'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis

There’s no such thing as ‘woke’ as misrepresented and lied about by conservatives.

And that Adams can afford to be a racist isn’t the point – newspapers don’t want to be associated with and facilitate racism and hate.

Private news reporting entities, as is the case with private society in general, are at liberty to determine what speech is appropriate and to condemn the racism as exhibited by Adams, as intended by the Framers.

The "Dilbert" comic strip isn't racist however, even if the creator might be.

Would you cancel Ford, just because the innovator Henry Ford, was a notable anti-semite? Would you cancel Coca Cola, just because the innovator was a top confederate.

Cancelling entire brands just because you don't approve of the individual behind it is sort of stupid in my view.
Who'd want it?


People who enjoy his comics/writing.
The "Dilbert" comic strip isn't racist however, even if the creator might be.

Would you cancel Ford, just because the innovator Henry Ford, was a notable anti-semite? Would you cancel Coca Cola, just because the innovator was a top confederate.

Cancelling entire brands just because you don't approve of the individual behind it is sort of stupid in my view.
These hateful woke Libtards can never watch Office Space because it was inspired by Dilbert. One of the funnest movies ever made.
I guess... so I don't know why he blew that up for his need for attention, exactly.

He could have had a sweet life.

The problem of course, is that Dilbert has been on the decline for a long time. It's just not as edgy as it was 20 years ago when it personified the frustrations of all of us working in offices.
Who do you hate the most Moon Bat?

Is it Kyle Rittenhouse or Scott Adams? Because every time either one of them are discussed you spew your Leftest hate.

Hate runs deep within you. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Would you cancel Ford, just because the innovator Henry Ford, was a notable anti-semite? Would you cancel Coca Cola, just because the innovator was a top confederate.

Cancelling entire brands just because you don't approve of the individual behind it is sort of stupid in my view.
AAAACCCK! Don't give them ideas! They're already re-naming all the Army bases and tearing down statues.
Well, you can still get the Dilbert cartoon. Turns out my husband goes to the Scott Adams website every morning as part of his wake-up. He says the cartoons have been coming out as normal.
Ah, this again.

Ah, what again?
While I suspect there are a lot of black people who do resent white folks, most of them don't think they are "superior".
First of all, I didn’t post this, Superbadbruthah did. I simply made sure he understood the different contexts and nuances.

Secondly, irrelevant. It doesn’t matter how many blacks think their race is superior. If one thinks they are then, by this definition they are racist. And some do.

Kind of hard to think of yourself as superior when you are systematically discriminated against by the majority.

Again, irrelevant. Some blacks think the black race is superior in spite of any discrimination or racism against them. In fact, as you well know, some blacks (and not a few whites) believe blacks can’t be racist so they feel they are superior in that respect.
People who enjoy his comics/writing.
I guess. But I don't see any publisher reprinting those cute Dilbert calendars that used to be ubiquitous in every office. Or anyone proudly displaying one in their cubicle.

The thing was, Dilbert stopped being funny about 10 years ago. He just kept recycling the same jokes.

Where was the racism/hate in his comments? Be specific.
The part where he bragged about getting away from Black people and said white people should have nothing to do with them because of a bullshit poll.
First of all, I didn’t post this, Superbadbruthah did. I simply made sure he understood the different contexts and nuances.

Secondly, irrelevant. It doesn’t matter how many blacks think their race is superior. If one thinks they are then, by this definition they are racist. And some do.

Except they don't have the institutional power to deny white people jobs, or pull them over for frivolous traffic violations, or anything like that.

They can be prejudiced, but they can't be racist.

Again, irrelevant. Some blacks think the black race is superior in spite of any discrimination or racism against them. In fact, as you well know, some blacks (and not a few whites) believe blacks can’t be racist so they feel they are superior in that respect.

Really? Who are these blacks, exactly? I mean other than complete loons like Farakhan?
I mean, I'm sure you are wetting your bed about them.
Who do you hate the most Moon Bat?

Is it Kyle Rittenhouse or Scott Adams? Because every time either one of them are discussed you spew your Leftest hate.

Oh, easily Rittenhouse. He murdered two people. Now he's dodging summons because he knows he's going to get creamed in civil court, and all the loons who used to send him money aren't anymore.
AAAACCCK! Don't give them ideas! They're already re-naming all the Army bases and tearing down statues.
Yes, it's glorious. Why we ever made statues or named bases after racist traitors is the important question.
Well, you can still get the Dilbert cartoon. Turns out my husband goes to the Scott Adams website every morning as part of his wake-up. He says the cartoons have been coming out as normal.
And I'm sure they will for a while.
But at some point, no one is going to care.

In fact, people stopped caring about Dilbert some time ago. It struck a chord back in the 1990's when we all worked in Cubicle Hell...but today, not so much.
Good illustration of the double standard. If a black cartoonist said what Adams said, but about white people, he would never receive 1% the backlash.

Probably not. Self-segregation wouldn't be as controversial as forced segregation.
Well, in the US how many slave owners were black?
How many white people today have ever owned a slave? Or their parents? Or great-grand parents?

I’m Irish-American. The English oppressed, starved and killed my ancestors a couple hundred years ago. Which is just as “recent” as slavery in America.

Yes, it was bad, yes, teach it in history. But that’s just what it is. History.
How many white people today have ever owned a slave? Or their parents? Or great-grand parents?

I’m Irish-American. The English oppressed, starved and killed my ancestors a couple hundred years ago. Which is just as “recent” as slavery in America.

Yes, it was bad, yes, teach it in history. But that’s just what it is. History.

Here's the major difference.

While Irish Americans did suffer oppression, they came here voluntarily, and within a few generations, were accepted.

Blacks, on the other hand, are still being pulled over for DWB's, still being discriminated against for jobs, etc.
How many white people today have ever owned a slave? Or their parents? Or great-grand parents?

I’m Irish-American. The English oppressed, starved and killed my ancestors a couple hundred years ago. Which is just as “recent” as slavery in America.

Yes, it was bad, yes, teach it in history. But that’s just what it is. History.

Yes, it's History.

However it's not all History.
Blacks were part of slavery. Then they banned slavery, so they put segregation in place. Then they banned segregation, and we're talking in the life time of people still alive, and yet the racists still carried on putting black people down. Now giving them good jobs, not letting them live in good areas and access better education and the like.

A lot of black people don't trust white people in power, for that very reason. It hasn't happened, as far as I know, where black people have got into power and have systematically favored black people over white people.

This isn't History, this is now.
So, the creator of Dilbert--pulls a Dilbert! LOL! Everyone knows to not trust a Rasmussen poll..don't they?

Scott Adams, the creator of the "Dilbert" cartoon strip which has been yanked from newspapers across the country due to his racist comments, has only himself to blame for his troubles because he relied on a highly dubious poll when he attacked Black Americans.
That is the opinion of Slate analyst Aymann Ismel who pointed out the Rasmussen poll that the controversial cartoonist used in his diatribe can, at best, be viewed as an attempt to troll non-conservatives. Instead it appears to have ended Adams' career.
Adams quickly lost his syndication deal and watched as newspapers lined up to pull his strip after posting a video where he claimed, "If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people—according to this poll, not according to me, that’s a hate group,” before advising his fans to “get the hell away from Black people.”
According to Ismel, "I cannot overemphasize how dumb it is that Scott finally filleted his reputation in full over a trolly Rasmussen poll. If you’re not familiar, Rasmussen is a right-leaning pollster that produces semi-mainstream polls but is noted for its murky methods and what the New York Times has called 'dubious sampling and weighting techniques.'"
He then added that Rasmussen has been coy about their methodology when it came to that poll.
"Rasmussen said 13 percent of poll respondents were Black, so about 130 people. If we take the results entirely at face value—which I’d discourage—that means it found about 34 Black people who answered 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' with the statement 'It’s OK to be white.' We have no more information about why. (Adams got to his figure by also including Black respondents who answered 'not sure.')"

According to the analyst, "Rasmussen apparently assumed its audience would be too stupid to know any of that, and in the case of Scott Adams, it was clearly right.
/----/ Libtard Moonbats get bent over a cartoon they don't like.
Here's another one for ya, Spanky:

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