top of Rittenhouse because he was trying to grab him. He had his gun in his left hand while grabbing at Rittenhouse with his right. That’s when Rittenhouse fired.

His gun was in his right hand. He pointed the gun at Rittenhouse. He was shot in the right bicep.
He shot the first guy in the back, wildly fired into the crowd to hit skateboard guy, and then and only then, shot a guy who pulled a gun trying to take him into custody.

Should have shot the little bastard.
He was being attacked the end now back to the dodge question you keep dodging
I come at you with a weapon but you have a gun and you kill me is that murder?
“So?”? So it means your definition of racism is incorrect.
No, it means it isn't one that supports your white fragility.

Racism is, in its root definition, an idea, opinion or viewpoint. It is not an action.

Discrimination and oppression are actions that stem from racism. They are not, in and of themselves, racism.
Except racism can't exist without the system of discrimination and oppression to back it up.
I’m not dropping names but no, it was not him.
Well, you go have conversations with your imaginary friends to feel better about your white fragility, then.
I confused the two names.

Can't really debate the issue with you if you don't have basic facts right.

I don’t know what they expect to get out of him. I think this is just for show.
Oh, I want him to be bankrupted for the rest of his life. I want his credit score to be so bad no one will ever hire him. I want him to be a pariah until he's an old man living on his sister's couch.
He was being attacked the end now back to the dodge question you keep dodging
I come at you with a weapon but you have a gun and you kill me is that murder?

No dodge. A gun was only pulled after he gunned down two unarmed men in the street.

If Grosskruetz had shot him, you'd be praising him as a good guy with a gun who took down an active shooter.
No dodge. A gun was only pulled after he gunned down two unarmed men in the street.

If Grosskruetz had shot him, you'd be praising him as a good guy with a gun who took down an active shooter.
A gun was pulled by a prohibited person he was being attacked by a mob.
Now I'm attacking you with a weapon you have a gun you kill me is it murder?
No, it means it isn't one that supports your white fragility.

Except racism can't exist without the system of discrimination and oppression to back it up.

Well, you go have conversations with your imaginary friends to feel better about your white fragility, then.

Can't really debate the issue with you if you don't have basic facts right.

Oh, I want him to be bankrupted for the rest of his life. I want his credit score to be so bad no one will ever hire him. I want him to be a pariah until he's an old man living on his sister's couch.
You have no facts so the debate was over before you stated. Anyone who claims self defense is murder is devoid of facts.
You support the good old boys of the party that created systematic racism. Your president authored the bill that imbedded it into our judicial system
No, it means it isn't one that supports your white fragility.

Except racism can't exist without the system of discrimination and oppression to back it up.

Well, you go have conversations with your imaginary friends to feel better about your white fragility, then.

Can't really debate the issue with you if you don't have basic facts right.

Oh, I want him to be bankrupted for the rest of his life. I want his credit score to be so bad no one will ever hire him. I want him to be a pariah until he's an old man living on his sister's couch.
No dodge. A gun was only pulled after he gunned down two unarmed men in the street.

If Grosskruetz had shot him, you'd be praising him as a good guy with a gun who took down an active shooter.

A gun was only pulled after he gunned down two unarmed men in the street.

You have any evidence that Lefty didn't pull his gun out until the violent felon
who assaulted Rittenhouse with his skateboard was drawing his last stupid breath?
There should be plenty of video and photographic evidence you can post.

I'll wait.

For you to run away again.
No, it means it isn't one that supports your white fragility.

You really need a new shtick and you’re nearly illiterate.
Except racism can't exist without the system of discrimination and oppression to back it up.

Bullshit. Racism exists in any person with racist ideas and viewpoints.
Well, you go have conversations with your imaginary friends to feel better about your white fragility, then.

Yup, exactly what I expected.

You never answer any of my questions except by deflection and then when you ask me for a name, thus asking me to violate basic ethics and board ettiquette and you don’t get it, you stamp your feet and call me a liar.

Jesus what a fucking child you are.
Can't really debate the issue with you if you don't have basic facts right.

Says the idiot who never knows all the facts.
Oh, I want him to be bankrupted for the rest of his life. I want his credit score to be so bad no one will ever hire him. I want him to be a pariah until he's an old man living on his sister's couch.

Sounds like you hope he becomes like you.
You never answer any of my questions except by deflection and then when you ask me for a name, thus asking me to violate basic ethics and board ettiquette and you don’t get it, you stamp your feet and call me a liar.

If you had such a conversation, you'd have no problem linking to it.

Says the idiot who never knows all the facts.

Hey, just being real. When Rittenhouse and Kenosha get into civil court, they are SCREWED.
If you had such a conversation, you'd have no problem linking to it.

It was like two years ago, dumbass. I wasn’t about to try digging that shit up.

I don’t know why you care since you would just repeat that white fragility sputum.
Hey, just being real. When Rittenhouse and Kenosha get into civil court, they are SCREWED.

We’ll see. But you still never know all the facts.

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