'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis

Evidently, it is just fine that a sizeable percentage of the black community is virulently racist against white people, but absolutely not fine that a white person would be offended by that and encourage people to take precautions in light of these attitudes.

Again, the better question is, why is your fragility so high that you need affirmations like "It's okay to be white".
In case you didn’t notice, the definition of the word is laid out in two parts and two subparts. What this means is that, if one’s beliefs or racial viewpoints fall within the first definition:

“: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.”:

that alone is considered racism.

In other words, systemic oppression is not required for one to be racist.

Ah, this again.

While I suspect there are a lot of black people who do resent white folks, most of them don't think they are "superior". Kind of hard to think of yourself as superior when you are systematically discriminated against by the majority.
With 75 million you can tell the world to go sit and spin if they don't like it ...

I guess.

The question is, did he want to be remembered as that guy who developed a cute comic strip that hit a chord like Charles Schulz or Garry Trudeau.

Or the guy who blew up his career by being a racist douchenoodle.
Mr. Adams is a senior citizen and incredibly wealthy.

I really don't think he is losing any sleep over any of this.

The great thing about being rich is that you don't have to worry about the wokesters canceling you.
Scott is worth $75 million and very little of his yearly income comes from his daily cartoons. He has several other business interest. He will be getting substantial royalties from his books the rest of his life even if he never does another cartoon. I suspect he will find a way to turn this hate from the filthy Left into a profit.

He is not stupid by any stretch of the imagination.

Wokeness destroys a lot of things. It is a mental sickness of the Left and it is a destructive force.

Liberals are the scum of this country.

Mr. Adams is a senior citizen and incredibly wealthy.

I really don't think he is losing any sleep over any of this.

The great thing about being rich is that you don't have to worry about the wokesters canceling you.
Newspapers cancelled him. I hate the NRA and their partner organization, the KKK. Am I a "wokester"?
So, the creator of Dilbert--pulls a Dilbert! LOL! Everyone knows to not trust a Rasmussen poll..don't they?

Scott Adams, the creator of the "Dilbert" cartoon strip which has been yanked from newspapers across the country due to his racist comments, has only himself to blame for his troubles because he relied on a highly dubious poll when he attacked Black Americans.
That is the opinion of Slate analyst Aymann Ismel who pointed out the Rasmussen poll that the controversial cartoonist used in his diatribe can, at best, be viewed as an attempt to troll non-conservatives. Instead it appears to have ended Adams' career.
Adams quickly lost his syndication deal and watched as newspapers lined up to pull his strip after posting a video where he claimed, "If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people—according to this poll, not according to me, that’s a hate group,” before advising his fans to “get the hell away from Black people.”
According to Ismel, "I cannot overemphasize how dumb it is that Scott finally filleted his reputation in full over a trolly Rasmussen poll. If you’re not familiar, Rasmussen is a right-leaning pollster that produces semi-mainstream polls but is noted for its murky methods and what the New York Times has called 'dubious sampling and weighting techniques.'"
He then added that Rasmussen has been coy about their methodology when it came to that poll.
"Rasmussen said 13 percent of poll respondents were Black, so about 130 people. If we take the results entirely at face value—which I’d discourage—that means it found about 34 Black people who answered 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' with the statement 'It’s OK to be white.' We have no more information about why. (Adams got to his figure by also including Black respondents who answered 'not sure.')"

According to the analyst, "Rasmussen apparently assumed its audience would be too stupid to know any of that, and in the case of Scott Adams, it was clearly right.
Yes, well said: Rasmussen The Wrong. Polls are all lies --- they're supposed to be, for propaganda.

People, this is 2023, and the next two years are going to be one hell of false polls. I learned from 2016 nevernevernever to believe a word of polls, indeed to stop reading any article containing the word "poll." The fewer polls base threads here, the better, IMO.
Scott is worth $75 million and very little of his yearly income comes from his daily cartoons. He has several other business interest. He will be getting substantial royalties from his books the rest of his life even if he never does another cartoon. I suspect he will find a way to turn this hate from the filthy Left into a profit.

Well, no, he won't if no one buys those books anymore. You know the bookstores are taking them off the shelves and his publisher isn't going to run new editions.

Wokeness destroys a lot of things. It is a mental sickness of the Left and it is a destructive force.

Liberals are the scum of this country.

Uh, yes, I'm sure that it must be very sad for you to constantly have to self-edit dealing with real people, only truly able to be yourself behinds a fake screen name.
Odd..that one could become the 'darling' of the Right..by being overtly racist
He spoke the truth. A truth that many folks don’t like to hear; but a truth all the same.

I already own many of his Dilbert collections. I’ll be buying the rest soon and definitely financially supporting whatever future endeavors he chooses to pursue.
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Well, no, he won't if no one buys those books anymore. You know the bookstores are taking them off the shelves and his publisher isn't going to run new editions.
Your hate says that nobody will will ever buy his books again but as usual you are wrong. Only shitheads like you get your panties in a wad over wokeness.

Scott is a lot more successful than you will ever hope to be. He will live his life as a rich man and you are living your pathetic Moon Bat hate filled piece of of shit life.
The poll had absolutely nothing to do w/what he did.

That racist was fishing for some excuse to share what was already in his heart.

True, the constant attacks on whites and Asians by blacks may have had something to do with it too.
Your hate says that nobody will will ever buy his books again but as usual you are wrong. Only shitheads like you get your panties in a wad over wokeness.

Scott is a lot more successful than you will ever hope to be. He will live his life as a rich man and you are living your pathetic Moon Bat hate filled piece of of shit life.

I guess... so I don't know why he blew that up for his need for attention, exactly.

He could have had a sweet life.

The problem of course, is that Dilbert has been on the decline for a long time. It's just not as edgy as it was 20 years ago when it personified the frustrations of all of us working in offices.


Something I've noticed is that all these cartoons satirizing Dilbert's demise still have him the way he was drawn 10 years go. They stopped drawing him with a white shirt and tie about ten years ago and drew him with a polo shirt and ID tag.
Mr. Adams is a senior citizen and incredibly wealthy.

I really don't think he is losing any sleep over any of this.

The great thing about being rich is that you don't have to worry about the wokesters canceling you.
There’s no such thing as ‘woke’ as misrepresented and lied about by conservatives.

And that Adams can afford to be a racist isn’t the point – newspapers don’t want to be associated with and facilitate racism and hate.

Private news reporting entities, as is the case with private society in general, are at liberty to determine what speech is appropriate and to condemn the racism as exhibited by Adams, as intended by the Framers.
How many people on this board would feel comfortable walking down a city street with a black male who was walking behind you?

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